Being upsold

ICU 812's Avatar

That's why I do my research on this board and other places. I know what I'm getting into/onto . . . so I don't have to back-out till I'm finished.
There is no honor in the hobby, screw her. I would call hotel mgmt in a heart beat. Screw me over and you will get yours. Originally Posted by peabody

Wow you must be a real pos(pieceofshit) to say something like that.

Actually there is plenty of honor in the hobby. The hobby depends on honor. If not people would be snitching and outing all over the place.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Godamn right on that.....Fuck a snitch....
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Ya' Know....some guys just like to have a lil' control over women.......

The Hooktards, are a little smarter than your average female (they have figured out that they can make money off of that thing)

So...... The Fucktards get pissed when they get fucked out of money and pussy.

Some Fucktards write a report and post it on the internet to warn away other Fucktards, then some go retard and get Chickenshit....
Is extortion of the lady out of bounds? Yeah in my opinion it is.

Not to mention she could call her "driver" as soon as you leave and you'll maybe have a nice little chat in the parking lot with two hard pipe hittin motherfuckers who will want to go to work on you with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
He would deserve it for calling hotel management! If he didn't want to pay her "upsell" price then don't and give her a "no" review. Doing some fucked up shit like that is so low!!!
You could just piss on the curtains, or take a big dump and wipe your ass on the bed spread. That would show her. Originally Posted by boardman
Snitches get Slapped. Thats the dirtiest shit ever to do to someone. Just goes to show what type of trash you are homeboy.
Snitches get Slapped. Thats the dirtiest shit ever to do to someone. Just goes to show what type of trash you are homeboy. Originally Posted by Kammye
Damn dirty to us.

I like.
loveitdou's Avatar

Been there and done that and am always nice about it.....
I've read the first post and maybe he wrote immediately after a frustrating encounter.
The concept of an ala carte menu is lost on me. Its a form of haggling, which most ladies abhor when a gentleman tries that. To me, something like that would kill the mood.