Does this in any way help you understand?

Old-T, you need to understand something very, very fundamental.

It is this: Everything that you have been told about the "draconian cuts under sequestration" is a LIE.

The United States government, even with the "draconian cuts under sequestration", is going to spend MORE money this year than it did last year. They haven't CUT a damned thing. If there was money there to pay for something last year, that money is STILL there to pay the same amount, PLUS, this year.

The people screwing your friend over are doing it deliberately. They know they're hurting people, they know they're doing it deliberately, and they know they're lying to you about it. They hope you didn't hear about the actual fact that no actual cuts occurred, and that you will BELIEVE them when they say we have to continue to spend like drunken Congressmen just to stay even.

Until you understand that NO CUTS HAVE TAKEN PLACE, you will not understand what is going on.
Old-T, you need to understand something very, very fundamental.

It is this: Everything that you have been told about the "draconian cuts under sequestration" is a LIE.

The United States government, even with the "draconian cuts under sequestration", is going to spend MORE money this year than it did last year. They haven't CUT a damned thing. If there was money there to pay for something last year, that money is STILL there to pay the same amount, PLUS, this year.

The people screwing your friend over are doing it deliberately. They know they're hurting people, they know they're doing it deliberately, and they know they're lying to you about it. They hope you didn't hear about the actual fact that no actual cuts occurred, and that you will BELIEVE them when they say we have to continue to spend like drunken Congressmen just to stay even.

Until you understand that NO CUTS HAVE TAKEN PLACE, you will not understand what is going on. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
God Damn. Well said. Thanks
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-10-2013, 11:01 PM
Old-T, you need to understand something very, very fundamental.

It is this: Everything that you have been told about the "draconian cuts under sequestration" is a LIE.

The United States government, even with the "draconian cuts under sequestration", is going to spend MORE money this year than it did last year. They haven't CUT a damned thing. If there was money there to pay for something last year, that money is STILL there to pay the same amount, PLUS, this year.

The people screwing your friend over are doing it deliberately. They know they're hurting people, they know they're doing it deliberately, and they know they're lying to you about it. They hope you didn't hear about the actual fact that no actual cuts occurred, and that you will BELIEVE them when they say we have to continue to spend like drunken Congressmen just to stay even.

Until you understand that NO CUTS HAVE TAKEN PLACE, you will not understand what is going on. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Sir, you don't know what you are talking about. The TOTAL being spent is likely larger--I do not know the entire budget. However I do see significant pieces of the high level budget, and there are huge areas where the cuts are most assuredly real. Some of the biggest cuts are the federal funds than flow to states and localities--the things that do directly affect services to some of the most needy people.

I fully admit large parts of non-discretionary spending have gone up, but many (almost all?) areas of discretionary spending have indeed shrunk. Have you seen the congressional bills, mark-ups, etc? The contracts curtailed? The projects stupidly ended when they were 80% complete & paid for? I have--very 1st hand. Looking at your location I am guessing you have seen parts too, maybe for NASA or parts of DoD--and the parts you have seen may well have not shrunk, I don't know.

Far too many people on here speculate and comment on things in DC without ever having been there or seen the source documents. It's evident from the "facts" and "knowledge" they post that they are only relaying what they have heard elsewhere, and much of it is 30% real and 70% spin and myth.
bojulay's Avatar
I do not care if you believe me or not. If you can understand the written word, then you would have known wtf I wrote and I would not of had to clarify.

I was making fun of you Tea Turds. I do it every chance I get. Nothing new there. I made fun of the idiot in the picture by asking if that was who you wanted to govern. I then point out he might not have time or inclination because of his Civil War reenactments. I am not aware of Revolutionary War reenactments. Thus I chose the one war you Tea Wacko's wish had a different result! See how I make fun of you Tea Nuts? That is the psychology you should be looking at if you want to understand my thought process.

Are you a Tea Turd and a Southern Fried Civil War dress up doll? Originally Posted by WTF

Don't know about that but I've been told that my Jackson is like a Stone Wall.

ha ha ha ha
Sir, you don't know what you are talking about. The TOTAL being spent is likely larger--I do not know the entire budget. However I do see significant pieces of the high level budget, and there are huge areas where the cuts are most assuredly real. Some of the biggest cuts are the federal funds than flow to states and localities--the things that do directly affect services to some of the most needy people.

I fully admit large parts of non-discretionary spending have gone up, but many (almost all?) areas of discretionary spending have indeed shrunk. Have you seen the congressional bills, mark-ups, etc? The contracts curtailed? The projects stupidly ended when they were 80% complete & paid for? I have--very 1st hand. Looking at your location I am guessing you have seen parts too, maybe for NASA or parts of DoD--and the parts you have seen may well have not shrunk, I don't know.

Far too many people on here speculate and comment on things in DC without ever having been there or seen the source documents. It's evident from the "facts" and "knowledge" they post that they are only relaying what they have heard elsewhere, and much of it is 30% real and 70% spin and myth. Originally Posted by Old-T
Houston knows first hand what Owhatshisname did to NASA. It has nothing to do with sequestration.
I B Hankering's Avatar
pointing out the obvious to an idiot, from a technical standpoint the American Revolution was a civil war .. Brits against Brits in the same country. Originally Posted by CJ7
Equivocate and equivocate, CBJ7. Those costumes ARE NOT representational of the Civil War Era!

I get that the nuts in the picture were wearing revolutionary war costume. That is not the war you state rights tea turkeys like to reenact. You loons like to reenact the civil war. I think you are hoping for a different outcome! Originally Posted by WTF

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hijacked ANOTHER thread, didn't you Corpy?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Old T is getting close. There are cuts, cuts in discretionary spending but that is a minor part of the budget now. The entitlements are still in full force. Your friend may have lost some benefits but that was by choice. Not hers but someone in the government, maybe even Washington DC. The last time we went through this it was shown that daily revenues were more than enough to take care of business. It is not a shortage of money, it is how it is spent. Obama has said, yes he said it, that he wants the sequestration cuts to hurt. Ask yourself, hurt who? Not the Congress or the unions but the people like your friend. Money that went to vacations, pensions for imprisoned ex-politicians, pay offs for benefits for staffers that we are all paying for, that is where the money is going. Think about that. This sequestration is Obama's idea and he says that he wants it to hurt. Okay, he is responsible for that hurt. The hurt is not sacrifice shared by everyone but politically motivated pain designed to hurt the weak and unfortunate. That is Obama's legacy; to hurt the weak to attain his goals.