
I am thinking of a word, its on the tip of my tounge but I just cant get it, can anyone help it sounds like runt. Originally Posted by dirty dog

[choir of angels]
[/choir of angels]
but we in KC could have decided whether he should have stayed or left. But who in the hell thought it was a good idea to solve their issues this way??? Originally Posted by lakecat
With all due respect, LC, the flaw in your logic is there are few, if any, KC regulars who have the courage (myself included - up until now) to take on a moderator and face possible unfair treatment. I'm not proud that I displayed that fear, as the vast majority of this community has for some time now.

If we truly want to determine our own fate and challenge the type of behavior exhibited by fritz and one mule in the future, in our own community forums instead of elsewhere, by ourselves with no outside, fearless help, that would be the best tactic.

Do you bellieve we can do that? Can we stop looking through rose colored glasses at mods?
boardman's Avatar
You must have missed wakeup's post about the Elois and the Morlocks or whatever their fucking names are...Maybe it got deleted...ijs

WTF? another post just got deleted.
boardman's Avatar
You must be one of the Grand Poobahs Mr. Deerhunter, welcome to KC. We’re honored you’ve taken time out of your busy day to help us solve our problems out here in the Heartland.
Yikes, using the nuclear option on DD and Fritz. Taking out the last of the resistance is a good strategy though, scorched earth has always worked.
With all due respect, I think you can appreciate that a few of us were a little stunned and surprised to wake up one day and find all of these new names in our small community telling us our mods were stifling free speech, closing threads and causing all kinds of havoc. Our knee jerk reaction, rightly or wrongly, was to defend one of our own and it’s been ugly ever since.
I know a lot of us are shaking our heads asking, how did this happen? As best as I can piece together, an unidentified person from KC informed your super secret society (the Spider Hole, where you can insult and demean each other without any restrictions as I understand it, sounds like a fun way to spend your time) that there was trouble in River City. A posse was quickly formed to come to KC to clean up the town. One mod has disappeared and another will apparently get a “vacation”, so your work is nearly done, KC is now safe to….find pussy again? (we can only hope that this hooker board can return to talking about hookers) We’ve been warned Kids...playing with matches...in a pool of gasoline...” that resistance is futile and can actually be dangerous. I think the rebellion has pretty much been crushed at this point. Now you have to clean up these leaks in the Spider Hole (I feel your pain, we have the same problem in the Men’s Lounge).
So the bottom line is, you all are the good guys and have been the whole time!!! Why didn’t you tell us that in the beginning and this could have been much easier?
Was the post that started this whole fiasco inappropriate, absolutely. Was Elum a bad mod? Can Fritz be trusted to be a mod going forward? I don’t know, I don’t have enough information to have an opinion at this point. I was thinking of giving him a chance to learn the ropes, silly me. Scorpio, you may know more than me about the situation, but we in KC could have decided whether he should have stayed or left. But who in the hell thought it was a good idea to solve their issues this way??? Whoever it is, you’re a very small person. Be man (or woman) enough to work it out among ourselves, bringing in outside muscle only exacerbated the situation, created a lot of animosity and disrespected our community.
Ok, I’m laying my keyboard down, my hands are in the air, I’m stepping away, I’m………going to try to find some pussy and get laid today. Screw this bull shit.
DD and Fritz, enjoy your vacations. Sounds like Colombia could be a good place to go. Originally Posted by lakecat
Ah, here it is.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm actually getting a bit teary eyed here...like Lenin watching the October Revolution unfold from the Smolny Institute...
dearhunter's Avatar
lakecat, you make valid observations......while I cannot discuss with you what happened with Elum, I can say that I thinck what fritz did was a knee jerk reaction. I also recognize that he was baited into doing it....as he was baited into doing much of what he has done.

He allowed himself to get sucked in.....his motives can be discussed elsewhere.....some of these "outsiders" can be brutal when a modtard stumbles......I don't fault you for circling the wagons.

I cannot discuss with you what is said in the Spider Hole.........but following your logic, you can understand that the sense of community in KC you hint at also exists in the Spider Hole.
lakecat's Avatar
Aw hell Scorpio, I don't have any logic or I wouldn't be here. And yes, you're right it's hard to stand up to "authority". But if there's a consensus that a mod is doing a bad job or is unfair, I think eventually he would put himself into a position where he would leave on his own, we've seen that happen in the not too distant past. And we were spoiled by Fire Serpent, he was an established, respected guy who did a good job in my opinion.

You may have information I don't have, but I think we should give Fritz a chance to figure out how to do this. Mods don't have to give up the hobby, there's always the possibility they may play favorites. How do you know the replacement won't be worse? Then are we going to have to call the posse back in again? And who is going to decide if the mod is acceptable? Us? Them? Two or three people here? One person's rose colored glasses are anothers blinders.

I've never had a problem with a mod, so I can't speak from experience. But I hope next time we don't call in the black boots and have our community disrespected, demeaned and treated in a condescending manner. Hell, some of them were even making fun of the Royals!!!
boardman's Avatar
lakecat, you make valid observations......while I cannot discuss with you what happened with Elum, I can say that I thinck what fritz did was a knee jerk reaction. I also recognize that he was baited into doing it....as he was baited into doing much of what he has done.

He allowed himself to get sucked in.....his motives can be discussed elsewhere.....some of these "outsiders" can be brutal when a modtard stumbles......I don't fault you for circling the wagons.

I cannot discuss with you what is said in the Spider Hole.........but following your logic, you can understand that the sense of community in KC you hint at also exists in the Spider Hole. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hmmmm...I thought it was a place where people insult and demean each other all day.
malwoody's Avatar
I mean, WTF, all this pissin and moanin about outside visitors, gettin all defensive. If we here in Cowtown could take care of our own business we wouldn't need outside help. There have been ongoing conflict of interest issues with said Mods and what cracks me up is they are not even sly about being bitches..they for the most part come right out and say it. Having pointed this out for the umpteenthfuckingtime, I don't get the hostility that has been shown to our visitors. Perhaps some of the hostility comes from being overprotective..ya think?..lol All this crap about "respect" is a lame attempt to disquise true agendas..IMO..
boardman's Avatar
Aw hell Scorpio, I don't have any logic or I wouldn't be here. And yes, you're right it's hard to stand up to "authority". But if there's a consensus that a mod is doing a bad job or is unfair, I think eventually he would put himself into a position where he would leave on his own, we've seen that happen in the not too distant past. And we were spoiled by Fire Serpent, he was an established, respected guy who did a good job in my opinion.

You may have information I don't have, but I think we should give Fritz a chance to figure out how to do this. Mods don't have to give up the hobby, there's always the possibility they may play favorites. How do you know the replacement won't be worse? Then are we going to have to call the posse back in again? And who is going to decide if the mod is acceptable? Us? Them? Two or three people here? One person's rose colored glasses are anothers blinders.

I've never had a problem with a mod, so I can't speak from experience. But I hope next time we don't call in the black boots and have our community disrespected, demeaned and treated in a condescending manner. Hell, some of them were even making fun of the Royals!!! Originally Posted by lakecat

The Astros suck too. See we do have something in common.
lakecat's Avatar
lakecat, you make valid observations......while I cannot discuss with you what happened with Elum, I can say that I thinck what fritz did was a knee jerk reaction. I also recognize that he was baited into doing it....as he was baited into doing much of what he has done.

He allowed himself to get sucked in.....his motives can be discussed elsewhere.....some of these "outsiders" can be brutal when a modtard stumbles......I don't fault you for circling the wagons.

I cannot discuss with you what is said in the Spider Hole.........but following your logic, you can understand that the sense of community in KC you hint at also exists in the Spider Hole. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Deerhunter, my mini novel had some snarky moments in it, I'm impressed you've responded in a measured fashion. You've got my respect and I will listen to you with much more interest than the heavy handed, condescending, patronizing jerks who have also invaded us. And I think you have acknowledged how we may have been offended by outsiders coming into our little world. Anyone is welcome on any forum, but if you're a visitor, you're a guest and you should act like one. It leads me to believe you may be able to make a clear, even handed, reasoned decision about Fritz (and DD), if you're the one who has that authority.

I don't have all the information, I don't care to know for that matter. As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained, I'm not here to fight with guys or girls. I've got enough drama and BS in my real life. Way too much BS and it's gotten way too personal on this board lately, when it doesn't have to. If you don't like a thread or a person, don't read it. I think Stacy made a great point, just because you're right doesn't mean you have to say it.

And yes, I believe if you agree to keep things in confidence, you should keep your word. You SHOULD fix the Spider Hole leaks, but my point is, the Spider Hole gang really doesn't have any business on the general KC forum. Two seperate worlds, let's keep it that way.

Like DD said, do what you gotta do.
Wakeup's Avatar
Hell, some of them were even making fun of the Royals!!! Originally Posted by lakecat
Being a Cardinals fan, I only make fun of the '85 Royals... I have literally been to a thousand games in Kaufmann...actually enjoy watching games there...but that damn flag in the outfield still bugs me to this day...

Still remember the day I sat behind Buck O'Neil and got him to autograph a baseball...classy move putting the red seat there.
boardman's Avatar
Deerhunter....Now that's funny.

Don't anyone say I didn't warn you about the cat pics.

KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Ok, enough's enough! This has to stop. Boardman and Wakeup, you guys can't be allowed to post in the same thread any longer. I can't keep going from hottest avatar ever to creepiest avatar ever in the same thread! :-p
Lakecat, you make way too much fucking sense man! Especially, this line "As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained"
Deerhunter, my mini novel had some snarky moments in it, I'm impressed you've responded in a measured fashion. You've got my respect and I will listen to you with much more interest than the heavy handed, condescending, patronizing jerks who have also invaded us. And I think you have acknowledged how we may have been offended by outsiders coming into our little world. Anyone is welcome on any forum, but if you're a visitor, you're a guest and you should act like one. It leads me to believe you may be able to make a clear, even handed, reasoned decision about Fritz (and DD), if you're the one who has that authority.

I don't have all the information, I don't care to know for that matter. As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained, I'm not here to fight with guys or girls. I've got enough drama and BS in my real life. Way too much BS and it's gotten way too personal on this board lately, when it doesn't have to. If you don't like a thread or a person, don't read it. I think Stacy made a great point, just because you're right doesn't mean you have to say it.

And yes, I believe if you agree to keep things in confidence, you should keep your word. You SHOULD fix the Spider Hole leaks, but my point is, the Spider Hole gang really doesn't have any business on the general KC forum. Two seperate worlds, let's keep it that way.

Like DD said, do what you gotta do. Originally Posted by lakecat

The Spider Hole "gang" is made up of people from all over.

I've seen this mentality (you're not from here so you have no business posting here) in other parts of the board and it doesn't hold water. This board is nationwide, people do travel and anyone can post in whatever section of the nation they choose to.

Would you tell a touring lady that too? I mean its the same thing, so I'm guessing that your argument would include that too.

I'm speaking in general terms of course and not just about the SH "gang."