all the garbage

Guest092815's Avatar
My favorite kitty lover has just that wedge. It is amazing!!
I never said whore was derogatory. There are classy whores, trashy whores, high class whores, high priced whores, 2 dollar whores, fat whores, skinny whores, whores who climb on rocks... Originally Posted by S O B

I only see providers!!!
davidsmith0123's Avatar
How about slammerkin: A slut; a slatternly woman.

(And I recommend Emma Donoghue's book by that title, but that's for a different thread)
LadiesFan's Avatar
I like Jezebel

Guest031411-2's Avatar
The wedge is the greatest thing in the world - neither party gets tired in a certain position or 10 And it IS Amazing with the right person
  • Vyt
  • 02-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Whores? All of us? That would be like assuming all hobbyists are crude, disgusting, and socially inept circus bears one lap dance away from a late life crisis. Originally Posted by klovve
I really resent this.

I'm not crude.

And I'm trying to work out, see?

Guest092815's Avatar
Awww, Vyt, you are so cute!! *(grin)* You are a fabulous dancing circus bear!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I never said whore was derogatory. There are classy whores, trashy whores, high class whores, high priced whores, 2 dollar whores, fat whores, skinny whores, whores who climb on rocks... Originally Posted by S O B

and this especially for Kelli:

"All right, pussy, pussy, pussy! Come on in pussy lovers! Here at the Titty Twister we're slashing pussy in half! Give us an offer on our vast selection of pussy, this is a pussy blow out! All right, we got white pussy, black pussy, Spanish pussy, yellow pussy, we got hot pussy, cold pussy, we got wet pussy, we got
[sniffs] smelly pussy, we got hairy pussy, bloody pussy, we got snappin' pussy, we got silk pussy, velvet pussy, Naugahyde pussy, we even got horse pussy, dog pussy, chicken pussy! Come on, you want pussy, come on in, pussy lovers! If we don't got it, you don't want it! Come on in, pussy lovers!"

"Attention pussy shoppers! Take advantage of our penny pussy sale! If you buy one piece of pussy at the regular price, you get another piece of pussy of equal or lesser value for only a penny! Try and beat pussy for a penny! If you can find cheaper pussy anywhere else, fuck it!"

Words have as much power as we give them. Connotations change over time, and are different from person to person. Allowing emotional reaction to someone's use of a word is allowing others control of you.

I loved the speech quoted above, but that had to be hard on you, if you've seen the movie, Kelli.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
What about the saying "you are what you eat... Pussy!!!"
DRorchia's Avatar
"Words have as much power as we give them. Connotations change over time, and are different from person to person. Allowing emotional reaction to someone's use of a word is allowing others control of you."

There's also something to be said for taking the high road, especially when it comes to a lady/woman. I don't speak differently to a provider than I would any other woman. I don't speak differently to people on the internet than I would speak to them in person. I'm not saying this is the case with you Thor, I don't even know you. I'm speaking in generalities. I have noticed however, that on one hand some people on the internet want to speak vile and viciously toward others. However when they push those people to a certain point, they tend to hide behind the "no threat" clause, meaning if someone actually calls them out than the moderators step in and say "no threats tolerated on the board". Well maybe civility should be enforced with the same vigor as threats.
In the end, I believe a man should treat a woman with respect. Irregardless of their profession, or their views. If a woman starts with the profanity, well then a door has been opened. Personally I would still try to at least make an attempt at remaining civil with a lady.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I have no problems with civility, however, I believe that respect has to be earned, man or woman.

I think people online tend to fly off their handles pretty easily, many times, because they don't get the context or tone of the message. It's the nature of distilling communication down to text and smiley faces.

Enforcing civility is a mistake that has been tried. You cannot legislate or enforce good behavior.

I actually respect the profession of prostitution as much as any other. I don't subject myself to the moral judgments of society, and prostitution is perfectly sound ethically.
Whispers's Avatar
"Words have as much power as we give them. Connotations change over time, and are different from person to person. Allowing emotional reaction to someone's use of a word is allowing others control of you."

There's also something to be said for taking the high road, especially when it comes to a lady/woman. I don't speak differently to a provider than I would any other woman. I don't speak differently to people on the internet than I would speak to them in person.

I agree with you 100% in regards to any interaction with a lady in person, via email or PMS..... However.

This is a Review and Information Exchange Site and the women here are "businesses" and as such should act as well as react in a professional manner. I can understand that some of what gets said can hit them emotionally however it is there responsibility to be able to handle that or perhaps they should limit their exposure to ads.

With the exception of 4 women over the years I have never had a negative thing to say to or about someone as an individual. Many women lack the ability to separate the criticism about a business practice from being personal however and it is often perceived as rude or crude.

Gloss over it all you want with the concept that "they are ladies" but the bottom line for a lot of us is that we spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars and have a right to criticize as well as share information regarding the business that takes that money.....

I'm not saying this is the case with you Thor, I don't even know you. I'm speaking in generalities. I have noticed however, that on one hand some people on the internet want to speak vile and viciously toward others.

However when they push those people to a certain point, they tend to hide behind the "no threat" clause, meaning if someone actually calls them out than the moderators step in and say "no threats tolerated on the board". Well maybe civility should be enforced with the same vigor as threats.

I disagree..... The Mods are here to deal with extremes, not to determine how we interact. That is for the community to decide. As this community moves more towards information and being customer oriented a lot of ladies will drop off as they will not be able to adjust to it not "being about them".

In the end, I believe a man should treat a woman with respect. Irregardless of their profession, or their views. If a woman starts with the profanity, well then a door has been opened. Personally I would still try to at least make an attempt at remaining civil with a lady. Originally Posted by DTorchia
I would venture to say that the vast majority of ladies on this site are treated with civility if not outwardly worshiped by many....

There are a few with histories that are no longer tolerated.... You see more of that out in the open though then the make nice stuff.... That's happening off the board, in person, at parties, social gatherings etc....

DRorchia's Avatar
There are a few with histories that are no longer tolerated.... You see more of that out in the open though then the make nice stuff.... That's happening off the board, in person, at parties, social gatherings etc....


Fair enough, I've never been to any of the off board functions so if the tone of things there is different than it has been on the board lately, I'm glad to hear it. When I first discovered ECCIE I thought it was the greatest things to come along in a long time. A way for providers and hobbyists to communicate, network, arrange meetings etc.
The personal attacks lately between some providers and some hobbyists made me think this may not be the "fun" place I first thought it was.

At the end of the day, we're talking about SEX. Is there any more FUN activity in the world? I'm delighted that providers exist at all. Young, old, BBW, spinners....there's something for everybody on this site which is what I love about ECCIE. I was never part of the Houston site you spoke of, don't know how things ran there. To me though, when we start using words like "control", getting the power back where it belongs starts seeming less about fun filled sexual encounters, providers and hobbyists and more about ego's. As you stated, perhaps I'll see more once I've been around for awhile but I joined ECCIE for the fun and I hope that's what it will turn out to be.
Just my take on things.
Texasquest's Avatar
DTorchia..your last post is RIGHT ON....This is supposed to a Fun place with usefull exchange of info..BUT some people around here think that they have been appointed "The Voise of the PEople"..and is trying to Claim control of the boards.IT also seems the Mods are at times condoning it...But if enough of the People ban together and call BS where its will get back to being a FUN BOARD.But if everyone lies down and lets an insignificant person full of Vitrile and Drama have his way ..There will soon not be a Board worth having around.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Yes, this is a business, and clients spend thousands of dollars on providers. It is also true that providers spend thousands of hours on clients. There are two sides to every transaction. I doubt Dell and its suppliers get into a public bashing of each other, or even of each other's business practices. I further doubt Dell and its potential suppliers publicly bash each other -- just not good for business.

That said, certainly both sides of a business transaction have some right to criticize the other side. It does seem to me that a majority of what I read as criticism is directed at providers (usually as a group, not individuals) and not clients, but this is just an impression. I have no statistics on this issue, and no desire to compile them.

Information sharing is different from criticism. Eccie and boards like this serve an important information-sharing role that helps the client/provider market function more efficiently. Obviously this is not a market where contracts are legally enforced. The sharing of information on Eccie and other boards helps match clients and providers, and helps providers (and to some extent clients) establish reputations that are often quite valuable. The desire to maintain said reputations 'encourages' providers (and clients) to deliver as 'promised'. This sharing of information takes place in the reviews, and in the PR or LR, and it is by nature personal, as reputations are personal. Some of that information shared will be judged as criticism by one party or the other. So be it.

(BTW, for any long-time hobbyists, I presume that the advent of these boards in late 1990s (?) has lessened the importance of agencies? Pre-internet, agencies provided a reputation-building function that is now better accomplished by these boards. Agencies built a reputation for their stable of providers, whereas these boards allow a provider to built an individual-specific reputation. Please PM any thoughts on this.)

Unlike the reviews, the LR, or the PR, the Coed board seems designed for an exchange of views on matters other than personal reputation items, although clearly there will be not sharp line. I agree with Dtorchia and Texasquest, that this should be fun, a place to read opinions on hobby related issues, to arrange social events if that is your thing, etc. It just seems to me that so often threads degenerate into a dog and cat fight.