Where is everyone?

Or was it??

Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
That's funny... I had the same dream...

That's funny... I had the same dream...

H Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
But yours wasn't a dream....
Oh no, you are getting soooo old, you're forgetting things...
Come here baby, it will be 'Oh Kay'...you poor thing...

I am obviously having way too much fun this morning!
I assume your last paragraph is stated facetiously. Especially since you self ID as a right winger. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The fact I identify myself as a right-winger doesn't mean I conform to leftist stereotypes that would have me as a fascist.

I am a strong advocate of the principles of the founding fathers. I'm just not selective about it. By that I mean that I value the 2nd Amendment as much as the 1st; and the 10th Amendment as much as the 5th. I am not religious at all.

I strongly believe that in order to have a nation, you MUST have enforced borders. However, since those in charge (both the so-called conservatives and so-called liberals) seem committed to non-enforcement of our borders and ultimate destruction of our nation; I think the least we can do is assure that those who ARE here are afforded equal protection under the law.

Not to mention since they are tax exempt on a lot of things, it has allowed them to outbid Americans in the carpenter trade. This is what I know, I have seen many small companies in OKC go out of business because of this, and caused my brother in law to loose all he had.

How are they tax exempt??? When they purchase things in the store, they pay the same sales tax you do. The only way they can be exempt (say in the carpentry trade) is for the same reasons other carpenters would be tax exempt. They can purchase as a wholesaler, but pass the tax on to the end-user (whoever has hired the carpenter). Or they can be non-profit. And they can bid lower b/c they are willing to take a lesser profit, also known as the free-enterprise system.

In the particular situation I was referring to, they are self contracted...they are in charge of their own taxes, and they are also not listed on any legal paperwork regaurding the job...hence illegals work and they place their bid lower since they don't pay the same taxes on their income. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Although I agree this system is possible, I don't think it is widespread. First of all, undocumenteds would want to be paid in cash in order to take full advantage of this system. Most clients that can afford carpenters would pay in check. That would require the undocumented person to have a checking account b/c most banks won't deposit/cash checks w/o a checking account. In order to open an account, the undocumented would have to supply an SSN, which they cannot do. If it is in a trade name, they either have to supply their SSN or corporate records, also which they cannot do. Plus, any checks deposited have to be under $10,000.

They are also responsible for such legal paperwork as building permits.

I think the more likely scenario is the the undocumented person is an employee, and see Sydneyb's post regarding that.

BTW, according to http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ofa/...t/immigran.htm TANF funding is available only to "qualified aliens." The term "qualified alien" as used by the US, means an alien that is in this country legally. It does not refer to undocumenteds.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I think I should have joined Ansley in the mountains on protest day.

With all due respect of all positions stated, a lot of the money from business gets filtered through others. And so the debate goes on. I'm for reform. It will be difficult to achieve and enforce.

Hmmm, there are quite a few all cash transaction industries. Before I forget, Tiff honey, do I get change this time?
Ok, I'm the first to admit I don't know the ins and outs to the welfare system...

The contracted work was lead by a legal with illegals as workers...it happens. Also farm hands...I live in the country...small town, lots of farms...I run into non english speaking mexican immigrants all the time and the farmers who hire them openly admits they are not legal and paid cash...and they do it because its cheap labor. I use to have lunch with one such farmer every day at the Sr. Citizen Center where I use to volunteer.

I'm all for some type of a positive change, but yet at the same time, I do not want to allow the ones who breaks the laws to 'get away with it'....they should look at their own government for reform instead of handing out pamplets in public arenas (including schools) on how they can illegally come to the states.
Hmmm, there are quite a few all cash transaction industries. Before I forget, Tiff honey, do I get change this time? Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Baby, you can have all the change you want, but first you will have to come and get it...

And I am actually going to buy sme fudge...and take pics...lol Thats a good thing for me to get busy with today...finding some fudge....
I'm all for some type of a positive change, but yet at the same time, I do not want to allow the ones who breaks the laws to 'get away with it'....they should look at their own government for reform instead of handing out pamplets in public arenas (including schools) on how they can illegally come to the states. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I actually agree with you. And I think most people agree. It's just going to be hard getting every one on the same page. But even a conservative like PJ sees the advantage for business in having a guest worker program. It might also lead to the guest workers paying taxes...a bonus for the US. And there would be some protections for the workers which they don't have now, probably like getting a minimum wage. That would put US workers and guest workers on a level playing field, helping out people like your friend.

And I am actually going to buy sme fudge...and take pics...lol Thats a good thing for me to get busy with today...finding some fudge.... Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
FUDGE!!?? Yes. [Since you've adopted purple today = ]
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I actually agree with you. And I think most people agree. It's just going to be hard getting every one on the same page. But even a conservative like PJ sees the advantage for business in having a guest worker program. It might also lead to the guest workers paying taxes...a bonus for the US. And there would be some protections for the workers which they don't have now, probably like getting a minimum wage. That would put US workers and guest workers on a level playing field, helping out people like your friend.

FUDGE!!?? Yes. [Since you've adopted purple today = ] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I agree.

Wow. A good discussion. Too bad Congress can't be as civil and actually get something positive done.

I'm out here in West Texas, Charles in Texas, while Tiff is in Okla buying fudge.

I may have to go get some cheesecake later. I love cheesecake.
I may have to go get some cheesecake later. I love cheesecake. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
There's no place like the Cheesecake Factory. A little pricey IMHO, but great. I have a friend that used to make me a chocolate cheesecake from scratch on my bday. Those were wonderful years. And great cheesecake.
Jake2.1's Avatar

OK has an income tax, unlike Texas, so that large part of state income isn't being paid. The illegals live on a cash basis which is how they get away without paying those taxes. I live in the area of my city where the Hispanic population has moved into in the last 10 years. The area is not improving but going the other way.

I think everyone has no issue with legal immigrants. I mean I have two friends that have married non US Citizens (Sweden, and Ukraine). They have gone through the hoops to make everything legal. The Swedish lady just recently finished becoming a US Citizen and it took over 10 years to do so.

I just read a news article today of a High School in San Francisco that sent several non Hispanic students home yesterday because they were wearing American flags on their T-shirts. The Mexican Americans seemed to take issue with it considering it was Cinco de Mayo. The students were just wearing what they normally wear and it was ok on any other day but not yesterday

I feel for people in third world countries. I have traveled to Africa and Central America with TV crews to document such living. That doesn't mean the answer is to move them all to the US. That is the heart of the argument. Think about it, just because we share a border, does that give them special privileges? So where do you stop? Only people in he western hemisphere can get it free? That isn't fair to the nations of Africa where things are much worse than Mexico.
Very few posters on the board today.

I guess everyone is out protesting against Arizona's new immigration law. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Houston oilfield folks are at OTC - and many parties all week.