Hillary's problem with male voters.

You're paying for whooores, just the same as the rest of us, dumbass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sort of. I'll meet types that I wouldn't ordinarily meet in my normal circle of contacts. Why pay for something, I could do for free is pointless.

Am I to understand that you and NBK may share some certain proclivities? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm already on record in this very thread as choosing Carly, so go fuck a duck you ingrown butt hair.
Sort of. I'll meet types that I wouldn't ordinarily meet in my normal circle of contacts. Why pay for something, I could do for free is pointless.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Please, you old fucking piece of shit. You ain't getting no honeys to wet your dick for free. Pussy ain't free. You're either paying up front or you're paying over time, but you're always paying. Don't kid yourself.
Please, you old fucking piece of shit. You ain't getting no honeys to wet your dick for free. Pussy ain't free. You're either paying up front or you're paying over time, but you're always paying. Don't kid yourself. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh certainly for you it isn't free. You also missed my point as well, talk about slow. So I guess I'll have to elaborate a little. Believe it or not it is possible to meet women out in public who aren't escorts, that will have sex with men they sense a connection with and are attracted to. They aren't looking for a "Donation" It may not always be the same night you meet them but most often soon after, that's known as dating. For me these women are of the same age, race and socioeconomic background to myself. The ones I would consider meeting on this site are not. I'll consider meeting them even though they require compensation, because I wouldn't ordinarily meet them and find them interesting. Got it now.

Men usually rate women on eye appeal, she and Carly have none. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Am I to understand that you and NBK may share some certain proclivities? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
See if you can understand it judy.
Oh certainly for you it isn't free. You also missed my point as well, talk about slow. So I guess I'll have to elaborate a little. Believe it or not it is possible to meet women out in public who aren't escorts, that will have sex with men they sense a connection with and are attracted to. They aren't looking for a "Donation" It may not always be the same night you meet them but most often soon after, that's known as dating. For me these women are of the same age, race and socioeconomic background to myself. The ones I would consider meeting on this site are not. I'll consider meeting them even though they require compensation, because I wouldn't ordinarily meet them and find them interesting. Got it now.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're an old, doddering fool. I already had that. They must love your tin foil hat.
You're an old, doddering fool. I already had that. They must love your tin foil hat. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You don't know shit. I've met more women by accident than your lame ass will ever pay for. What a grimace.

You don't know shit. I've met more women by accident than your lame ass will ever pay for. What a grimace.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Conveniently leave out the part about how unfortunate it was for the women in question.

What a grimace?
Conveniently leave out the part about how unfortunate it was for the women in question.

What a grimace? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Why would it be unfortunate for them stupid? That's why you're paying to meet women you have no game.

Why would it be unfortunate for them stupid? That's why you're paying to meet women you have no game.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You constantly accuse others of being slow and yet you are the slowest on the uptake motherfucker on here. It's unfortunate for the women you meet, dumbass, because... wait for it... you're a fucking shitbird. No game? GTFO. Take your 60-year old ass and go home, shitass.
Please, you old fucking piece of shit. You ain't getting no honeys to wet your dick for free. Pussy ain't free. You're either paying up front or you're paying over time, but you're always paying. Don't kid yourself. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So do you pay Big Sir up front or over time ? Do you extend "credit" to your pobre gente down at the 'holes so they can give you some ropey loads and pay for THAT over time ? Brings a whole new meaning to "lay away" ! Pobrecita outa y maricona !
You constantly accuse others of being slow and yet you are the slowest on the uptake motherfucker on here. It's unfortunate for the women you meet, dumbass, because... wait for it... you're a fucking shitbird. No game? GTFO. Take your 60-year old ass and go home, shitass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You definitely have no game. You're not even thirty yet and you're done. Destined to nothing but Backpage adds written by lonely women looking for desperate thick necked losers like yourself. You're a joke.

You definitely have no game. You're not even thirty yet and you're done. Destined to nothing but Backpage adds written by lonely women looking for desperate thick-dicked losers like yourself. You're a joke.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
FTFY, free of charge old timer. Destined 'for' nothing, not 'to'. Goddamn, you fucking bitches are stupid. You want me to believe your fucking inane rantings and you can't even construct a goddamn sentence correctly half the time. You are stupid. Very, very stupid. And the joke is in your pants, dickcheese.
FTFY, free of charge old timer. Destined 'for' nothing, not 'to'. Goddamn, you fucking bitches are stupid. You want me to believe your fucking inane rantings and you can't even construct a goddamn sentence correctly half the time. You are stupid. Very, very stupid. And the joke is in your pants, dickcheese. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Haha, just give it up. You have nothing left. Altering someone else's post proves it.

Haha, just give it up. You have nothing left. Altering someone else's post proves it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It proves you can't go two posts without making a fucking mistake that someone who graduated high school should ever make.