
Still Looking's Avatar
I gotcha... ipad...??? Is that when a gal you only know via the internet is on her period? Just asking....
For sure, that's Exactly why itmeans, StL. And, it's so bad it affects my grammar!
i would say not all ""pimps"" are a threat to clients nor are they all painted with the same paint brush to ladies as hollywood and the horrror stories paint them...

care in point: i had been with a provider several years back that was fairly well known on the old site, etc....

sometime after that I began dating a woman and found out she was friends with that provider...

at one point I met a man close to the provider...

after he and I began drinking buddies at the family events he informed me that he in fact had been outside the incall when I had seen the provider...

he was totally cool about everything and never mentioned a word of it to my GF at the time... Originally Posted by BDSaint
I know in a round about way you are making reference to my post. I didn't say any Pimps were a threat to a client. I was just making a comparison to how most people would draw a conclusion between the two terms and how they relate to the field of Escorting. If a provider told you she had a Pimp you may draw back some opposed to if she said she was under management or she had a manager who handles her affairs, you might feel a bit more at ease. Words how we use them or how the media, movies portray them spark different emotions. A member here was doing a review on a provider and wrote in his review, as he was leaving, the providers husband or significant other barged in the room and got up in the reviewers face about going over his time by a few minutes. Would that guy be a pimp or a manager?
to be honest i think that a manager is just a nice word for being fairly new to the business(not even a year in yet) i have heard stories about other girls that have pimps and how they take all the girls money and hobbyists have gotten robbed and beat up by the persons pimp and ive seen first hand with people that i know in the business that have an SO and they do the same thing its sickening
niceguy's Avatar
This is just my opinion, but based on many years (probably more than most on the boards) of meeting ladies both civilian, friends with benefits, P4P that there are as many possible variations as grains of sand on the beach.

From my observations over the years this is what I believe and how I conduct my encounters.

Street girls or places like Backpage very high probability of some form of pimp/manager in the background.

P411 or verified board ladies a very low probability of this.

Agencies, for the most part, I don't think of as pimps, but I never in my entire life have used one so my lack of experience in that area leaves me with little real knowledge.

Way back in my University years (This was in Southern California) and my early 20's this is what one had to do if they were between girlfriends, needed a quick fix, and did not want to patronize a street girl.

You would go to a known friendly hotel and the desk clerk would arrange for delivery (always better than Pizza and most of the time hotter).

In lieu of that most cab drivers of the era could see that needs were met as well. I am sure they got some compensation for this, but I do not think of them as pimps in the general sense of the word.

I register domains and do web hosting and have many providers as customers.

I make some money from that, but it sure does not make me a pimp any more than their hair dresser might be.

Today there are very many very intelligent ladies providing these services.

Many of these ladies are on sites like P411 or verified here.

The bottom line is that ladies like these have no need what so ever for a pimp, and I truly believe, and I am not naive, that very few if any of these ladies utilize them at all.
GinaXXX's Avatar
This topic is a lot deeper than many people might realize.

My definition of "pimp" is someone who has an intimate (not necessarily sexual) relationship with a provider or providers, who is supported financially by way of that relationship.

This would mean that a "pimp" could be a provider's husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, friend, etc. Someone who is around the provider a great deal of the time, and who doesn't have their own job in the real world.

The reality of this industry is that it's a lonely one..... VERY lonely. The women spend a lot of time isolated because of the nature of the business.

So it's not surprising that when a provider finds someone who is sympathetic and understanding to the business she is in, that person often becomes part of her world and is financially supported. The provider needs emotional support and understanding, and the person needs financial support to be able to be there for the provider whenever she needs. Getting that from someone who is busting their ass trying to support themselves as a 9-5 working stiff, usually doesn't happen.

Childcare is a major issue as well. I can't tell you how many "pimps" are also on-call babysitters.

Anyway... this is a mixed up industry, full of mixed up relationships. Judgement and criticism has no place, because unless you know how heart breakingly lonely is is being a provider, you will never understand. Many providers who swear up and down they don't have a "pimp", actually do if you go by my definition of the word.

I had a pimp for many years. Yes, the Hollywood type of pimp.... and it was the right relationship for me during the time I was in it. I learned much from those years, and I credit that man for making sure I did not sink into a life of drug addiction and despair. Today, I am a strong and confident woman, even though I grew up in difficult circumstances. My pimp showed me that there was another world out there.... and that this industry could allow me to grab a piece of it .

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-20-2011, 08:54 AM
Nice post, Gina. Though when you describe your pimp you are not using it in the same manner I think most of us associate it. I certainly think your definition of pimp is a lot more encompassing that most of us envision. One lady I know supports her mother and 2 young kids. The mother is among other things her short-notice child care and nanny. Her mother does not know what she does. In your definition the mom is a pimp--certainly a very different thing than someone else who not only is supported but is coercive.

This has become a very interesting post.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Her mother does not know what she does.
I would think the mother likely does know, but it's just not a topic they've discussed. How could someone not know, or not suspect, if they are close to the situation? However, often laying it on the table is too painful.

In your definition the mom is a pimp--certainly a very different thing than someone else who not only is supported but is coercive.
I assure you that the vast majority of providers, even those who have the traditional image of a "pimp", are not coerced. They might be in a difficult, and even abusive relationship, but 9 times out of 10 when they leave that relationship, they will remain in the industry.

It's just as easy for a woman to be a bad relationship working at Denny's, as it is for them to be in a bad relationship working as a provider. The industry itself plays little part in it, it's all about self esteem and what a woman's "normal" is.... which stretches right back to the father/daughter relationship.

It's complicated. And often pretty sad. But there is hope! Just look at me....

This is a great topic. There is a blog article I would love to share on this topic. It is written by the Honest Courtesan (Maggie McNeil). Subtle Pimping
shorty's Avatar
This has become a great topic for the educated and naive hobbyist, of the inner workings of a provider.
to be honest i think that a manager is just a nice word for being fairly new to the business(not even a year in yet) i have heard stories about other girls that have pimps and how they take all the girls money and hobbyists have gotten robbed and beat up by the persons pimp and ive seen first hand with people that i know in the business that have an SO and they do the same thing its sickening Originally Posted by JEN OF SYRACUSE
I've always wondered why someone hasn't posted a thread lately about Mangement/Pimp? Do you gents/ladies consider Management/Pimp two seperate terms or is it the same but using different words? Originally Posted by shorty
I would have to say that ladies with a manager get to keep at least SOME of their money, lol. Pimps - none.
Interesting topic. I'll jump in.

I used to work for an agency. I live in ABQ and its not a big town so I never wanted to work there for a long time for fear of running into someone i know.

So i looked at a few ads, talked to a few different people and started working with a company in D.C. I would go out there for a week or two every month. They put my pics up on their website with all the other girls. They answered the phones, booked the rooms, did the screening (i started to doubt that part so i dont work with them anymore) basically did all the annoying hassle so i could just focus on making money.

There were a few issues with the relationship, they were demanding of time and wanted a percentage that was unfairly high IMO but there was nothing coercive about it. I was just new and didnt know how to work all this stuff. LOL I still dont really but I'm learning so here I am.

I'm independent now and working in my home town for various reasons but mainly because I'm more confident in everything now.

I never thought of them as pimps and they didnt make me do anything i didnt want to do. They were upfront about everything. So all in all i consider it a positive experience and I'm glad i took that step for a while.
I'veheard of agencies being referred to as management. Some agencies are just as bad as pimps IMO. For example, look at this one:
This topic is a lot deeper than many people might realize.

My definition of "pimp" is someone who has an intimate (not necessarily sexual) relationship with a provider or providers, who is supported financially by way of that relationship.

This would mean that a "pimp" could be a provider's husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, friend, etc. Someone who is around the provider a great deal of the time, and who doesn't have their own job in the real world.
Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Very well stated Gina!! This is the part that many of the guys and girls ignore. A husband, boyfriend, etc....who has their own career, pays the household bills, supports their partner both emotionally and financially is NOT a pimp....they are a partner/mate, etc. And these type of relationships do exist....I am speaking from experience!!