I have no qualms about weight/shape etc. I'm not looking for a boyfriend-- this is my job. I do not discriminate.
HOWEVER, proper cleaning within the folds/creases/neither-region etc is crucial in robust men, and sadly, oft overlooked
IMO, being nice and being clean are paramount to the looks dept.
If I can't handle an hour with someone because of their looks, I should just start pushing up daisies--because philanthropy.
Originally Posted by PhillyChik
I'm sure you don't want to mess with a fatty. I doubt anyone does. I'm guessing the fat boys want the most intimacy.
Having said that, for 38, you look damn good and I'm not in to chicks older than me. Hell, for 28, you look damn good. I hate dorking out on the internet with compliments, but I have to in the rare case that it's actually deserved.
You're a nice looking lady. Roll tide!! Or whatever you rednecks say every Saturday in Alabama during the football games.
Edit: Can't claim Philly and Alabama...Two different worlds of retards....Actually Philly people have a lot more brains than Alabama retards...Sorry, just being honest.. A city beats a state in this case.