Special Thanks

The invite was in the dang coed section as stated before, and it was an open invitation. Kudos to Maxeen for taking charge an organizing something like this. Maybe other people will follow suit and eventually bring more people together.
Thank you BB but I cannot take credit for planning this. I assisted but the brunt of the work went to Heather, Dee and Levi. Thank yall again very much! It was an amazing time and yall covered every base and took care of every detail. It was a great time and great company. I love yall man! lol!
ok...again to clarify! THIS party was NOT in coed. that was a different party yet to be had.

this one was private and handled thru private channnels concerning invites. and AGAIN not to offend any one, but there was limited space and resources, and it was a private venue.

i have to repeat maxeen's thanks to levi:

honey this would never have happened if not for all the hard work and great cooking you did...thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Thanks to those that put it together! I had a great time!
Currently putting my foot in mouth! sorry girls
rayman686's Avatar
Dear Heather, Maxeen, Dee, and all the adorables attending,
Thanks for all your hard work planning such a fun lovin' afternoon. I can not wait until the next one, great job. Rayman686
krahul20's Avatar
hahaha... if its private keep it private.. why you want to tell in public...
I did not tell the public. It began as a "Thank You" thread. No harm in that.