
There are about dozen girls that require guys to do reviews on the spot.

Several HDHs too. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
OP, you offered to pay full price.
Kimber, you gave OP option of paying full price.
Did the session take place?

Kimber, all you wanted to verify were in the review were the activities.
I see nothing wrong with that.

Hell, I'll bring a legal pad and pen, we can scribble the activities in real time, maybe.

I do understand your wanting to make sure a review was done when you gave the discount. There are lots of lying fucks on here that will get the discount, then not keep up their end of the bargain. I agree with OBSG, give a discount on the next session.
Or you could even paypal the discount back to your client.

I've had one too many beers, remind me why did OP start the thread?
Oh yeah, I think he felt the review req was sprung on him late in the game.
I can see that being an issue. Originally Posted by txman123
Session never took place. There was no experience besides phone communication via text (briefly) just to be clear it wasn't so much to verify activities, more like help remind clients what activities took place. As alot of activities are left out. Time fly's. You know 😸
I personally have never had this issue pop up with being asked to write a review on the spot. To be honest I normally don't have that kind of time when I'm sneaking out on my lunch break. However....I write reviews all the time so getting a review special has never been an issue. To Kimber and any ladies reading this, if you are going to offer a review special and make sure that mofo actually writes reviews! I have heard ladies getting screwed and getting taken advantage of for the lower rate and then not getting the review. Possibly the reason why Kimber has this rule in the first place.
TinMan's Avatar
You say you're going to change your policy, so this is a moot point as far as you're concerned. If a woman asked me to bring my computer or phone to the incall with me I would consider that akin to asking me to bring my wallet. Hobbyists are advised early on not to bring anything to the session except car keys and the donation. Many of us have suffered the consequences of bringing valuables to the session, only to have them disappear (usually with the not so pleasant entry of a third party).

I'm glad you're changing your policy. I'm not in the habit of telling a woman how to run her business, since it's not mine, but asking a guy to bring his computer to the session is just wrong.
I personally have never had this issue pop up with being asked to write a review on the spot. To be honest I normally don't have that kind of time when I'm sneaking out on my lunch break. However....I write reviews all the time so getting a review special has never been an issue. To Kimber and any ladies reading this, if you are going to offer a review special and make sure that mofo actually writes reviews! I have heard ladies getting screwed and getting taken advantage of for the lower rate and then not getting the review. Possibly the reason why Kimber has this rule in the first place. Originally Posted by txboi817
My point exactly. I know I'm not the only provider that has issues with this and you gentlemen know who are bad apples and who are team players. Like someone posted on a thread before. There's two type of hobbyist. The hobbyist that love fucking and love women and the hobbyist that love fucking and hate women. Sad but true.

As I did more homework on certain hobbyist. I'm not the only No review one guy did. I don't know about any other providers but when I see back to back No reviews it's a red flag for that guy being an asshole. Its not good attention for both parties. In my opinion my No review wasn't No worthy because my ad states SAME DAY REVIEW but I'll take the good with the bad because all this has really weaved out sorry guys who are out to get over some type of way using the troll technique vs honest, respectful guys with integrity and have no reason to sabatoge someone (me) who is only doing their job.

Btw there has been a few gentleman I have seen that didn't have time to write the review in my room. They told me they would write the review within 24 hrs and did just that. Hats off to the gentlemen who know that your word is everything. Yes even on a whore board lol
This is an interesting talking point. This is the provider's business and she could require you to stand on your head reciting poetry for a $50 discount. It would be up to the customer to accept or decline. The important part is that both parties are aware of the requirement ahead of time.

I've never been asked to write the review while in the presence of the provider. I'm not 100% how that would work. Would I use your laptop and just make sure to sign out? It would take me an hour to write a review on my phone. I still think it's the provider's business and she can do what she likes as long as both people are aware of the rules to receive the discount.

I also think that if a provider wants a review written in her presence after the session, that she probably provides a pretty damn good time and isn't worried about an unhappy customer.

As far as provider reading a review? It's my review and I can share the details of MY review with anybody I choose to. Originally Posted by L.A.

Well said! Keep in mind however:

It IS your review of *private and *intimate time between you and said lady. Thousands pay (providers/membership fees)money to gain access to read about the intimate details between you two. Neither of you rake up revenue directly from said membership rates and their access granted to read your intimate encounter.

Just a thought to let marinate in - not a coup d'état
You say you're going to change your policy, so this is a moot point as far as you're concerned. If a woman asked me to bring my computer or phone to the incall with me I would consider that akin to asking me to bring my wallet. Hobbyists are advised early on not to bring anything to the session except car keys and the donation. Many of us have suffered the consequences of bringing valuables to the session, only to have them disappear (usually with the not so pleasant entry of a third party).

I'm glad you're changing your policy. I'm not in the habit of telling a woman how to run her business, since it's not mine, but asking a guy to bring his computer to the session is just wrong. Originally Posted by TinMan
That's understandable. I realize you fellas go through alot too. There's many risks taken on both ends. I have heard different stories and No most clients don't like bringing their own laptop and especially don't like writing a review on their phone but many have done so anyways. I'm thankful for those who took a chance with me. Even though my logics seem "retarded" to some.

I don't expect anyone to believe me but you all shall see within time. No 3rd parties hiding in my bathroom. I am a hard worker and love to give and receive. I'm not out to scheme and scam and consider myself strong minded and Independent. No need for managers. No tattoos at all. So now pimp brandings ha ha.

But Yes. I have changed my policy just to save the extra headaches..
CG2014's Avatar
Like half of the replies in here is by her replying one after another to herself.

TinMan's Avatar
If I'm reading #35 correctly, it sounds like it hasn't been your practice to universally ask all clients to write their reviews at your place, but selectively if you don't feel confident that the guy will do what he has committed to do. That's a bit more understandable, just like a higher level of screening is in order if a guy with no history wants to see you.

When I see a girl with a "discount with same-day review" I do ask if I can be given a day or two to follow through on my end of the commitment. I'm a busy guy, and sometimes I can't carve out the time to get a review posted on the same day. I've yet to be denied that request, and I always follow through on my commitment.

So, l if I'm going to be afforded some leeway on timing of a review, I can see how a lady would want to reserve the right to place more conditions on certain clients that she perceives to be riskier when it comes to that part of the transaction.

Thanks for being patient in responding to the posts in this thread, Kimber. It's been an interesting topic that I've not seen addressed in quite this manner. I learn something new every day!
This is an interesting talking point. This is the provider's business and she could require you to stand on your head reciting poetry for a $50 discount. It would be up to the customer to accept or decline. The important part is that both parties are aware of the requirement ahead of time.

I've never been asked to write the review while in the presence of the provider. I'm not 100% how that would work. Would I use your laptop and just make sure to sign out? It would take me an hour to write a review on my phone. I still think it's the provider's business and she can do what she likes as long as both people are aware of the rules to receive the discount.

I also think that if a provider wants a review written in her presence after the session, that she probably provides a pretty damn good time and isn't worried about an unhappy customer.

As far as provider reading a review? It's my review and I can share the details of MY review with anybody I choose to. Originally Posted by L.A.

To answer your question. I would require my clients to write the review on their laptop or phone (which sucks. I know) Yes. It's very time consuming. Well written reviews anyways.

As far as reading/editing or even a client using my laptop. All that has been taken out of context based on questions random people have asked since this thread has been started. The OP who made this thread didn't even state those claims neither did the hobbyist who wrote my No review can say any of those things about me. These men are upset because they don't like my policy's. It's not about me reading my review. That's not neccesary. As I have stated before I only read the review after it is up which I have clients send me the link to the review and I cannot see what is written in the ROS. Some briefly mention what hey put and some don't..
It is totally wrong that a provider tells you that you have to write the review of her right after the session and before you leave. That is ridiculous. If a provider told me that before the session started, I would immediately cancel, or put that in her ad, I would move to the next ad.

There is one VERY popular provider on here, who advertises, ect. who actually tells clients that they have to have her approval for even writing a review of her.

No provider is going to tell me when or how to do my review, or if I had a less than stellar time, tell me not to do a review so she can save face. Fuck that.
If I'm reading #35 correctly, it sounds like it hasn't been your practice to universally ask all clients to write their reviews at your place, but selectively if you don't feel confident that the guy will do what he has committed to do. That's a bit more understandable, just like a higher level of screening is in order if a guy with no history wants to see you.

When I see a girl with a "discount with same-day review" I do ask if I can be given a day or two to follow through on my end of the commitment. I'm a busy guy, and sometimes I can't carve out the time to get a review posted on the same day. I've yet to be denied that request, and I always follow through on my commitment.

So, l if I'm going to be afforded some leeway on timing of a review, I can see how a lady would want to reserve the right to place more conditions on certain clients that she perceives to be riskier when it comes to that part of the transaction.

Thanks for being patient in responding to the posts in this thread, Kimber. It's been an interesting topic that I've not seen addressed in quite this manner. I learn something new every day! Originally Posted by TinMan
Ha ha. Same here TinMan. Keep in mind that it's vital to learn something new everyday. The man who knows something knows that he knows nothing at all..

For the most part I require clients to write the review in my room before leaving which actually gives them more time to spend with me and most enjoy that. I also accommodate them with wine or water while they are writing but for those who can't stay, but there are those who have gave me their word to write the review the same day and have then again some haven't. Yes stealing and living is wrong but at the end it's their loss!
I hope I answered everyone's questions. I know I did for the most part for the gentlemen who actually read before commenting. I'm going to get back to the hobby and Starbucks Chai Latte Tea. It has been a pleasure chatting with you. Please excuse the drama. As I did not ask to be on this thread ha ha. Anyone have any more questions for me or concerns PM me. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Can you post an ass pic before you leave? Pretty please?
And of those magnificent tatas.