GREEK... Y vs.N

gladius82's Avatar
I enjoy Greek every now and then but not offering it won't stop me from seeing a good provider. I say offer it ONLY if you enjoy it and make sure it is understood to be your option....some clients might simply be too big or too rough for it to be pleasurable for you. BTW if you add it to your menu....PM me.
PM me if you add it to your menu.

It only hurts if the guy moves too fast....guys have to give the anus muscles time to relax.

Then size, nor pain will be an issue.

For the people that thinks it always is painful, Think about the large turds that some people have made in life, did it hurt to take a shit or was it a different type of sensation?

Only way to know if a person likes something is to try it several times before making a decision...think about it
dtx/tn's Avatar
Hi, I am still a newbie on ECCIE my name is Brooke Fox ..... I have been thinking about adding GREEK to my menu .
If I decide yes on this what do most charge extra and how many of you Johns would rather see a provider that offers GREEK?!?! Originally Posted by Brooke Fox
Did this make anyone else cringe?

As for the question at hand, I get many on both sides of the equation both like and love greek but I have never gotten my jimmies rustled over it. I once had a FWB that would O from it and preferred it over, um , the more traditional form of entry but it just never clicked on my side.

I guess the idea of the thing and the thing are different things in my simple world.
muffin101's Avatar

Charge +75 for first time Clients,

+50 for returning Clients,

no up charge for Clients with 5+ visits!!

Brooke Fox's Avatar
Thanks yall for the advice I do believe I will be adding Greek to my menu so definitely come and visit my showcase and send me a pm thank you lady's for the advice and please don't judge me because I said (johns) I am new to this sorry I don't know all the terminology .
pmdelites's Avatar
Thanks yall for the advice I do believe I will be adding Greek to my menu so defiantly come and visit my showcase and send me a pm thank you lady's for the advice and please don't judge me because I said (johns) I am new to this sorry I don't know all the terminology . Originally Posted by Brooke Fox
yipes!!! must have been auto-correct.
Phoenix Skye's Avatar
If Greek is offered you should do some research of how to prepare for it. It not only takes diet but it takes a cleansing of the colon to do it properly preventing UTI and yeast infections and you're out of commission for a week If it's worth doing do it the right way. If you really want to do it right follow the way they prepare for doing Greek in porn videos. It takes a few hours to prepare so figure in your prep. time. I do not charge extra but I do require a minimum of 2 hour session.
Sandsailor's Avatar
I like to have it on the menu as an option and the gals that know they enjoy it will get to the act more quickly. I am a little hesitant on a first time with a newbie, and tend to go with the experienced fixed fee for ..aahhemm, companionship.
daty/o's Avatar
and please don't judge me because I said (johns) I am new to this sorry I don't know all the terminology . Originally Posted by Brooke Fox
I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it, sweetie. The Hobby is no place for thin skin. Guys just don't like you using their real first name. I'm glad Trick is my middle name.
I charge +50 for Greek dinner
muffin101's Avatar
Hey Kelly,

Greek dinner?

Is that like DATO aka salad-tossing?
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Personally, the thought of dipping my dick into a hole lined in shit residue...Pretty fucking gross.
I have more respect for my cock than that. Then again ...I was my hands BEFORE I piss.

I dont see the point. Unless you either like the smell of fecal matter, have a dominance complex (you know the type) or just need something tight enough to grip a tiny pecker.

I have only once found a pussy so big that it wasn't snug enough to do the trick. That freak had also just been fisted by these mitts ( her request). Took a blow job to get that over with.

Point is... offer it if you want. I promise I won't be the one wrecking it.

Good luck. Originally Posted by UB9IB6

Couldn't have said it better myself. All one has to do is work in an endoscopy lab once (when I was much younger) to see that is nasty. But to each his/her own.
Not judging!
Btw....I thought I was the ONLY one who washed my hands before and after taking a leak.
MD_4_HotFun's Avatar
Brooke, you are gorgeous and fucking your ass would be hot with or without an extra donation.
pmdelites's Avatar
just in case some of you might have misunderstood my posting ...

Originally Posted by Brooke Fox:
Thanks yall for the advice I do believe I will be adding Greek to my menu so defiantly come and visit my showcase and send me a pm thank you lady's for the advice and please don't judge me because I said (johns) I am new to this sorry I don't know all the terminology .
yipes!!! must have been auto-correct.
(in reference to "defiantly") Originally Posted by pmdelites
Revised posting by Brooke Fox: ===> she corrected the spelling of "defiantly" to "definitely"
Thanks yall for the advice I do believe I will be adding Greek to my menu so definitely come and visit my showcase and send me a pm thank you lady's for the advice and please don't judge me because I said (johns) I am new to this sorry I don't know all the terminology .
whitechocolate's Avatar
Speaking to Brooke, she is very excited about being turned on and turning on lots of guys with Greek. Since she is a greek virgin, need to take it slow and gentle