Dallas Babysitters : info needed

It's Ok, all you guys can pile it up on me. No problem. Not offended at all. On the contrary,taking it on the chin. LOL!
No intent to dog pile, but after recently becoming a grandfather, baby and Mom both home and doing fine, I was more than a little shocked but then again when I read the subject line I thought you were looking for providers who would role play a "babysitter".....funny that didn't shock me at all.
With that being said, I'll parrot what others have suggested. BUT, if YOU had an emergency of sorts, it would be good to already have either a co-worker that you trust (better if you were the boss) or if you go to a church and they have a daycare facility there, then finding one of those workers might be an option.
Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Many moons ago, I worked for a childrens' daycare situated within a church. The business is required to ask for proof of paternity & custody and medical (immunization) records just the same as any other human services facility. They're not exempt from childcare laws.

I'm not trying to be negative. Instead, I'm pointing out that you need to consider the legal liability issues concerning children. Anything is possible.

Even if a childcare worker is willing to help, how well do you know this person? Do they have references of recommendation? Sorry to be quite concerned but I hope you'll take extra special care of the baby.

I'll give the OP credit. He had a temporary lack of judgement due to thinking with the wrong head and before he did anything wrong, he asked for opinions and quickly admitted that it was a fucked up idea. And then he took the harsh responses well and never tried to defend himself. That's a stand up guy to me.

You seem like a good dude who just had a bad idea. ....Having said that, if I read in the papers that some baby was dropped off in daycare and nobody knows who dropped the toddler off other than some guy named delimex, obviously I take back everything I just wrote.

In all seriousness, enjoy your time as an Uncle over the weekend.
JackNapier's Avatar
Wait.. don't we have a thread in the Locker Room for babysitters that provide extras?
Since he's made up his mind, I'll hijack the thread... I once had the opposite problem where gal brought her 12 month old along and sat in a child seat as I banged his mom. Freaking weirded me out afterwards and I couldn't bring myself to see her again. So even his doing an outcall with the kid in the house I would deem wrong.