If Hillary runs for POTUS in 2016..............

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, the Toyota Camry is the car that is the most "made in America". The first American car on the list is a Ford F-15-.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-06-2013, 10:02 PM
Look on a Volkswagen sticker. Where is the import tax? You are truly stupid. Toyota has more of its cars for sale in the US, built in the US. Honda is up there, too. Ford Fusion? Built in Mexico, as is the Fiesta. Toyota Tundra? San Antonio.

Oh, and it was you who thought the Everglades was an ocean.

Chump. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
raise the hood, on the underside beside the left hinge theres a sticker ... it says COG is a DOPE

nope DOPE , I said the Glades was part of the Gulf ... Evergaldes Natl Park is mostly land...look at a map chump.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doubling down on stupid again, eh, chump?

So how is your chapter of "Independents for Hillary" doing?
Look on a Volkswagen sticker. Where is the import tax? You are truly stupid. Toyota has more of its cars for sale in the US, built in the US. Honda is up there, too. Ford Fusion? Built in Mexico, as is the Fiesta. Toyota Tundra? San Antonio.

Oh, and it was you who thought the Everglades was an ocean.

Chump. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

If you bring a partially assembled machine into the US there is no sticker as the rest is assembled here.
To provide further evidence that I only purchase American made vehicles. Since 1972, I have either purchased (or have been the recipient of) the following new personal and/or work vehicles.

8 Ford Motor Company products
5 General Motors products
3 Chrysler Corporation products

The above represents the complete list (or as near complete as I can recall) of new vehicles I have driven away from the dealership in the past 40+ years. Hanoi COG can kick and scream about which vehicle is more American made. Let him argue with himself!

I will stand by my original statement. There are only Ford, GM and Chrysler products parked in my driveway.

(You will notice that there are no Subaru products listed above. Neither are there any Toyota (Lexus) products, Nissan, Volkswagon, etc. listed either.)

Just American made vehicles that proudly display an American label.

Please Note: I offer no apologies now or ever, for my personal preference of purchasing American made goods and products!

LexusLover's Avatar
To provide further evidence that I only purchase American made vehicles. Since 1972, I have either purchased (or have been the recipient of) the following new personal and/or work vehicles.

8 Ford Motor Company products
5 General Motors products
3 Chrysler Corporation products
Originally Posted by bigtex
BT, don't quit your day job.


Ford, GM, and Chrysler. Outsource.

So you load up on the greatest offender.

Oh, before you get all twisted:

"Despite receiving billions of dollars from the federal government to keep them afloat, iconic American automakers Chrysler and General Motors are increasingly taking advantage of the free movement of labor allowed by the North American Free Trade Agreement and outsourcing jobs to Mexico, according to Bloomberg News.
Were it not for an $80 billion investment of taxpayer money in the companies, neither would even exist today. Yet, both have turned their backs on those very same American taxpayers by exploiting the cheap labor available south of the border.
In some cases, Mexican workers in an auto factory make just 10 percent of their U.S. counterpart’s wages. In the typical GM factory in Mexico, an autoworker makes just $4 per hour, including benefits. Your typical American autoworker, on the other hand, makes roughly $62 per hour when benefits are calculated into the equation, according to PolitiFact."


Have you noticed the purchase prices dropping 90% based on the cheap labor?

Keep waving your flag, twit.
BT, don't quit your day job. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I am not planning to quit my day job, but I will retire soon!

Keep waving your flag, twit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hanoi COG mentions "pompous ass" and look who shows up. Imagine that!
double post
BigKotex is so excited about this news that his panties are in a wad and he's foaming at the mouth to be the first one in line to suck Hillary's dick.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Since we are on the subject of cars and loyalty, I would add this:
Any Jewish person who buys a German made car is a total idiot.
(Assup probably drives a 15 year old Mercedes 190E and thinks he is cool)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2013, 07:36 AM
Since we are on the subject of cars and loyalty, I would add this:
Any Jewish person who buys a German made car is a total idiot.
(Assup probably drives a 15 year old Mercedes 190E and thinks he is cool) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You do realize that WWII is over don't you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You should be more concerned about Adidas shoes. Their creator was named Addie Dozler, he and his brother were both members of the Nazi party. They first made shoes for the 1936 Olympics, sports shoes. Addie went on to make Adidas and his brother made Pumas. Just thought you should know.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am not planning to quit my day job, but I will retire soon!

Hanoi COG mentions "pompous ass" and look who shows up. Imagine that! Originally Posted by bigtex
Wave your flag some more. In fact, why don't you wrap yourself in it?

No wonder you "liked" Kerry ... He's married to the #1 outsourcer of them all.

I'll repeat:

"Despite receiving billions of dollars from the federal government to keep them afloat, iconic American automakers Chrysler and General Motors are increasingly taking advantage of the free movement of labor allowed by the North American Free Trade Agreement and outsourcing jobs to Mexico, according to Bloomberg News.
Were it not for an $80 billion investment of taxpayer money in the companies, neither would even exist today. Yet, both have turned their backs on those very same American taxpayers by exploiting the cheap labor available south of the border.
In some cases, Mexican workers in an auto factory make just 10 percent of their U.S. counterpart’s wages. In the typical GM factory in Mexico, an autoworker makes just $4 per hour, including benefits. Your typical American autoworker, on the other hand, makes roughly $62 per hour when benefits are calculated into the equation, according to PolitiFact."


Have you noticed the purchase prices dropping 90% based on the cheap labor?

Have you found the WMD's in Syria yet?
LexusLover's Avatar
I am not planning to quit my day job, but I will retire soon!
Originally Posted by bigtex
And I hope you enjoy your retirement as much as I'm enjoying mine.

You will be happy.
Any Jewish person who buys a German made car is a total idiot. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Say what??

I'm not Jewish, but have had several Jewish private equity partners who've owned German cars. I can assure you that none of them are "total idiots."

Apparently they understand that today's German people are as decent and peace-loving as those of just about any other nation, and are not responsible for the atrocities committed by some evil fanatics of three generations ago.