The Black Guy's Guide to effective hobbying

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-12-2010, 04:29 PM
It's Babee... over there in the corner hiding... she did it!!!! She did it!! (Lea now driving the bus.... that just ran over Babee!!)

So, if you are feeling the need to spank someone... it's all her fault! Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
She's already on the list for a serious booty spanking, and this just adds to the total number of licks she'll get (and yes, pun definitely intended)

My only advice is to find the women that WILL see you and enjoy them. Why dwell on the ones that won't...complete waste of time and energy. For every lady that advertises that they won't see AA clients there is another lady, myself included, that will excitedly see you. Do your research and ask fellow hobbyist that you know are AA..or start a thread that says "What ladies will see AA clients?" as opposed to, "Why won't you ladies see AA clients?" Originally Posted by reese foster
Highly concur with everything you said because it's something that I've been saying for many years.....Only deal with those ladies who want to deal with you and leave the others alone.....

Big C, may I suggest that we start printing these out and pass them around on various threads? Originally Posted by wynterstark
That's only too f'ing funny because it's so very appropriate and we should do this.....LOL

Lea, so few realize that Butthurt is a serious condition. My professional opinion is that the butthurt is so often caused by Cranial Rectal Inversion. Usually, the only treatement is to remove the patients head from their anus. Please, let's all pull together and work as a team to cure this horrific malady. It CAN be stopped! Originally Posted by wynterstark
I'm here to help if you need me.....

It is my experience that most AA clients will state their ethnicity in their e-mail and leave it up to you to respond beyond that point or not. It would seem that this would work well for all concerned, no? The ladies who aren't interested either will not respond or answer with a polite "No thank you, I am booked at this time." and the gentleman in question is free to search for companionship elsewhere. Unless there is something here that I'm missing? To my mind a list would seem crass and would set some ladies up for harassment from one side or the other. I'm against having *any* laundry list of what I will and won't do during a session, for obvious reasons of course. Originally Posted by wynterstark
I would balk at someone being put on a list, but I think what the poster is saying is that the providers should make that known upfront if that's their choice so that the guy doesn't waste his time even contacting her.....I don't think there's anything wrong with that.....
LazurusLong's Avatar
The only true positive "guide" item mentioned so far is to suggest the client make it known in the first email contact that they are black. (Used because of the NBA tag reference)

I'd also like to add and suggest that they be sure to fill out their P411 profile to indicate that also.

If I send my P411 and the escort declines to see me, I move on.

I'll have to go look to check if race is part of the profile for men since it certainly is for the escorts.

Open communication from the get go with getting all worked up seems to make this thing we call a hobby work SO much better!!
Browneagle's Avatar
My only advice is to find the women that WILL see you and enjoy them. Why dwell on the ones that won't...complete waste of time and energy. For every lady that advertises that they won't see AA clients there is another lady, myself included, that will excitedly see you. Do your research and ask fellow hobbyist that you know are AA..or start a thread that says "What ladies will see AA clients?" as opposed to, "Why won't you ladies see AA clients?" Originally Posted by reese foster
Well said Reese. Last summer I made the following post on this subject on a different board.

When I contact a lady for the first time one of the questions I usually ask is, "Do you have any discriminating factors regarding race, religion, or physical characteristics which would prevent you from making an appointment with a prospective client?"

How she answers this question helps to eliminate the possibility of a surprise or disappointment by either of us. I would say that 90% of the time I get positive responses. The other 10% either refuse to answer the question or just flat out say they do not see Black men. My attitude is this; if she doesn't want to see me, then I definitely don't want to see her.
There are only a few providers in Dallas who don't see AA men, but very few. I have only emailed 1 provider who did not respond. To the contrary, being AA in this hobby has its advantages.... Being a well educated successful AA man has its advantages....just ask Tiger.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Just before aspd shut down someone started a thread like this and all it did was start an ongoing arguement.
Personally I think threads like this shouldn't even be allowed.personally I am here to have fun and I can assure you this won't be.
It's like talking about religion or politics people always get offended. Originally Posted by looiecypher
Well maybe the reason you don't think the threads should be allowed is because you're not the one being discriminated against??!! I can't imagine how angry it would make me if a provider wouldn't see me because of the color of my skin. I think it's an entirely proper subject of discussion.
Flame off.

Okay what's AA? Auto club?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
The only true positive "guide" item mentioned so far is to suggest the client make it known in the first email contact that they are black. Open communication from the get go with getting all worked up seems to make this thing we call a hobby work SO much better!! Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I know I have been joking around some, but on a serious note, from the provider's side, there is always their website. In my FAQs, I made sure there was a question about seeing men of color (hopefully to cover more than just AA). I answered race does not make a difference... being a gentleman does... yada yada yada.

If more providers would have something in their FAQs, then that would help, too.

I am sorry that TushTexHog would be so angry if a provider wouldn't see him (or any hobbyist) because of the color of the skin... but it is a choice.

I guess that is why the manager of McDonald's glares at me when I pull into Chick-Fil-A... I just PREFER chicken over beef. Maybe it's discrimination, but it is society's fault for letting me be influenced by the Eat More Chicken commercials! I don't know.

All in fun... Smooch!

GneissGuy's Avatar
Well maybe the reason you don't think the threads should be allowed is because you're not the one being discriminated against??!! I can't imagine how angry it would make me if a provider wouldn't see me because of the color of my skin. I think it's an entirely proper subject of discussion. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH, ladies turn you down because you're such a pig.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
TTH, ladies turn you down because you're such a pig. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
no, no, no.. that is not it... I like pigs... but hogs are such a boar!!!

Okay... I'll stop... I just couldn't resist...


(and a special smooch to TTH for being a good sport!!)

BlackberryMafia's Avatar
I have several black clients, clarkkentglasses. They're wonderful guys, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. The guys are thoughtful, and respectful, no different than my other clients.

From the tone of your post, I gather that black men have a more difficult time getting a date. Does this occur more often in certain areas of the country?

I can't speak for all the ladies here in the Cleveland area, but I'd say the vast majority of girls are open-minded in that respect.

Can you post a link to the thread you're referring to? Originally Posted by Dana001

He's sooo right. When I'm meeting a provider, I tell her immediately that I'm black (actually, creole...a Louisiana boy) and I wait for the hangup!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
The old NBA policy thread again, lol. zzzzzzzzZZZZZ ( 3 weeks later ) Oh The NBA thread again ...zzzzzzzzzzzz (6 weeks later) .... J/K Being one of the AA gentlemen we speak of, let me just say that I DO NOT CARE about a NBA policy. I choose the women I want to see and they have a right to choose the men they want to see, if I am not that guy then NEXT, it isnt personal it's preference... Just because it's P4P doesnt change anything. I wouldn't want to see anyone who doesnt want to see me........

Although, I have found that many of those policies are not what they seem, .

Come on guys we ALL have our policies and we enforce them all of the time by choosing who to see based on pictures, descriptions, reviews and such ..... See you all again in 3 weeks when I start my thread "NBA Policies, so many racist Women" ......

GneissGuy's Avatar
It's really got to suck when ladies don't want to see you because you're black. Or get nervous around you in public because they think you're going to mug them. Or won't stop and help you. Or won't hire you. Or your coworkers think you only got the job because of quotas. Or are more willing to vote guilty in the jury box.

I wish there was something us crackers could say or do to help. Even if it's "THE" right answer, it sounds callous to tell you to just move on and find another lady.

Even if the lady has had bad experiences with black men that make her nervous, it doesn't necessarily make you feel any better because you're suffering for the misdeeds of others.
GneissGuy's Avatar
no, no, no.. that is not it... I like pigs... but hogs are such a boar!!!

Okay... I'll stop... I just couldn't resist...


(and a special smooch to TTH for being a good sport!!)

Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Or maybe the lady is Jewish or Muslim.

edit - Someone misunderstood my comment. Jewish or Muslim refers to why they might not want to see Texas Tush HOG, not why they wouldn't want to see a black man.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-13-2010, 06:35 AM
I just PREFER chicken over beef. Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Ok,now I'm hurt.....And here I was thinking that you liked my beefstick only to now find out you prefer chicken wings.....
For goodness sakes, it is 2010 afterall! We have interracial marriages, this is no different. I never understood why people judge based on skin color. We are all human, we are all the same people, what does skin color have to do with it!?

Like someone mentioned above, if a lady or man is going to judge based on that, then you are probably better off not seeing them at all.

IMHO, that can really tell you a lot about a person's personality. To be honest, I think some of the reasons why ladies won't see AA gents is due solely to sterotypes. I think it's ridiculous!

As long as you are respectful and kind to me, it doesn't matter what your background is to me. <smiles>