Elon Musk bans Freedom of Speech for journalists he doesn’t like.

HDGristle's Avatar
Current reporting indicates the police have been investigating but want to speak to a member of Elon's security team

Not as a victim. Not as a witness.

As a suspect in an incident they're investigating regarding an assault with a deadly weapon involvng a vehicle.



This is getting weirder and looks more and more like a convenient excuse to flex against Sweeney and the press. We'll see how it continues to play out.
HDGristle's Avatar

Basically, no new news. This appears to have been what I expected as far as being a convenient scapegoat for Musk to take an action he wanted to and in violation of his free speech principles.

And some folks are ok with that. And some folks aren't.

What Musk isn't, though, is a free speech absolutist
HDGristle's Avatar

@ElonJet welcome on Bluesky. Dorsey's message was beautiful. "Keep on keeping on"

And as an update, the whole stalker excuse used to justify censorship was proven as bullshit.

Police investigated. Zero charges were filed but they confirmed zero link to @ElonJet. Musk false-flagged harder than Russia on this one.
You know the doctor is going to point out the thread is over 30 days old.
HDGristle's Avatar
According to Doc, that rule applies to encounters

For reference