Maggie Is Officially Back Folks!!! Line On Up!!!

Were not disagreeing on what the best flavor of ice cream is. Republicans have shown time and again they dont care about anyone but themselves. Hows that $2000 stimulus? Was not getting it worth losing the senate? Hope it was. Instead of offering help, they ram through a shit supreme court justice, do bothing for citizens, then incite insurrection while denying the reality of losing a democratic election. If youre NOT mad, youre complicit and may as well join al qaeda. Both sides are not the same. One wants health care for everybody and for cops to be held to a dtandard, one wants trump as a dictator. Fuck all these unamerican cunts.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Were not disagreeing on what the best flavor of ice cream is. Republicans have shown time and again they dont care about anyone but themselves. Hows that $2000 stimulus? Was not getting it worth losing the senate? Hope it was. Instead of offering help, they ram through a shit supreme court justice, do bothing for citizens, then incite insurrection while denying the reality of losing a democratic election. If youre NOT mad, youre complicit and may as well join al qaeda. Both sides are not the same. One wants health care for everybody and for cops to be held to a dtandard, one wants trump as a dictator. Fuck all these unamerican cunts. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
blue lives matter
I'm sure Biden will help me pay off my Obama approved care bills, mmm finely "whew" been carrying that bill starting in Feb 2014.
Blue lives matter until one tries to stop insurrectionists from trying to stage a coup, then its ok to beat them with a fire exti guisher and a FUCKING AMERICAN FLAG. real supportive, real moral high ground your holding there, bootlicker (up until they actually hold your orange god accountable, then its acab, right?) Moral and intellectual midgets, all of you. Also, build that wall, right? Did a lot of good keepong the qanon asshiles out of the capital, didnt it?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Okay gentleman- discussion is fine but let's knock off the personal insults.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
So anyway Carmine, what do you have planned for your next four month vacation?
lilylivered's Avatar
I dont know
You still sound angry to me...
Visiting the lovely greater rochester area, hope i dont come down with the plague, bang some whooooores, {staff edit- CK}, play video games, volunteer, read... real groundbreaking stuff...
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Were not disagreeing on what the best flavor of ice cream is. Republicans have shown time and again they dont care about anyone but themselves. Hows that $2000 stimulus? Was not getting it worth losing the senate? Hope it was. Instead of offering help, they ram through a shit supreme court justice, do bothing for citizens, then incite insurrection while denying the reality of losing a democratic election. If youre NOT mad, youre complicit and may as well join al qaeda. Both sides are not the same. One wants health care for everybody and for cops to be held to a dtandard, one wants trump as a dictator. Fuck all these unamerican cunts. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
I'm not mad, but I completely disagee with your view. I will abstain from joining al qaeda. Those balaclava's are extremely uncomfortable.
Curious, what of my view do you disagree qith? Which of trumps policies do you support?
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Curious, what of my view do you disagree qith? Which of trumps policies do you support? Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
Here are a few that come to mind.
I am all for the border wall.
I agree that immigration should be based on merit.
I despise identity politics and critical Race Theory and believe it should have no place in education or the workplace.

As to what I disagree with in your post. You are expressing a very polarized view. You don't have to be an extremist to agree with some of Trump's ideas. It Isn't all back and white man. Like the al qaeda statement. I'm conservative, but I think both parties suck. Republicans no longer represent true conservatives. They're almost a bad as democrats at this point.
I call bullshit on both parties. That stimulus bill should have been for Covid relief ONLY. Save the pork and other bullshit for a different bill. These politicians are greedy worms. They combine these bills to guarantee their special interests and donors are taken care of. Complete disregard for the main intention of the bill itself. Struggling Americans become a side note.
Again, stop with the both sides nonsense. One party is actively trying to help all americans. You may disagree with those policies, but they are aimed at the collective good. The other side gives tax cuts that expire for citizens but not corporations. Theyre not the same. And all the hunter biden laptops wont make them equal. The republicans made trump (donald fucking trump) their hero. A man who literally stole from a cancer charity and defrauded everyone he ever did business with. And now these monkeys tried to STOP A DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. Just stop with the both sides nonsense.
Again, stop with the both sides nonsense. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
How positively inclusionary of you....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Again, stop with the both sides nonsense. One party is actively trying to help all americans. You may disagree with those policies, but they are aimed at the collective good. The other side gives tax cuts that expire for citizens but not corporations. Theyre not the same. And all the hunter biden laptops wont make them equal. The republicans made trump (donald fucking trump) their hero. A man who literally stole from a cancer charity and defrauded everyone he ever did business with. And now these monkeys tried to STOP A DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. Just stop with the both sides nonsense. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
No. They're not aimed at the collective good. They stoke racial tension and causing division.
So it isn't about sides with you?
Give me an example of something you disagree with democrats on, and something that you agree with Republicans on.
Surely you don't think that democrats are perfect.
One of each please.
Lets see... major conservative beliefs i agree with... im pro choice, want universal health care, think voting should be free and easy for anyone, i vehemently support green energy and technology, i support free lunches in svhool, i enthusiastically support public eduvation and universities, a social safety net, decriminalization of nearly all drugs, diverting funds from policing to mental health and social programs... so, no, based on the past ~40 years of the republican platform, i really cant think of anything i agree with. For democrats: nafta wasnt great. They were pussies and let bush/cheney off easy. Al franken got railroaded and his party shouldve defended him like the republicans defend jim jordan, who oversaw over 100 cases of sexual abuse while he was at ohio state. And he got a medal of fucking freedom. Both sides my fucking ass.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Lets see... major conservative beliefs i agree with... im pro choice, want universal health care, think voting should be free and easy for anyone, i vehemently support green energy and technology, i support free lunches in svhool, i enthusiastically support public eduvation and universities, a social safety net, decriminalization of nearly all drugs, diverting funds from policing to mental health and social programs... so, no, based on the past ~40 years of the republican platform, i really cant think of anything i agree with. For democrats: nafta wasnt great. They were pussies and let bush/cheney off easy. Al franken got railroaded and his party shouldve defended him like the republicans defend jim jordan, who oversaw over 100 cases of sexual abuse while he was at ohio state. And he got a medal of fucking freedom. Both sides my fucking ass. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
Yep. We still disagree.
Don you believe that parents or young children should be able to authorize a child to receive puberty blockers and gender transition transition hormones?
I find that especially disgusting.
btw:There are only two genders.