More global warming

Yssup Rider's Avatar

I don,t care what color you are, I don't buy into bullshit.
Originally Posted by rioseco
You can't really buy into anything Cornholio, if you are without any capital... in this case INTELLECTUAL capital.

Who's offering you bullshit? That is, besides the chef in the cafeteria at whichever dorm or ward where you live/must live.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Now THAT is intelligent. I am sure FL wouldn't want to scare away tourist $$$$, and what is a little moderation of reality if it means the $$$$ keeps flowing?

"Earlier this year, scientists at NOAA and NASA announced that 2014 was the hottest year since record keeping began in 1880. Their report showed that every continent set heat records last year, with temperatures over land and oceans breaking the previous records set in 2005 and 2010." Originally Posted by Old-T
Did you not know that they made that claim and then announced the next day that there was only a 38% of certainty that it was true?
Even if it's true, the temp. anomaly between '14 and other "hottest" years was a few hundredths of a degree. Completely statistically insignificant.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Sorry to intrude with some data, but ....

And some day the idiots who point to snow and say "look, this disproves global warming" will wake up and comprehend basic physics: more energy leads to more evaporation which, when cold air is encountered, leads to more snow. Just as the significant increase in the number of high-energy storms is a symptom of MORE atmospheric energy. Originally Posted by Old-T
What the data actually showed was that the atmosphere in the New England area has been drier than usual. Snowfall totals are high because of high snowfall to precipitation levels. The combination of very cold air and relatively dry conditions allows the snow to become very "puffy". If you've experienced snow skiing in California vs Utah you know the difference.
Ducbutter's Avatar
West coast will agree with climate change. they would welcome six more inches of snow. The only "shovel ready" jobs are removing the shit you spread. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Both NOAA and NASA have said that the California drought is not a result of climate change. Research shows the region has always had extended drought periods. It appears the last hundred years or so have actually been wet in historical terms.
Good news though. They are going to get some late season rain and snow. It won't be drought busting events but it will help.
Yes, climate and weather are independent of one another. This, of course, is why the Caribbean gets frequent snow storms for no apparent reason. It is also why I usually put my ice trays in the stove when I want to make ice. Because, of course everyone knows that when things heat up, water freezes.

Now, does anyone remember their geology classes? Anyone remember the Mesozoic Era? It spans roughly 160 million years, and is divided into three periods: the Triasic, Jurasic, and Cretaceous Periods.

Does anyone remember what is unique about this era? Yes, it was the era of the dinosaurs, when Earth supported some of the largest species in its entire history. Anyone know why dinosaurs flourished and grew to such prodigious size? Because this is also the period in Earth's history when temperatures were at their highest - no polar ice caps at all throughout most of this era. Because of the warm temperatures, Earth supported some of the most verdant growth of its history as well, providing ample fodder for massive herbivores which then provided ample prey for massive carnivores. Nifty huh?

Hence, my skepticism of some of the ridiculously dire predictions that accompany the global warming cultists. None of them can explain why two growing seasons all the way up the middle latitudes is a terrible thing. Nor can they explain why an overabundance of water caused by melting ice caps would result in massive stretches of desert conditions. Kind of like they can't explain why rising temperatures results in bitterly cold winters. Oh wait, I know, because climate does not affect the weather. Better tell the Jamaicans to bundle up for the next snow storm. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
First paragraph; your sarcasm reveals a level of misunderstanding. The Caribbean gets no snow because of it's position relative to the equator. The hydrologic cycle (water cycle) is completed when the precipitation falls back to earth. The air over the Caribbean is usually warm, making snow impossible. And so it falls as rain. That's basic stuff that you learn in third grade. Seriously.

Second part; the temps were not at their highest during the mesozoic, not even close. Was it warm? Yes, but far from this statement you made, 'this is also the period in Earth's history when temperatures were at their highest.'

The mesozoic era you mention, was roughly 185 million years or so, containing within it three periods. To imply, as you did, that the entire era was the same is just disingenuous. The very first period, Triassic, began with an extinction event and ended with an extinction even, for example. There were periods of warming and cooling. No, they have no evidence of polar ice caps, but the fluctuation in temps could still allow for them. In other words, they are not statistically impossible.

As for climate affecting weather, that's again, ignorant. The only difference between the two is time. Weather is the shorter time period. Climate is weather over a LONG period of time. So it's not really a matter of one affecting the other. They are entwined.

Why do rising temps result in bitter cold winters? I really shouldn't have to explain this to someone who wants so badly to come off as intelligent, but here goes. Bitter cold winters where? In small pockets of the globe, here and there. Climate change is a global issue. A cold winter here and there doesn't disprove overall warming of the entire planet.
What the data actually showed was that the atmosphere in the New England area has been drier than usual. Snowfall totals are high because of high snowfall to precipitation levels. The combination of very cold air and relatively dry conditions allows the snow to become very "puffy". If you've experienced snow skiing in California vs Utah you know the difference. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
New England isn't the world...
Ducbutter's Avatar
New England isn't the world... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Where did I claim that it was?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
that's one country out of over 180 in the world. proves absolutely nothing.
Both NOAA and NASA have said that the California drought is not a result of climate change. Research shows the region has always had extended drought periods. It appears the last hundred years or so have actually been wet in historical terms.
Good news though. They are going to get some late season rain and snow. It won't be drought busting events but it will help. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Better hurry their rainy season ends in a couple of weeks.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Perhaps you should share the source of your superior knowledge. 24601 Originally Posted by DSK
Don't refer to Assup as 24601. First, he has no idea what you mean, and secondly, 24601 was a man of character and integrity. Two characteristics which have never been associated with Assup.

As far as the data go, how many years have they been tracking it? Then, how many years has the Earth been in existence? We do not have enough of a baseline to determine anything! This is a ploy by the powers that be to exert more control over the lives of the people. Even if the ice caps melted and stayed melted for 1000 years, it could be a perfectly normal fluctuation for the period in which we are living.

You are right when you say we can affect the weather. That's not the climate. We cannot affect the climate. It is what it is. It will change as it will. But a hundred years of data prove nothing. The biggest fluctuations in that period mean nothing. Climate trends take millennia to develop.

Use some common sense, people. Quit believing the hype. This is normal. If necessary, we can adapt. And always, ALWAYS remember, the government isn't trying to protect you, it's trying to CONTROL you!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You want to know what really effects weather? Rivers. Large rivers. For those of us who live around Kansas City we are always being told that the weather north of I-70 is different from below I-70. I-70 runs parallel with the Missouri River. When I was stationed in New London I lived right on Bank Street. One day it was raining like crazy. In the 30 feet between my front door and my car I was soaked to the skin. When I arrived at the base for softball, only seven miles away, it was dry and dusty. The cause? The Thames River between New London and Groton. Rivers have more effect on weather than man does. So do mountains. I was driving up the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the early 90s in snow storm. People pulling over for chains, people sliding off the road, cars tapping each other on the highway and then I got to the top and nothing. I arrived in Reno where it was almost 70s degrees with ice all over my car. Only a distance of 8-10 miles. What a difference. As for California's drought, which state has been trying to change their weather longer than any other? California. Maybe they succeeded and got it wrong again.
You want to know what really effects weather? Rivers. Large rivers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do the scientific experts refer to that unique phenomenon as Global Large Rivers?

I suppose that also means that when a hijacked Boeing 777 is hidden on a remote deserted island, it should be referred to as Global Camouflage.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WKing for another of "your cheating hearts," Whiny?

How utterly predictable.

Is there a penalty for being complicit in a plot to defraud this board by a poster with multiple handles? If so, you'd better hunker down, bunker clown!

Why not ask Unkle Kayla, he/she is an expert on ECCIE law.