Witness Robert Costello to Trump Grand Jury...Cohen is a "convicted perjurer, serial liar and will do anything to stay out of jail""!!

Costello also brought the signed waiver of attorney client privilege cohen executed

the waiver cohen said he didnt make
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Costello also brought the signed waiver of attorney client privilege cohen executed

the waiver Cohen said he didnt make Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
To be fair, Cohen is a frequent flier club member of the Perjurers Club, so maybe he gets extra rewards points or something.
VitaMan's Avatar
What exactly are the charges Mr. Trump may or may not be indicted on ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What exactly are the charges Mr. Trump may or may not be indicted on ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

the short version is Bragg is trying to link a misdemeanor fraud claiming the Trump Org "illegally" labeled a check to reimburse Cohen as "legal expenses" as a felony election violation.

the case has many problems.

the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor fraud case has expired. Cyrus Vance, Bragg's predecessor as DA allowed it to expire without bringing charges.

the DOJ and FEC both looked into Cohen's claims and determined no campaign finance laws were violated.

the "link" of a state misdemeanor to a federal felony in election law has never been tested, never been made before and supposedly is based on post Civil war law during reconstruction era.

for a violation of campaign finances the Trump campaign would have had to pay Cohen for his expenses. the check which Cohen presented came from the Trump Org.

the claim it is "illegal" (fraud) to label the payment to Cohen, a lawyer, for legal work i.e. settling with Daniels as "legal expenses" is nonsense. yet this is the base claim Bragg needs to make (which is past the statutes to bring) and make a "link" to Federal election law, citing a post Civil war regulation never before used.

yeah. this case is rock solid! not!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What exactly are the charges Mr. Trump may or may not be indicted on ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
The A comes before the B.
Funny how he went back and forth with me in the beginning of this thread when he now admits he knows nothing about the thread...quite odd behavior.
... Me political "insiders" are reporting the case
has just COLLAPSED - like a tin shithouse roof.

Bragg and his legal lawyers there CAUGHT hiding evidence
that would destroy their case... Mark Pomeranz may be
forced to resign! ....

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What exactly are the charges Mr. Trump may or may not be indicted on ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Sorry, game called because of rain. Seems it's raining giant turds all over the DA in the case today. Game will be rescheduled for a date after the DA gets his shit together. No word on when or if if that might occur. Apologies for the shit storm.
VitaMan's Avatar
Funny how he went back and forth with me in the beginning of this thread when he now admits he knows nothing about the thread...quite odd behavior. Originally Posted by bb1961
My purpose was to receive a knowledgeable response from a valued member of Eccie that enjoys following this closely.

And not a far right biased site like your source Redstate.

Plus this case is small potatoes.

But considering odd behavior, guess you can free up more of your time now without Pitroom keeping you busy.
... I mis-understood what me "Insiders" were saying about
Pomerantz - he had already resigned... The FEC letter was
coming so I was looking for that as I was gettin' the info.

Sorry for the confusion... Though Pomerantz may still
be involved here... Congress wants to talk to him.

#### Salty
My purpose was to receive a knowledgeable response from a valued member of Eccie that enjoys following this closely.

And not a far right biased site like your source Redstate.

Plus this case is small potatoes.

But considering odd behavior, guess you can free up more of your time now without Pitroom keeping you busy. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Who the fuck is pitroom...BTW talking about keeping busy...the few times I check this website you're ALWAYS on it with your nonsensical threads.
I know it hurts you for someone to point out the fact you post on a thread that you know nothing about(you have admitted it in this thread)...just to post.
Very sad.
BTW the thread was 100% factual in regards to the FAILED political hit job it has PROVEN to be!!
Not an opinion FACT!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Plus this case is a nothing potato.
Originally Posted by VitaMan

VitaMan's Avatar
Who the fuck is pitroom. Originally Posted by bb1961
You're not going to admit this?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're not going to admit this? Originally Posted by VitaMan

wtf is pitroom?

VitaMan's Avatar
No explanation is needed