McCabe Fired.

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  • 03-17-2018, 10:38 AM
This reminds me of the Clintons making the women accusers out to be liars...

why the angst over mccabe?

the system he worked under had both a carrot and a stick

he wants the carrot he never earned for he did what deserves the stick

he broke the rules and there's a good chance many laws

someone hired to enforce the law should, above all, know what he should get

but instead he lashes out and acts as if he's pure and he's just caught in a political game

reminds me of comey

he has no sense of duty or shame or introspection

its always someone elses fault

now the dims gather to his aid for their demonic hatreds have always beaten away any fleeting thought of fealty to truth

to top it off he didn't lose all his pension from what I can gather, just the right to begin receiving it at 50 instead of 60

Here's the FERS blurp (federal employees retirement system I guess)

"Under this type of retirement, your annuity will be reduced for each month that you are under age 62. The reduction is 5% per year (5/12 of a percent per month). However, your annuity will not be reduced if you completed at least 30 years of service, or if you completed at least 20 years of service and your annuity begins when you reach age 60."

he has completed 20 years, I heard joined the fbi in 1996, so according to that last bit, he would get a full check if he waits to 60

boo hoo

he will also get social security - a much better retirement than most every other american
bamscram's Avatar
Have Sessions and Trump created a very motivated enemy?
mccabe, just like his ex-boss comey, already hated trump

trump's flaw was his naivety

he was not up on washington's intrigues and booby traps, nor realized how these people distained him so

all trump knew was he didn't do what he was being accused of, the Russian collusion thing,

comey and mccabe knew that too

so trump became the perfect patsy for these two, an honest non stop talker

they knew if they couldn't get trump on collusion they'd get him with some sort of process crime, either a lie or obstruction

so they set trump up as much as they could and "kept" journals as much as they could to "memorialize" any naïve, innocently spoken thing trump might have said, to cast them as dark as possible and then testify as to their shock at trump

then comey leaked government documents,his "memos", to get a special prosecutor

so yeah mccabe's an enemy but of his own making, and he planned all along to go along with comey

so nothing much has changed except the inspector general's report
bambino's Avatar
mccabe, just like his ex-boss comey, already hated trump

trump's flaw was his naivety

he was not up on washington's intrigues and booby traps, nor realized how these people distained him so

all trump knew was he didn't do what he was being accused of, the Russian collusion thing,

comey and mccabe knew that too

so trump became the perfect patsy for these two, an honest non stop talker

they knew if they couldn't get trump on collusion they'd get him with some sort of process crime, either a lie or obstruction

so they set trump up as much as they could and "kept" journals as much as they could to "memorialize" any naïve, innocently spoken thing trump might have said, to cast them as dark as possible and then testify as to their shock at trump

then comey leaked government documents,his "memos", to get a special prosecutor

so yeah mccabe's an enemy of his own making, and he planned all along to go along with comey

so nothing much has changed except the inspector general's report Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Collusion isn’t a crime either.
lustylad's Avatar
Remember your words as the Mueller investigation continues to hand out indictments. A lot of "innocent" people sure seem to be pleading guilty Originally Posted by themystic
Hey missed dick... you're the stooge with the double standard, not me. It's quite revealing how you are so blinded by hyper-partisan hatred that you can't even own up to your own glaring hypocrisy!

Flynn lies - you say "Lock him up!"

McCabe lies - you whine "Trump and his supporters have a special place in hell."

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  • 03-17-2018, 01:02 PM

Flynn lies - you say "Lock him up!"

McCabe lies - you whine "Trump and his supporters have a special Originally Posted by lustylad
Hold on there lustyturd, Flynn has already plead guilty to lying and McCabe is denying wtf is said about fact you could say he is using the witch hunt defense!

The double standard is the GOP nominating Trump who is as crooked as Clinton with that legal bribe factory called the Clinton Foundation.

we had four years of Benghazi investigations you surely are okay with four years of trump investigation
lustylad's Avatar
McCabe is denying wtf is said about him... Originally Posted by WTF
Ok, let's hear your version... exactly why was he fired? And exactly what is he denying?

Ask your FBI pals (the ones who have you under surveillance for being a Putin-loving colluder) what "lack of candor" means.

Here is what Barleycorn posted earlier. Try to be specific.

...McCabe lied. That is one thing that you don't do in the FBI. Day one of Quantico is to never be fast and easy with the truth (what is the meaning of the word "is" is for example). McCabe did not reveal (a lie of omission) that he knew the judge who issued the FISA warrant personally. If fact, McCabe among other worked at hiding the relationship. When asked, McCabe lied. McCabe's wife took money from the Clinton campaign for her own campaign. That was not volunteered either... Allan Dershowitz was on FOX News last night with a conservative, a couple of civil libertarians, a former FBI agent, and a liberal; they all agreed, McCabe had to go and his firing at this point was justified. The FBI agent was pondering why it didn't occur sooner... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
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  • 03-17-2018, 01:28 PM
Ok, let's hear your version... exactly why was he fired? And exactly what is he denying? Originally Posted by lustylad
My version?

Can't you read? I have no version. I'm reporting what he said. We do not even have the IG report. Might you at least step back and wait on that.

What we know for sure is that Flynn has plead guilty.

bambino has reported that Flynn has changed his plea but nobody believes bambam as he will not even make a bet to back his bs up.

I think Lexy has taken bam under his wing and schooled him on how to talk a lot of shit while saying nothing.
lustylad's Avatar
My version?

Can't you read? I have no version. I'm reporting what he said. We do not even have the IG report. Might you at least step back and wait on that. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, your version.

Why do you defend the guy without being specific or furnishing a link so we can evaluate wtf you are talking about?

You jump into arguments without thinking. Show me his specific denials. I have no idea what you are babbling about. All I saw was his tweet blaming Trump for his firing. Gee, that's not political, is it?

Do you expect the IG report to vindicate him? Seriously?
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  • 03-17-2018, 01:47 PM
Gee, that's not political, is it? Originally Posted by lustylad
You just now figuring out things are political in politics?
lustylad's Avatar
You just now figuring out things are political in politics? Originally Posted by WTF
Are you just now figuring out how thoroughly odumbo infected and corrupted the top echelons at the DOJ and the FBI by injecting raw, partisan politics into their decision-making?

bambino's Avatar
My version?

Can't you read? I have no version. I'm reporting what he said. We do not even have the IG report. Might you at least step back and wait on that.

What we know for sure is that Flynn has plead guilty.

bambino has reported that Flynn has changed his plea but nobody believes bambam as he will not even make a bet to back his bs up.

I think Lexy has taken bam under his wing and schooled him on how to talk a lot of shit while saying nothing. Originally Posted by WTF
I asked you if you were still on with the Flynn bet in my thread you idiot. You never replied. Are you on?
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  • 03-17-2018, 01:55 PM
Are you just now figuring out how thoroughly odumbo infected and corrupted the top echelons at the DOJ and the FBI by injecting raw, partisan politics into their decision-making?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Let's see Muller was appointed by who and is politically affiliated as a what? The first paragraph will give you a clue. He also was a Marine , served in Vietnam. But you are siding with Sargent Bone Spur who served in the Hamptons.

He was appointed by Bush and he is Republican.

Whatthefuckdoiknow and mistake are crying because their entire case for "collusion" is going down in flames. By the way moron, they have McCabe's testimony and all the text messages from Strzok and Page. Trump is not the head of the FBI's personnell department. You know, the ones that recommended McCabe's firing. For LYiNG to investigators. Charges may well be coming and if you think McCabe won't take Comey and he rest of the idiots down with him, you're dumber than a rock.