Bernie Sanders drops a truth bomb

You would have to speak Osoros. Don't worry they will be the first to "get it"... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If by 'it' you mean the big fat dicks that were mentioned earlier, then
What happened? Don't even know what "inelastic demand" means? Please continue to tell us how qualified you are to be talking about this issue. Originally Posted by shanm
Doesn't know what inelastic demand is, but he's taking fools for their money. There IS a translator in the house. Translation; you live in your mom's basement and are typing these missives in between bouts of gastric distress that have you visiting the toilet for a violent outburst every thirty minutes. Probably because you ate an out of date cock.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 08:32 PM
If by 'it' you mean the big fat dicks that were mentioned earlier, then Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Honestly, IIFYIdiot is the creepiest motherfucker on this board. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been logging our IP's and pays us a "visit" in the near future. Be careful.
What happened? Don't even know what "inelastic demand" means? Please continue to tell us how qualified you are to be talking about this issue. Originally Posted by shanm
Doesn't know what inelastic demand is, but he's taking fools for their money. There IS a translator in the house. Translation; you live in your mom's basement and are typing these missives in between bouts of gastric distress that have you visiting the toilet for a violent outburst every thirty minutes. Probably because you ate an out of date cock. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I still do not know what inelastic demand for having big fat dicks in your mouth or how gay people have anything to do with minimum wages. But apparently both of you understand it completely, so carry on with each other. I'm not interested in learning those economic, or relationship principles.
I still do not know what inelastic demand for having big fat dicks in your mouth or how gay people have anything to do with minimum wages. But apparently both of you understand it completely, so carry on with each other. I'm not interested in learning those economic, or relationship principles. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Inelastic means the quantity demanded is the same, regardless of price. Translation; if you want big fat dick, you'll pay whatever the price is because that's how bad you want it, is I'm guess where he was going. You'd have to ask him for sure.
Inelastic means the quantity demanded is the same, regardless of price. Translation; if you want big fat dick, you'll pay whatever the price is because that's how bad you want it, is I'm guess where he was going. You'd have to ask him for sure. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Carry on, honestly I just can't relate, or have no desire to do so.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 09:18 PM
Inelastic means the quantity demanded is the same, regardless of price. Translation; if you want big fat dick, you'll pay whatever the price is because that's how bad you want it, is I'm guess where he was going. You'd have to ask him for sure. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Pretty much. On payday, it is actually perfectly inelastic up to a hundred dollars.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What evidence do you have that the demand for labor is relatively inelastic when it comes to labor? What happened in Seattle when they raised their minimum wage to $15 per hour? You have no clue what the minimum wage is. It is a starting wage, not a living wage. It is so entry level employees can enter the market and learn skills that will make them more valuable in the labor market so they can command a higher wage. Anyone who works their entire career at minimum wage either lacks ambition or is stupid. The plain fact is, the employee has to provide the employer with a value greater than what s/he is paid, or there is no job. Raising the minimum wage makes it harder for beginners and the unskilled to enter the labor market.
Typical republitard responses. Have you ever noticed how they go right to the extreme of the argument? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
What is extreme about $25 per hour? That is only $1000 per week before taxes. An annual income of $52,000. Explain what is extreme about that.

There are numerous proposals on the books by socialists to have the federal government provide everyone - working or not - with a minimum annual salary. Read Freddie DeBoer:

So, if the salary is set at $50K (for example) and you make $40K, the federal government gives you $10K. If you are unemployed, they give you the full $50K.

YOU are the one who is advocating for an increased minimum wage. So the burden is on YOU to show why $10.10 an hour is "safe" for the economy and $25/hour is extreme.

I post about how minimum wage increases don't harm the economy and immediately, they take it all the way to 'let's raise it to a million dollars, it's so easy'. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No, mope. I didn't say a million dollars. I said $25 per hour. That's $52K.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

Is that what was said? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No and I didn't say that you did. Learn to read.

Did I promote doing that? Did Bernie promote doing that? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No and I didn't say you did. I asked you why not go to $25 per hour instead of $10.10. You apparently know that one is safe and one is not. I want you to explain how you know. I am still waiting for an answer.

And keep in mind that for every economist that says you can raise is without harming the economy, there is another one that says you can't.

No, but the republicants have no REAL argument, Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Actually they do. They have just as many economists on their side as the Democrats do.

But, since you are advocating for change, the burden of proof is on you to show there won't be any harm.

It's the adult equivalent of 'I know you are but what am I'.. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
That makes no sense at all. But then, neither does the rest of your post.

You don't have a real answer, so you just say something stupid. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Time to take a look in the mirror, mope.
Another Grubered Odumbo minion decided... Originally Posted by shanm
I have no idea what that means. And neither do you, idiot.

Dipshit, a lot of mathematical analysis goes on into determining the right minimum wage. You know math? The subject you've been flunking since the third grade? That's why it's better to leave it to people who know what the fuck they are talking about.

It's called the minimum wage but it does not go up year by year like prices do due to inflation. Does that concept ever enter your tiny brain? No one is saying that we should make millionaires out of people that are doing the min wage jobs, but at least we can give them enough so that they don't have to starve to death. They are working hard after all. When 600 economist's are saying so, my first inclination would be to believe them over some retard on the internet (talking about you, retard). They obviously are not earning minimum wage, so why they FUCK do they care about raising it? Fuckface Originally Posted by shanm
I am not going to respond point by point to your moronic name calling. Read what I wrote above in response to UnderConstruction. It addresses most of your verbal diarrhea.

And with advanced degrees in science and engineering, I would say I know a lot more than you do about math.
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2015, 02:44 PM
IB please tell me how you are more qualified than nobel peace prize winning economists to be talking about this subject.

The healthiest economy is one that has a small amount of yearly inflation. Inflation is directly tied to spending. Yes, as people spend more, prices go up. I don't know what the fuck you were trying to prove with that bullshit. If we experience defltaion, that causes people to spend less and save more. For christ's sake read a fucking book you illiterate motherfucker. Originally Posted by shanm
If the economist won the Nobel Peace Prize, I don't think he is automatically given the Nobel Prize for Economics at the same time, but I could be
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 03:01 PM
What is extreme about $25 per hour? That is only $1000 per week before taxes. An annual income of $52,000. Explain what is extreme about that.

There are numerous proposals on the books by socialists to have the federal government provide everyone - working or not - with a minimum annual salary. Read Freddie DeBoer:

So, if the salary is set at $50K (for example) and you make $40K, the federal government gives you $10K. If you are unemployed, they give you the full $50K.

YOU are the one who is advocating for an increased minimum wage. So the burden is on YOU to show why $10.10 an hour is "safe" for the economy and $25/hour is extreme.

No, mope. I didn't say a million dollars. I said $25 per hour. That's $52K.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

No and I didn't say that you did. Learn to read.

No and I didn't say you did. I asked you why not go to $25 per hour instead of $10.10. You apparently know that one is safe and one is not. I want you to explain how you know. I am still waiting for an answer.

And keep in mind that for every economist that says you can raise is without harming the economy, there is another one that says you can't.

Actually they do. They have just as many economists on their side as the Democrats do.

But, since you are advocating for change, the burden of proof is on you to show there won't be any harm.

That makes no sense at all. But then, neither does the rest of your post.

Time to take a look in the mirror, mope
. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Many many things wrong with your post.

You say he never suggested raising it to $25, then why the hell are you questioning him on it? Does that make any sense?

And for the minimum wage increase to 10.10 instead of 25, there's many reasons.
Firstly, lets say you went to college (Obviously you didn't, but for the sake of argument, let's say you did). The average starting salary for a college grad is around 40-45k. Raising minimum wage to $25/hr means few people will go to college if they can spend those 4 years earning a higher wage than they would even with a college degree. A professional accountant or engineer might start out at the wages you're listing above.

Secondly, just handing out undeserved money to everyone is not how the economy functions. If you give EVERYONE in a single-commodity economy $30,000, the price of the one commodity goes up by $30,000 as well. The higher the minimum wage, the more likely people will give up their jobs to enter the minimum wage market. That means more undeserved wage increases for everyone. NO ONE is saying that we should give money to people for work they haven't done. The work of a minimum wage earner is not of the same caliber as a professional accountant. The $25 argument is extremely naive. This is actually why economists even supporting the 10.10 min wage are against seattles $15 min wage.

The difference between salaried jobs and the minimum wage is that it is usually what most people start out on, especially in retail/sales jobs. It's a pedestal for them to get experience, go to college and earn a degree. But they can't do that when they are spending every waking minute of their lives working their ass off to support their families. They need time to maybe eat with their families, need time to attend classes, study and gain other skills that might get them OUT of earning minimum wage.

A lot of people work multiple jobs to support themselves on minimum wage. People who work at Mcdonalds, walmart etc, are more often than not working more than one shift. As such, the minimum wage is not raised year by year to reflect rising costs of inflation. Let's say that you live on chocolate bars costing $10, and your yearly wage is also $10. Next year, that chocolate bar will cost $11, while your wage might still be the same if you are on minimum wage. If not you, then the next person just entering the job market on minimum wage will not be able to afford the same chocolate bar that you lived on. Lower standards of living.

In conclusion, a LOT of statistical modeling and analysis goes into predicting the accurate level of minimum wage. For PhD applicants in economics you need 18 college credits (6 classes) in Mathematics to even enter the program. That's what they do. There's a lot of arguments for and against minimum wage. Among the "against" are reduction in jobs, inconclusive results on poverty, discouraging education etc etc. The $25 argument is NOT one of them. As of now, the consensus seems to be that raising the minimum wage will help, which is why many states are lobbying for it.

So far, not one of you can answer this. Do you think the economists lobbying for minimum wage increase benefit from it somehow? They are obviously not earning minimum wage. On the other hand, the politicians in the pockets of corporations like walmart certainly have something to gain from advocating against it.

And before LexusIdiot jumps in, I wrote this from my phone. Make all the corrections you want. Saves me the time from going back and editing it.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 03:08 PM

And with advanced degrees in science and engineering, I would say I know a lot more than you do about math. Originally Posted by ExNYer
yeah I really really doubt that. You don't know me. But feel free to post whatever you want. This is the internet. We are obligated to believe everything you say.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 03:09 PM
If the economist won the Nobel Peace Prize, I don't think he is automatically given the Nobel Prize for Economics at the same time, but I could be Originally Posted by DSK
You're right jackass. I meant to say Nobel prize.
Don't tell shamman, but he's like that proverbial jackass lured forward by the carrot tied to a stick. Raising wages contributes to price inflation. Shamman is stupid enough to believe that putting a larger carrot on the end of the stick is equivalent to actually getting the carrot. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Reckon his sister/mommy and brother/daddy dropped him on his oversized head a lot as a toddler ?