Kosher understands, its why I'll watch both. Both have agendas, CNN I enjoy too.
I am curious ( not in a konfrontational way) which news source you consider to be accurate, more facts than fabrications, equal coverage to both sides and so on?? What truly is the best ' source' out there to pull these unskewed facts from?
Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
I generally don't trust the big news sources if there's a better place to go, and I if I do use one of them, I always make a concerted effort to back up any position I am defending with multiple sources. I'll usually try and post the least biased I can find, unless I am just trying to make a quick point. You'll notice most of what I do post is the source organization for whatever it is. I actually like Wikipedia too, mostly because the information there is policed by everyone and is for the most part citable. As for news sources, I would say your big two, MSNBC and Fox are the most biased, and everyone else tries to present a balanced picture, though they don't always succeed. I am sometimes shocked at just how biased some legitimate news sources can be. Case in point is something Billy posted in another thread recently:
You'd would expect the Wall Street Journal to be a little right bent, but notice how they wrote this particular article...trying to scare everyone in to believeing the big bad Obama demon is coming to tax everyone to death! If you've ever read the healthcare bill in detail, you know as I responded, that most of those miniscule percentage of taxes are being placed on less than 2% of the population and foriegn importers of medical devices. They managed to skip over people who tan for some reason, who are also being taxed for this healthcare legislation.
"so many middle-class families will soon be considered rich", the author says when referring to households making over $250k a year. Reallity is that less than 1.5% of American households pull in that kind of dough. Bet Joe the Plumber is pissed off after reading it though, mainly because Joe can't be bothered to look elsewhere for the facts. And of course Joe can only dream of ever hauling in that much cash a year.
I encourage people to try and prove anything I post as inaccurate or untruthful. Being wrong is always a great learning opportunity, and I welcome the challenge! I think people have a tendency to read me wrong in these forums. You wouldn't guess it from most of my posts, but I am not an Obama supporter. I simply am forced to go where the facts lead me. He wouldn't get my vote today against just about any socially liberal candidate, and I would be happy to vote Republican if Abe Lincoln were to rise from the grave. I've said in previous posts I don't even consider Obama a liberal or a Democrat. If anything, he's a moderate Republican and big compromising pussy. However, I don't let my personal opinion of him cloud my judgement, and it certainly doesn't change the facts.
Guess I am just rambling now....