NaughtyReviews New Design

Wakeup's Avatar
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.
OOPS... just saw post above...
joesmo888's Avatar
everyone hit the nail on the head. if you aren't a paying member the site is now useless to you because you want even see the title of the reviews or who wrote them

so she could have a high or low rating based on a bunch of troll reviews and you wouldn't know cause you can't see who wrote them. this makes it ripe for people just making fake reviews just to get access. stupid business decision
yeah NR banned me for not liking their new layout fuck them!
Solitaire's Avatar
I just got an email notification (end of free VIP) that I would now be able to view review notes on me. I went to check it out and, sure enough, I was able to read it.
anonymousgeek's Avatar
yeah NR banned me for not liking their new layout fuck them! Originally Posted by naughtynicole4u
Honey, I can tell you have animosity towards them, but they banned you for completely different, and frankly justified reasons.
anonymousgeek's Avatar
I have been pretty vocal (over on NR) about the changes. First they pushed this new, very restrictive site live without much warning (the only way you knew was if you followed the Support forum like a hawk) and no one liked it. Then they scrambled to make the note sharing functionality a little more palatable, which it now is. Then they took out the Forum link for some good ol' fashioned cleansing (read: mass deleting) and told no one before hand.

They are very afraid they will become the next RB. I am kind of sad because that used to be my "home base" so I guess I need to diversify my forums, like I have time for that! But it looks like ECCIE is the best choice for the least drama.

Who knows what will happen to NR, but they have put in some restrictive negative filters, removed valuable information from profiles, and I am sure a cleansing of their classifieds is next. So I am not sure if I am going to keep paying my $19.99 a month there. I guess I will make that decision when it is due next.
The owner simply does not want to risk 10+ years in prison under the Travel Act which applies to website owners that promote prostitution. Many states including Arizona have made it easier to also convict customers and website owners.

Now new Federal proposal passed the house and in the Senate to basically require official photo ID, credit card info, for any type of adult sites. In under the sham of protecting children and stopping "human trafficking' just like RB and now NN owner protecting himself.

New law has up to $250k fine and 5 yrs in prison PER INCIDENT and seize all assets of website operators of do not have the proper paperwork for each ad on file for 7 years.
Yep the party is over, its a shame I enjoyed the forums. I just wish the talent from there posted on here, that is the real reason I used both sites. 1 was to cross reference ladies and reviews, and the other is not all the girls post on here which is a shame. Maybe you can reach out to them Anonymous, and see if you can get them to come hang with the cool kids.
anonymousgeek's Avatar
I'll do my best but can't be overt or they would ban me in a heartbeat.