Black History month is upon us...

LexusLover's Avatar
History is written by the victors. I'd love to hear more about the tremendous contributions from African Americans, Native Americans and others who helped build our culture. There shouldn't have to be a Black History Month. Their accomplishments should be honored among all the accomplishments. It's a testament to our lack of maturity and fear of losing control that we think the accomplishments of minorities (soon to be majorities) have to be honored separately, and outside of mainstream history. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

That's why it's racist.

How about a "U.S. History Month"?
History is written by the victors. I'd love to hear more about the tremendous contributions from African Americans, Native Americans and others who helped build our culture. There shouldn't have to be a Black History Month. Their accomplishments should be honored among all the accomplishments. It's a testament to our lack of maturity and fear of losing control that we think the accomplishments of minorities (soon to be majorities) have to be honored separately, and outside of mainstream history. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If the natives in the new world hadn't been so susceptible to the white mans diseases therefore making bad slaves, there would have never been black history month.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This all about the whitewashing of history. Another form of socialism. Socialism of the mind and memory. Anyone ever do any geneaological research into their family? You go back 100, 200, or 300 years and you find the slave owners, horse thieves, and cat house madams in your family. Just like Ben Affleck you make the slave owner into someone who truly cared about their slaves and wanted to free them except for the times. The horse thieves became explorers of the wilderness and the madams become business women. We whitewash our history. We socialize it when all history becomes a litany of the same characters; every white man is a brute looking for gold and dead Indians. Every white woman is a school marm, wife, or poor old widow but still a racist. Every slave is a noble creature thrust into chains and beatened for the perverse pleasure of their master. Every bit of color in our history becomes a pale fascimile of the real thing. That's the purpose of Black History Month. You can see by some of the posts that according to the liberal elites, black people invented most worthwhile things that we have...according to them. Like I said, the "Russianizing" of history.

Black people do have a history and they should embrace it proudly. Ensure that the right credit is awarded for real accomplishments and not for some participation award as the Oscars are about to become. I remember an episode of "Head of the Class" about a group of high school smarties. Robin Givens (the future Mrs. Mike Tyson) was one student and she did not want to do an assignment about finding her roots. She said that she was descended from "some old slave" and didn't care to know the rest. As it turned out (it's Hollywood you know) one of her direct ancestors was Sally Hemmings. So they went from there, it was all about being a descendent of Thomas Jefferson (though it can not be proven) and NOT about the struggle Hemmings family (post Jefferson) had to find their place in America. Print the legend and not the facts.
the true latest is Jefferson and sally were not an item
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
How about a slight rephrase ...

The first step to righting an alleged wrong .... to shine a light on the truth of it.
...and I must say that I'm concerned about the lack or representation at ECCIE of African Americans. Why do you think that is? Seriously though, I'm sure our leftie friends are all about Black History Month and what it represents. LMAO but here is what they don't know....Carter Woodson who is given credit for starting Black History Week was a Republican! Yep, a Republican just like Ida B. Wells the black journalist who exposed the lynch culture in the United States.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So what they were Republican. They voted their interest because most blacks at that time did not agree with the ideology of the Democrats in the south (the Republican party did free the slaves). Once the Democratic party championed voting rights, black people switched because it was in our interest to do so. Those southern Democrats who were for segregation and Jim crow moved to the Republican party. Since then the Republicans have not proposed many policies in our best interest most of us don't support them. In politics there are no permanent enemies only permanent interests. I'm going to always vote in my best interest regardless of party.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So what they were Republican. They voted their interest because most blacks at that time did not agree with the ideology of the Democrats in the south (the Republican party did free the slaves). Once the Democratic party championed voting rights, black people switched because it was in our interest to do so. Those southern Democrats who were for segregation and Jim crow moved to the Republican party. Since then the Republicans have not proposed many policies in our best interest. In politics there are no permanent enemies only permanent interests. I'm going to always vote in my best interest regardless of party. Originally Posted by rayg07

That is a popular myth that is only repeated by democrats. When did this sudden transformation happen?
LexusLover's Avatar
So what they were Republican. They voted their interest because most blacks at that time did not agree with the ideology of the Democrats in the south (the Republican party did free the slaves). Once the Democratic party championed voting rights, black people switched because it was in our interest to do so. Those southern Democrats who were for segregation and Jim crow moved to the Republican party. Since then the Republicans have not proposed many policies in our best interest most of us don't support them. In politics there are no permanent enemies only permanent interests. I'm going to always vote in my best interest regardless of party. Originally Posted by rayg07
Is that why you switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party?

Is it in your best interests as a Black person to have a good job? Is it in your best interests as a Black person to be independent of an entitlement program that oppressively injects itself into your private life? Is it in your best interests as a Black person to live in a neighborhood that is free of violent crime? Is it in your best interests as a Black person to have a family with close ties with the father and mother both living with and raising their OWN children? Is it in your best interests as a Black person for your children to emerge into their adulthood with less debt owed by our government? Is it in your best interests as a Black person for you and your family, which includes your children, to be free of the violence brought to this country and developed in this country by terrorists?

Is it in your best interests as a Black person to have as little government as possible sticking its nose in your personal life and personal business?

Correct history will inform you that Kennedy was initially opposed to the Civil Rights Act pushed by LBJ, because Kennedy believed it would cost him the South in an upcoming 2nd term election. He was NOT making the decision based on what he thought was "right" for the Black people. LBJ "traded" to get it done (heard that word lately?) ... for instance ... one of the "trades" was to make sure the "venue" and "jurisdiction" of a civil rights action could ALSO BE IN STATE COURT! ...

In the past 7 years what has the Democratic POTUS done to improve the plight of the unemployed and underemployed Black persons in this country .. what has he done to reduce the Black on Black violence in the predominately Black neighborhoods ... How has his time in office improved the status and/or circumstances of "Black people" IN THIS COUNTRY? For the most part the Black communities are religious and are closely tied to their churches, as was Dr. King, so what do so many Democrats call those who are close to their churches and cherish deep religious convictions?
Valid points. The Southern Democrats advocated for the expansion of chattel slavery before it was abolished. During the Reconstruction and Jim Crow eras, they were anti voting rights, pro segregation, and successfully derailed attempts at passing anti-lynching laws.

So what they were Republican. They voted their interest because most blacks at that time did not agree with the ideology of the Democrats in the south (the Republican party did free the slaves). Once the Democratic party championed voting rights, black people switched because it was in our interest to do so. Those southern Democrats who were for segregation and Jim crow moved to the Republican party. Since then the Republicans have not proposed many policies in our best interest most of us don't support them. In politics there are no permanent enemies only permanent interests. I'm going to always vote in my best interest regardless of party. Originally Posted by rayg07
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

Your avatar reminds me exactly of this video...
the best way to live your life is looking forward not backward.

everyone can look backward and be paralyzed by something and blame someone and its destructive, especially to kids

the funny thing is, today people blame things that never happened to them on people who never did a thing to them

the single biggest oppressor of blacks in America today are other black people
LexusLover's Avatar
Valid points. The Southern Democrats advocated for the expansion of chattel slavery before it was abolished. During the Reconstruction and Jim Crow eras, they were anti voting rights, pro segregation, and successfully derailed attempts at passing anti-lynching laws. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
"Southern Democrats"?

Is this the "Light of Truth" you be shinin'?

You should probably put some "Light of Truth" on the property tax rolls of Massachusetts and those NORTHEASTERN states with contiguous borders with Massachusetts to see if any Human Beings were on the rolls "back in the day"!

Lyndon Baines Johnson was a "Democrat"! Did you just call him a "Southern Democrat"?
LexusLover's Avatar
the best way to live your life is looking forward not backward.

the single biggest oppressor of blacks in America today are other black people Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The "point" is ... unless one cultivates the attributes of a "victim" then one cannot justify remuneration for the past "injustices" and thereby establish a "social contract" for "entitlements" aka "reparations"!

The current occupant of the People's House is an expert at instilling the "victimization syndrome" in our country, and by his own narcissism has created a divisive atmosphere in this country that has set back for decades the progress of acceptance by all of each other. I just can't help but believe that able bodied people have a more positive attitude about themselves when they earn their keep as opposed to it being handed to them, particularly when the hand delves into their personal lives and affairs, thereby frequently compelling them to deceive and cheat in order to continue to the presence of their children, who learn to take by deception and trickery as opposed to working diligently and consistently to earn their way through life.

Everyone of us can "work up" a good "victim" status if we put our minds to it!

That probably takes more effort to sustain than it does to keep a job.
  • DSK
  • 01-24-2016, 12:51 PM
The races will never get along, it is a natural division. The sooner we accept that and set the white people free from the tyranny of slavery to the US government, the better off we will all be.

Forced multiculturalism = forced division.