Sisyphus's Avatar
That's fan-DAMN-tastic!!! The hell with the power of prayer... let's hear it for the power of boobs!!!

Makes a man wanna run right out & catch some... um... I mean something!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
This is wonderful news. My prayers have been with you surcher, and they will continue too be.
Good to see you're doing better my friend. A lot of people here have been praying for you.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-09-2010, 06:40 AM
Glad to see you're feeling better and hope you are fully recovered real soon.

Uh sir, about the avatar, I'm not sure if I can/want to give it back. I've sure enjoyed all the PMs, Emails, phone calls, IM chat conversations and pussy that I have gotten because the ladies THINK I AM YOU!!!
kerwil62's Avatar
Thats great news Surcher!
Oh Im so glad your feeling better!!

Being sick is no fun

Hugs and kisses...



Good luck to you my friend! Heather
pyramider's Avatar
You might need to find out if cpi's nurse is going to take your temperature and the size of her thermometer.
topcat19542001's Avatar
It's so good to have you back among us pervs.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Returned to Surcher: 1 avatar, tyke onna tryke

I want a receipt, Surcher.

Glad you're getting back to abnormal.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Hey....I showed my boobs for you.....It was so hard to actually get the nerve to do it.....
auknowho's Avatar
Hey....I showed my boobs for you.....It was so hard to actually get the nerve to do it..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Surcher, you need to thanks the Lady for her good deed! Don't forget
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I had to post " If your not Surcher, cover your eyes"...I just know the honorable gents did..I know it...........
  • pyro
  • 03-10-2010, 12:38 PM
Welcome back Surcher! Good to know you're on the mend and heading home.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Hey S...post that you just sneezed and maybe we can get some taint shots!!
Good to hear you're better!!