Behold! Cliven Bundy and "the Negro"

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  • 04-25-2014, 06:48 AM
. Bundy actually had a legitimate income from his ranching business. Maybe he was grazing cattle on what was deemed federal land and not paying some fees but he wasn't freeloading Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If a Steakhouse stole Bundy's cattle and made a profit off the meat they stole, would you call that a 'legitimate income'?

Are they not freeloading? Or better stated, a thief.

You are trying to classify a bank robbery as a legal dispute between a patron and the bank. Bundy is a freeloader. No different than if you or I bypassed our water meter because we thought water ought to be free.
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh pardon me! I forgot ... Originally Posted by bigtex
My reference was in comparison to you, BigTits. Go get educated.

And get off the Chronicle OP-ED pages for a change.
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No different than if you or I bypassed our water meter because we thought water ought to be free. Originally Posted by WTF
This factual situation may be more like ....

..... the utility slapping a meter on pumping lake water adjacent to the pumper's property.

The recent history in the Obaminable Administration reflects some responses to whining by the "GREEN TERRORISTS" aka "TREE HUGGERS" ... in which erroneous "facts" were published regarding the "consumption" of the natural growth of vegetation by domestic livestock.

How did Bundy run up a $1 million bill? Back charging?

The "water company" forgot to bill you for 50 years?
What happened in the desert of Clark County was a legitimate act of civil dis-obedience; everything else (bundy's statements, legal standing, etc) is gorilla dust.......

The issue going forward will be is this the beginning of something larger?

Most on the left will use Bundy's statements to try and stop the anti-government movement.
Harry Reid condemns Bundy for saying Obama’s light-skin and non-negro dialect helped him become president…

Oh wait! Bundy didn’t say that at all. That was what Harry Reid said about Obama in 2008, meaning he thought Obama was white enough to be president.
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  • 04-25-2014, 07:27 AM
What happened in the desert of Clark County was a legitimate act of civil dis-obedience; everything else (bundy's statements, legal standing, etc) is gorilla dust....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yea Bonnie and Clyde were legitimate act(s) of civil dis-obedience.

According to that logic , Tim McViegh Olk City act was a legitimate act of civil dis-obedience.
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  • 04-25-2014, 07:30 AM
This factual situation may be more like ....

..... the utility slapping a meter on pumping lake water adjacent to the pumper's property. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just because you have property next to the Federal government does not mean you can then freeload off it.

If Bundy's property was next to yours, would you think it ok for him to graze his cattle for free on your land?

Why are you folks twisting yourself up in a pretzel to defend this freeloader.
They might have been if they had a political message they were selling.........but they didn't.......

Instead of being silly stupid; you could refer to Robin Hood............who like Bonnie and Clyde stole from the rich bankers, but did it for the poor !

Yea Bonnie and Clyde were legitimate act(s) of civil dis-obedience Originally Posted by WTF
I B Hankering's Avatar

For instance Bundy used the term "Spanish" to refer to persons coming into the United States to work. To me that implies ignorance, not racism. But I'm not running around trying to identify racists as a methodology to attack others' ideas and beliefs, or to demonize them.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
That really depends on who he was talking about. Believe or not, hundreds if not thousands of Spaniards are hired as shepherds to herd sheep on BLM land in the West.

Yep, there is a reason why IBHankering will lie and distort in order to defend this deadbeat welfare rancher.

And why IFFY will post stupid InfoWars videos all day long.

He is a dumb racist like them. From the NY Times article:

Here is a lovely excerpt:
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”


Yeah, that whole "slavery wasn't so bad" line of reasoning brings IBHankering immediately to mind.

My prediction is that this guy will look worse and worse with each passing day. And all the media has to do is put a microphone in front of him and let him speak. His mouth will dig his own grave.

And it looks like Rand Paul and other Republicans are putting as much distance as possible between themselves and Cliven Bundy:

Glenn Beck - of all people - pegged this asshole from the start. From the WaPo article:
"Conservative personality Glenn Beck has always been wary of Cliven Bundy. After Bundy's remarks on African Americans were published, he told his radio listeners that he had been right all along. That shows you how unhinged from reality this guy is,” he said. “You’ve got to distance yourself. You must know who you are standing next to at all times – with exactness." He went on, "You wondered if blacks were better off as slaves picking cotton and having a family life? They didn’t have a family life! That’s the real key to what he said. And there’s no way around that sentence.”"

Here is Beck from The Blaze website:

“We did some research online with PsyID today, and found that there’s about 10 or 15 percent of the people who are talking about this online that are truly frightening,” Beck said on his television program. “They don’t care what the facts are. They just want a fight.”

Beck said there are many “decent, small-government proponents from groups like the Tea Party” supporting Bundy, and they need to be aware that the controversy has drawn “violent, anti-government” individuals who are “the right’s version of Occupy Wall Street,” as well.

People can spot anger and vengeance from a mile away,” the multimedia personality said. “When I saw that video when [protesters] were lunging and jumping at the agents, I thought, ‘this is our side’s Occupy Wall Street.’ It’s happening all over again, and it will end the same way.”


The wheels are coming off for Cliven. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're the principal liar here, you dumb-fuck Yankee retard exiled from your beloved homeland and now living in Texas. You cannot support your opening statement with a single, genuine citation, you mentally forlorn Yankee dweeb.

Like IBHankering, Hannity better quit while he is behind.

Stewart is mopping the floor with him. That is funny shit. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are a genuine, chromosome deficient Yankee moron if you think you actually ever demonstrated anything other than your own full retardation, you benighted Yankee jackass.

putz boy doesn't realize that the same people who hate blacks because of their color are the same people who hate jews because of their religion....maybe someday he'll make the connection although I have serious doubts.... Originally Posted by stevepar
A list of "people who hate people because of their religion" would include most lib-retards and you, bogie-steve.
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  • 04-25-2014, 07:39 AM
They might have been if they had a political message they were selling.........but they didn't.......

Instead of being silly stupid; you could refer to Robin Hood............who like Bonnie and Clyde stole from the rich bankers, but did it for the poor ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
OWS should have sent the Bonnie and Clyde message. Then maybe you would have defended them!

Would you have defended OWS had they showed up armed and made the NYC police department back down? That is basically wtf this Bundy did. His followers showed up armed and instead of arresting them the Feds backed down....
LexusLover's Avatar
Just because you have property next to the Federal government does not mean you can then freeload off it. Originally Posted by WTF
For some reason you think (and apparently a lot of others) that the "government" owns anything ... the TAXPAYERS and NONTAXPAYING CITIZENS own the Government.

When you, and other public servants, begin to comprehend that concept, then "Government" will do a better job of taking care of the BOSSES!

Obaminable, Congress, and the Court system works for US!

The Bureau of Land Management claims the cattle are trespassing on fragile Gold Butte habitat set aside for the endangered desert tortoise, and that Bundy has racked up some $1.1 million in fees and penalties since 1993.

So he can feed beef so save a tortoise? No wonder people can't afford beef! Unless they are on food stamps!
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  • 04-25-2014, 07:41 AM
What happened in the desert of Clark County was a legitimate act of civil dis-obedience; everything else (bundy's statements, legal standing, etc) is gorilla dust.......

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I rebooted....Bundy's followers wanted to get women and children shot first! That is the type of folks you are supporting. Tim McViegh used the same logic.

According to that logic , Tim McViegh Olk City act was a legitimate act of civil dis-obedience. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 04-25-2014, 07:49 AM
For some reason you think (and apparently a lot of others) that the "government" owns anything ... the TAXPAYERS and NONTAXPAYING CITIZENS own the Government.

When you, and other public servants, begin to comprehend that concept, then "Government" will do a better job of taking care of the BOSSES!
! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I understand that concept but I'm not ignorant enough to claim I do not have to pay admission in a public park that charges one by using your ill suited logic.

Under your logic you can drill an oil well on public land with out repercussions because it's 'yours'. The government does not own it.
LexusLover's Avatar
I understand that concept but I'm not ignorant enough to claim I do not have to pay admission in a public park that charges one by using your ill suited logic.

Under your logic you can drill an oil well on public land with out repercussions because it's 'yours'. The government does not own it. Originally Posted by WTF
It's not my logic. It's a fact. The Government holds in "trust" for the citizens. That's all.

The facts here are apparently in dispute
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  • 04-25-2014, 08:34 AM
It's not my logic. It's a fact. The Government holds in "trust" for the citizens. That's all.

That does not mean you can then defy the law with immunity.

The facts here are apparently in dispute Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are these facts in dispute?

August 2013: A court order says Bundy has 45 days to remove his cattle from federal land.
October 2013: A federal district judge court tells Bundy not to “physically interfere with any seizure or impoundment operation.”