Dear houston: Long alert sheets, sucky provider refs, and ncns appts.

  • Sami
  • 11-08-2011, 12:46 PM
Good job Lisa! When you get home Drinks on me!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Thanks Lisa for that information. BDS...Thanks for the honesty!
This may be coming in after the fact, but prior to me being active on the board Adgjmptw1 NC/NS twice on two confirmed appointments. Not from the board or PM but through BP and via phone call. Had I been active at the time I would have gladly posted an alert. When he contacted me for a third time trying to schedule he seemed shifty, and I kept having to reiterate the references that I needed, but of course the chic LatinaBella didnt respond, neither did his other 2 references (one being a porn star, the other a new girl)... I thought he was just an idiot that didnt understand me, but apparently he was a liar. Glad I went with my gut and didnt see him. Once I did a check of his phone number I connected the handle with the NCNS from earlier this year and told him I couldnt see him though.