Nelson Mandela a RACIST???

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-12-2013, 06:27 AM
Of course no citation Old-racisT. You got nothing but a hollow talking point, or now, since the media has woken up, its called a lie. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Complete bullshit, Gonad.

So now the media is interviewing the people I know to confirm whether they do or do not support voter ID laws? Are those the "lies" you are referring to? Because otherwise your "lie" comment is nothing but a typical distortion as many of your posts are, and one that is even stupider than your typical garbage posts. Be explicit, what is the "lie" you are referring to?

"Hollow talking point"? What is that supposed to mean. This is a forum of opinions and observations--except, it seems, when those observations don't fit with your world view. Are YOUR opinions of Hispanics at soccer game crowds "Substantial" but mine of people I interact with are "Hollow"? Just how does that work?

As to your racist comment (again), you lie. But no one is surprised about that. To quote you, "CITATION!!!!!" Oh, but I forget, in your world you think you get to play by different rules. Go right ahead little boy, stay happy in your dream world.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Does Holder automatically represent the views of most liberals I know? No he does not. I've stated on here more than once that I think Holder is a jerk. He is likely the worst AGs I can think of. Just as Pelosi does not represent all Dems, and Cruz' TPers don't represent all Republicans. Originally Posted by Old-T

A dirty trick? First you said that "LIBERALS" liked voter ID and when you get challenged (you are wrong) you have shifted to "DEMOCRATS". Finally you go to "PEOPLE". You've lost this one. The fact is that the democratic party and liberals specifically have condemned voter ID and have launched law suits in more than one state to stop it. When it comes to law suits, Eric Holder is the voice of the democratic party.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2013, 08:54 AM
A dirty trick? First you said that "LIBERALS" liked voter ID and when you get challenged (you are wrong) you have shifted to "DEMOCRATS". Finally you go to "PEOPLE". You've lost this one. The fact is that the democratic party and liberals specifically have condemned voter ID and have launched law suits in more than one state to stop it. When it comes to law suits, Eric Holder is the voice of the democratic party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

don't you have some coloring books to grade, and some mop buckets to rinse out?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-12-2013, 09:01 AM
A dirty trick? First you said that "LIBERALS" liked voter ID and when you get challenged (you are wrong) you have shifted to "DEMOCRATS". Finally you go to "PEOPLE". You've lost this one. The fact is that the democratic party and liberals specifically have condemned voter ID and have launched law suits in more than one state to stop it. When it comes to law suits, Eric Holder is the voice of the democratic party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are correct, he is the "voice of the democratic party", and "the voice of the US gov't" as far as federal law suits. That doesn't imply all dems or all libs agree with him on every issue. Have you turned over your cognitive thought to the rep party?

If your definition of "liberal" means "opposes voter ID laws", then I was incorrect--those people I know must be confused when they consider themselves "liberals".

Neither lib nor con is a single issue term. Or are you going to argue that every conservative supports lower taxes, more military spending, all TP planks, while thumping against abortions, gay rights, etc.? Of course not. lib and con are far too oversimplified terms.

Liberals ignore black racism. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
And half-wits like you love to tout it as what? Justification for your racism? A rationale? Two wrongs make a right?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Two wrongs make it white?
JCM800's Avatar
don't you have some coloring books to grade, and some mop buckets to rinse out? Originally Posted by CJ7 is finals week.
President Zuma was caught on tape January 2012 singing, “We are going to shoot them with the machine gun, they are going to run/You are a Boer, we are going to hit them, and you are going to run/shoot the Boer…”

Of course blacks are not racist. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi

Anyone notice the sign language guy in this video...LOL!
According to liberals, he supported racist causes.

Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
Once you get past all of the blathering of the local whore hounds, you gotta admit this photo is just full of a certain poetic justice.
One of the great Icons of racial justice simply saying, "if you want to vote, prove you are legal"

It would be a great political poster for the movement to rid our Country of voter fraud.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Does anyone know where I can purchase one of those niffty tees?????? I have been trying to find something original to send to BO for Christmas.

According to liberals, he supported racist causes.

Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does anyone know where I can purchase one of those niffty tees?????? I have been trying to find something original to send to BO for Christmas. Originally Posted by OMGitsHuge
NFI what that picture is, do you dipshit?