The Continued Islamization of America............

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And at the bottom of the list, we find a tie between Democrats and Republicans.
joe bloe's Avatar
by the way Joe Bloe you mention you are less concerned about animals of lesser intelligence than animals of higher intelligence- I hope you know that Cows are one of the dumbest animals on the planet and actually cockroaches and ants have a higher intelligence than cows. Pigs on the other hand very smart. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
So, it's come down to arguing the intelligence of cockroaches compared to cows?

This thread has really degenerated into complete silliness.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So, it's come down to arguing the intelligence of cockroaches compared to cows?

This thread has really degenerated into complete silliness. Originally Posted by joe bloe
YOU MADE IT SILLY- WITH YOUR RATIONALE!!! You still have not answered my question concerning the Jewish tradition and the Islamic tradition- so is the tradition that is in your conservative Bible does it not say o slit the animals throat or what? If it does say it admit that you made a mistake and that you are a Christian in name only and like typically conservative republicans you don't squat about your own faith which profess to hold dear to your heart and values.
My point with the thread wasn't directed at hallah or Islamic traditions; but at the corporate mindset of ConAgra playing to the Islamic sensitivies. And trying to hide the fact after being exposed.
joe bloe's Avatar
YOU MADE IT SILLY- WITH YOUR RATIONALE!!! You still have not answered my question concerning the Jewish tradition and the Islamic tradition- so is the tradition that is in your conservative Bible does it not say o slit the animals throat or what? If it does say it admit that you made a mistake and that you are a Christian in name only and like typically conservative republicans you don't squat about your own faith which profess to hold dear to your heart and values. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Mark Twain said that you shouldn't try to teach a pig to dance because you will fail, and it annoys the pig.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Muslims are a market. It's called competition. If they want to appeal to Muslims, so what? The government isn't requiring it (except insofar as ConAgra is not a part of the government business climate, which they are, but I digress) so it is volitional on the ConAgra. Buy their turkeys or not. But is a conspiracy to increase market share, not undermine America any more than they already are.
I didn't say it was a conspiracy; that isn't how unwanted change happens. And I assume you support my right to talk about ConAgra and their hallal turkeys right?

And you are correct. ConAgra doesn't give a shit about the issue, at least until their consumers catch wind. Then they run and hide and disavow their hallah affection.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Complain to ConAgra all you want. Of course you have the right to complain to them, and to anyone else who will listen. I'm just saying I'm not offended, unless it is more cruel or more expensive than traditional methods of slaughter. I still don't know if that is the case or not. Until then, I will stick with good, old American Jennie-O turkeys, because they were a dime a pound cheaper.

So call away. Meanwhile, I will be enjoying a turkey sandwich.
I you don't like it in this country leave. And unless you are native american, you have no complaints about immigrants in this country, as you are one of them.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
My point with the thread wasn't directed at hallah or Islamic traditions; but at the corporate mindset of ConAgra playing to the Islamic sensitivies. And trying to hide the fact after being exposed. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW why should it matter- it seems like Republicans or so called conservatives want to tell people what God likes and dislikes and whether you want to believe it or not U.S is not a Christian nation at least not today- so why the fuck would you care how muslims slaughter animals???
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I you don't like it in this country leave. And unless you are native american, you have no complaints about immigrants in this country, as you are one of them. Originally Posted by bean099
Please check another board. We have already exceeded our quota of mindless morons.

But thank you for your interest. Good luck in your search.

Please check another board. We have already exceeded our quota of mindless morons.

But thank you for your interest. Good luck in your search.

CuteOldGay doesn't like competition........

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You like smilies, don't you, Arshole? They're pretty! See how they blink? There, now back to the ward. The other patients are starting to complain.

Oh my gawsh, the sky is really falling this time!
You like smilies, don't you, Arshole? They're pretty! See how they blink? There, now back to the ward. The other patients are starting to complain.