Ladies - Phone Call Etiquette

Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
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PJ1964's Avatar
I havent read ALL the posts in this thread, cos I pretty much got out of it what I needed(together with some experience/exposure), so maybe I shouldnt but I am a bit curious as to whom suggested a provider/client phone call last 'all day'. I certainly didint suggest that, but to each their own, I guess.
Anyway, thanx again for the very valueable advice and different angles of looking at the topic. I do appreciate them/you.
My conversations are always short and sweet. I don't see a need for too much chit chat. Even on PM I prefer not to get too much into detail. There are guys who ask me to get into specifics and chat about activities. One guy asked what all he could get in 30 minutes. I was starting to wonder if he was LE.
London Rayne's Avatar
I havent read ALL the posts in this thread, cos I pretty much got out of it what I needed(together with some experience/exposure), so maybe I shouldnt but I am a bit curious as to whom suggested a provider/client phone call last 'all day'. I certainly didint suggest that, but to each their own, I guess.
Anyway, thanx again for the very valueable advice and different angles of looking at the topic. I do appreciate them/you. Originally Posted by PJ1964
Welcome back "Da Freakin" lol.
PJ1964's Avatar
Welcome back "Da Freakin" lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
You ok? Been smokin somethin?
London Rayne's Avatar Obviously that 10 day ban Chica gave you didn't last long..."Da Freakin" bwahahah what a name. As if we don't know it's the same guy troll!

IP in check now...I am certain you're not bright enough to switch up when you can't even spell lol. See ya! Oh, and please stop sending me and my friends PMs...none of us care to associate with you dude. Your alter ego didn't spell his words all the way through either...if at all.

I have a plane to catch, so good luck.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Welcome back "Da Freakin" lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

nice shot ...

PJ1964's Avatar Obviously that 10 day ban Chica gave you didn't last long..."Da Freakin" bwahahah what a name. As if we don't know it's the same guy troll!

IP in check now...I am certain you're not bright enough to switch up when you can't even spell lol. See ya! Oh, and please stop sending me and my friends PMs...none of us care to associate with you dude. Your alter ego didn't spell his words all the way through either...if at all.

I have a plane to catch, so good luck. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Not sure what ur talking bout. No ban pf any length.
Not sure which "friends"( ha!that's rich! LOL!!)you're talkin about. Chances are I wouldn't/don't want to spend time/energy with any of y'all. Please stop your lying and stop trying to instigate an argument. You nor the subject after is worth my time
or BTW....The post you responded to was made 4 days ago. No ban here.
Nice try though.
Now, if you'd be so kind as to leave me alone, im sure you'd appreciate it.
PJ1964's Avatar Obviously that 10 day ban Chica gave you didn't last long..."Da Freakin" bwahahah what a name. As if we don't know it's the same guy troll!

IP in check now...I am certain you're not bright enough to switch up when you can't even spell lol. See ya! Oh, and please stop sending me and my friends PMs...none of us care to associate with you dude. Your alter ego didn't spell his words all the way through either...if at all.

I have a plane to catch, so good luck. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I am TERRIBLY sorry, but I haven't changed my handle, but believe what you want. Its ok by me.
London Rayne's Avatar
Honey, ALL of your PMs are on RECORD lmao! The mods have them. Like I said, see ya! You claim to have JUST registered...but you sure do know a lot about Naomi and I don't ya? You and "Da Freakin" who was banned about 3 weeks ago ( about the time PJ registered lol) use the exact same uneducated lingo. Nuff said. Maybe YOU should stfu about me, and stop sending me stupid messages asking me when I am going to Texas bwahahaha. Maybe to see a few mods I happen to have the hots for, but certainly not someone who can't write and spell.

You should really stop liking your own posts too dude...that's about as retarded as giving yourself a high five in public.
PJ1964's Avatar
Honey, ALL of your PMs are on RECORD lmao! The mods have them. Like I said, see ya! You claim to have JUST registered...but you sure do know a lot about Naomi and I don't ya? You and "Da Freakin" who was banned about 3 weeks ago ( about the time PJ registered lol) use the exact same uneducated lingo. Nuff said. Maybe YOU should stfu about me, and stop sending me stupid messages asking me when I am going to Texas bwahahaha. Maybe to see a few mods I happen to have the hots for, but certainly not someone who can't write and spell.

You should really stop liking your own posts too dude...that's about as retarded as giving yourself a high five in public. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ok. Believe what u want. Ur twisted. Have a safe flight.
PJ1964's Avatar
Honey, ALL of your PMs are on RECORD lmao! The mods have them. Like I said, see ya! You claim to have JUST registered...but you sure do know a lot about Naomi and I don't ya? You and "Da Freakin" who was banned about 3 weeks ago ( about the time PJ registered lol) use the exact same uneducated lingo. Nuff said. Maybe YOU should stfu about me, and stop sending me stupid messages asking me when I am going to Texas bwahahaha. Maybe to see a few mods I happen to have the hots for, but certainly not someone who can't write and spell.

You should really stop liking your own posts too dude...that's about as retarded as giving yourself a high five in public. Originally Posted by London Rayne
You're not do yourself any favors.
PJ1964's Avatar
Yes, I did ask if you really did NOT visit Texas. U said u like messin with guys from Texas, but u did travel to Texas, then u said I should visit u cos u thought id go to cajun country before u came here, then I said something about the fact we'd never are or something. Da freakin? Don't know who that is. Maybe he got licked off same day I regiteted here? Mah, makes too much sense. Coincidence? COULDN'T be. Or could it.
Ir a fucked up human being. "Nuff" said.
London Rayne's Avatar
Could someone clue in the clueless here that he just quoted the SAME POST TWICE, and after telling me to leave him alone responded TO ME THREE TIMES who is smoking something dear?

Please use a spell check! "Regiterated," "Ir a fked up human being" bwahahahah. Damn this is free comedy!

You are off your rocker dude...seriously! Stop huffing paint already! You sound more than just a "little" disturbed. Carry on. Post reported.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Good grief, just everyone shut up!

London there's absolutely no evidence of your claims.
And stop with the spelling/grammar errors too. Pointless, you have plenty of them as well.

Here I'll shut both of you up on this one.
