Is the hobby an addiction?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think the only way something can be considered an addiction is if you put "it" above your well being and everything/everyone else. The hobby is not a need... it is a want, therefore it can easily become an addiction. I don't think that addiction to a particular woman would be the right word.... more like stalker, possessive, controlling, jealousy and things of that sort are more accurate. We've just been using nicer words up to this point
  • hd
  • 02-24-2011, 09:12 AM
Addicted to the hobby? I think in my case I'm addicted to browsing eccie and other sites to see the assortment that I could have. I average one visit every two months or less, and usually will re-book with one that we have a connection not only sex, but similar interests and good convo also. Convo is more meaningful to us older fellows. As Naomi mentioned she wants us to think about her after we've gone out the door, I have just a few that I still think about occasionally because of that exceptional experience.
I'm not a player like Charlie Harper, nor do I want to be.
What!!??? You'll fire a client b/c he sees another escort?? Isn't that a bit possessive? ["OK, I'll see you, but it's an exclusive deal. You can't see any other escorts."]

Guess you can't stand the competition. That's a monopolistic tactic. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
NO NO NO! You have it all wrong!....I am not possessive with my clients at all! lol....I could care less if they see another provider, and I am always happy to give my reference....

This particular person had seen 12 DIFFERENT escorts, in a 2 week period, since the last time I saw him (which was less than a month ago), when I saw how many people he had been with, I didn't want to see him for health reasons...Because you have to think of those 12 escorts, all the guys they saw before him....I dunno, just put me off...Most of my clients are regulars, and they only hobby like one a month or so, I feel the more promiscuous the client is, the less inclined I am to see him, not because I'm possessive, It has to do with germs...I have no idea how careful they are being with others, all I know is how safe I am when I'm with a client, and my safety comes first, I also get bloodwork done every 4-5 weeks....most clients don't get that done that often....SO basically what I'm saying is, I know I'm being safe and taking the responsible measures that I need to, for everyone's well being.... I have no way of knowing how safe a really promiscuous client has been, and therefore don't want my mouth anywhere near them.....

Has nothing to do with possessiveness.... you read too much into that and took it the wrong way, hope I was able to clarify what I meant by that!
I can what you're saying and I'm sure you can also see where she was referring to girls that were known to be a bit "dodgy" which I think is a polite way of saying "girls that will do unsafe things". I also think she doesn't want to see guys that are "high volume" because it increases the odds of them seeing those type of girls. I'm am sure you
saw that but love to poke jabs

I think some guys, not you, just can't stand a provider that will say "no I won't see just anyone" cause it means that money does not ensure you can see her. That kind of erases the fantasy of never being rejected in this "thing".

Oh and I know I'm addicted to this SHMB.... lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
You're spot on .....

Actually, I didn't know what "dodgy" meant, and the context didn't give me much of a clue.

And how would she know he was seeing a "dodgy" provider? I guess the client spilled the beans. If the ladies were talking and comparing notes on clients, I'd be super pissed as the client since what happens between us should stay between us. So he deserves what he got. I may talk about another provider but I try never to identify them. It's part of the whole "discreet" thing IMHO.

I DO understand the safety issue. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sorry...."dodgy" is a British slang word, I don't think about that sometimes....basically means a bit risky in a bad way, low class, scummy etc... make more sense?

Thx for the explanation. Makes perfect sense now. Seems like he would be an idiot for telling you how many he'd seen, but I guess idiots abound.

Thx for the explanation. Makes perfect sense now. Seems like he would be an idiot for telling you how many he'd seen, but I guess idiots abound. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
He seemed so proud of himself, as if he had accomplished something ( maybe a venereal disease ) by seeing that many providers in such a short amount of time, and when I fired him he acted shocked?? And much like a sad little puppy....I was like, I'm sorry, but you've brought this on yourself dude...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I will tell you this though.... Just because you don't see, hear, or read how many ladies a client or potential client sees does not mean he isn't being just as careless as the ones that do talk about it. It's a false sense of security. You more less have to trust your instincts about who you're seeing and hope you're right. Hobbyists have to do the same...

Am I the only one that hates the word hobby/hobbyist???
CarolinaGent's Avatar
how about enthusiast, connoisseur, or aficionado ?
Naomi4u's Avatar
how about enthusiast, connoisseur, or aficionado ? Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
So you're even shy online that you can't write more than one sentence? Jk
I am addicted to women and have the marriages to prove it.

Sex is like air you don't miss it until you don't have it.
I will tell you this though.... Just because you don't see, hear, or read how many ladies a client or potential client sees does not mean he isn't being just as careless as the ones that do talk about it. It's a false sense of security. You more less have to trust your instincts about who you're seeing and hope you're right. Hobbyists have to do the same...

Am I the only one that hates the word hobby/hobbyist??? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I completely agree....One never knows for sure what anyone has been up to, all I was saying is I won't see a guy if I already know he's a serial hobbyist! lol!

I don't like the word either!....What would you rather be called?!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I completely agree....One never knows for sure what anyone has been up to, all I was saying is I won't see a guy if I already know he's a serial hobbyist! lol!

I don't like the word either!....What would you rather be called?! Originally Posted by Valerie
omgosh! What about the guys that write in the reviews that "She took it like a champ", "She was begging for more"... ???? What a nice way to end up on my DNS list.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Since you want more

I will tell you this though.... Just because you don't see, hear, or read how many ladies a client or potential client sees does not mean he isn't being just as careless as the ones that do talk about it. It's a false sense of security. You more less have to trust your instincts about who you're seeing and hope you're right. Hobbyists have to do the same...
Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yes many may not talk, but those who are stupid enough to brag about it need to live with the fact that some might not appreciate their high activity.

I can see how someone could become addicted to the hobby since you can get addicted to porn, internet, video games etc. The cost keeps many in check, because some cannot indulge whenever they feel like it. Also many do not have the emotional stability to separate a fantasy from reality and could become too attached to someone. I think some attempt to avoid getting attached by seeing different providers all the time. I say, if you find someone who you enjoy their company, why not stick with it.

Almost forgot, if someone sees 12 in 2 weeks, I'd say there's a strong chance they are addicted.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I like the way Wayward describes it.... "this thing of ours".

I'm trying to think of some other stuff to write right now so Naomi doesn't call me shy for only writing one sentence.... lol. I can't think of anything without hijacking. You wouldn't think it would be so hard since Naomi's boobs aren't distracting me anymore. Only problem is now its her incredible backside that is distracting me Hey at least he didn't do the +1 bit...
CarolinaGent's Avatar
She just likes to give me a hard time about being shy.
I think you are safe.