Al Sharpton has a new squeeze

No. Optical illusion.

It's the camera lens and the close distance. It creates a fishbowl affect. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, he does have an oversized head. If he and Sarah Palin had a baby, it's head would be the size of a watermelon.

I used to dislike Sharpton but find him mildly amusing these days. He's no more of a race-baiter or hate monger than Rush or any of the right-wing fanatics. Found a way to make a buck off people's prejudices and predilections. It's exactly what the right wing conservative entertainment industry is amusing that it gets such a rise out of the wingers.

As for his new girlfriend? More power to him. Sounds like some of you limp-dicks are jealous.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another Down baby joke? PIG!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pig? BSWine calling someone else pig?

Pol Pot, meet Pa Kettle.
Another Down baby joke? PIG! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Fucking tool.

Keep up.
I'm sorry IF, read again. WHO tossed out the race card here? Look closely.....
that's right, it was YOU! Too bad for you the time limit to edit it is gone. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your liberal media invented the term white hispanic. So I said white/black.
No, I would not change my post. I simply said black/white. Y'all played the race card and it's funny as hell...Hypocrites suck!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey Simple Jack ... what do you call person of European descent from a Spanish speaking country?

Or person of African descent from a Spanish-speaking country?

I know ... probably the same thing.

You're not smart enough to be clever. So what then?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2013, 05:35 PM
So I said white/black.
No, I would not change my post. I simply said black/white. Y'all played the race card and it's funny as hell...Hypocrites suck! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What amazing stupidity, and arrogance.

You admit you were the first one to toss the race card into this thread--no "I was misquoted", or "that's not what I meant". Nope! "Hell yes I said it! Yes that was me!" And then accuse others of doing so?


And I'm the hypocrite?

Sure, anything you say.

What amazing stupidity, and arrogance.

You admit you were the first one to toss the race card into this thread--no "I was misquoted", or "that's not what I meant". Nope! "Hell yes I said it! Yes that was me!" And then accuse others of doing so?


And I'm the hypocrite?

Sure, anything you say.

LIAR! Originally Posted by Old-T
Are you saying NY TIMES is racist? after all they invented the term white hispanic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you saying NY TIMES is racist? after all they invented the term white hispanic. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are a complete idiot. There are white Hispanics and black Hispanics. Alberto Fujomori, President of Peru, is a Japanese Hispanic.

You are a dumbass redneck.
As for his new girlfriend? More power to him. Sounds like some of you limp-dicks are jealous. Originally Posted by timpage
I have never been a fan of Rev Al but I agree with Tim regarding his choice of women.

More power to him!
You are a dumbass redneck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You shouldn't disparage dumbass rednecks! They can't help it!
Hey Simple Jack ... what do you call person of European descent from a Spanish speaking country?

Or person of African descent from a Spanish-speaking country? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The defendant.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-20-2013, 08:37 AM
The defendant. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It is difficult to argue with that.
You are a complete idiot. There are white Hispanics and black Hispanics. Alberto Fujomori, President of Peru, is a Japanese Hispanic.

You are a dumbass redneck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
DoMTR Rider-Which one is it? It's OK to use White Hispanic but not White Black? Should I follow NY Times & MSNBCs lead, and call GZ a White Hispanic. A term I have never used in my life or heard used. I got a terrific ideal next time lets not bring race into it. We could just call them Americans...

But that would not fit your Socialist/Marxist means to a end game plan.

Now go back to snowballing your boyfriend...Yssuh Rider...LOL
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey Simple Jack ... what do you call person of European descent from a Spanish speaking country? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It depends on which "Spanish speaking country" ..

(Trying to locate a country that speaks Spanish ... in fact a country that even speaks!)

If you mean a country in which the predominant language is Spanish ... like Spain .. then I would call them "Spanish" ... if like Mexico ... then I would call them Mexican ... if like Cuba, then Cuban .. etc.

A problem with all this obsession with "political correctness" is that it begs for people being placed in a "pigeon hole" and invariably one doesn't "fit" ... like ...

"African-American" ... typically people identify someone who is Black and a U.S. citizen as being "African-American" ... the "stereotype" being that a person with "black" skin color is from an ancestry coming from Africa ... which fortunately is a large continent encompassing a lot of different countries in which the predominant skin color is "black" ... There are "white" African-Americans ..

.. the same can be said for people with brown skin .. a lot are lumped into the label of "Mexican-American" .. even though they are not from Mexico and resent the association. Then in the "Latin American" there are a log of extremely fair-skinned blondes and redheads. Many fairer than many "Americans" (which is how most U.S. citizens refer to themselves) even though people who live in South, Central, and Northern America are also "Americans" just like those from the continent of African are called "African"!!!

Our obsession in this country with labeling and data collection by "race" or "ethnicity" ........

.......... creates the pigeon holes and the government labels them.