The laws in Mexico???

hardracer's Avatar
I am mexican. I had visited many times and always had a blast!

All of you that choose not to go, well, it's your loss.

Mexico is a beautiful and friendly place.
Stay away from the border towns, where most of the cartels activities are.
The rest of the country is as safe as any third world country will be.

Don't let the exaggerations of the press fool you. They know that "horrible news" sell better than factual news.
As an example, I just visited Egypt while the news were showing images like if there was a revolution going there. I got there and I had a blast! Since there was very few tourist I was treated like a king by everybody and everybody went out of their way to make my stay enjoyable. There was a couple of gatherings of people protesting, but they were doing their thing and not bothering anybody. All my friends advised me against going, but fortunately I did not listen to them.
Sometimes you have to take risks to enjoy live. If you are so afraid-like many in this board seem to be-, you will be stuck in the same boring place all your life. Is that life worth living?
I say no!!! CARPE DIEM!!!
FishGuy13's Avatar
Wow! Hardracer, I like the way you think. I am ashamed to admit I only know a few words in Spanish and have been a few times (sadly not in a few years) with someone who was near fluent. We went to both some of the big tourist type safe areas like the ruins in the interior, AND some sorta fringe areas. I think a person needs to know the native language to at least an ok level AND have some kind of guide/escort with you IF you feel you need it. The USA is great and I am glad to call it home, but can't see my self stuck in the same place (boring or other wise) for long. CARPE DIEM!! BUT with CAUTION!
If Mexico is ok, then why did the State Department put out a travel warning?
hardracer's Avatar
If Mexico is ok, then why did the State Department put out a travel warning? Originally Posted by durango95

Because the majority of the people travel by land or to the border towns. Also, they want to cover themselves in case something happens. They have travel warnings on half of the world anyway.

But like I said before: sometimes you have to take risks to enjoy life. Nothing is 100% safe. You could die in a car wreck going to the super market right here at home.
The way I see it is that when my time comes it will not matter where I am or what am I doing. But I know we all have a limited time in this world and I am not willing to waste it by being afraid and paranoid.
What is the point of living a long life and die of old age if your most interesting story will be when you visited Galveston or when you went to Vegas.
I had ridden a camel in the Sahara; got lost in the streets of Venice; I have seen the Sphinx and the Pyramids; I have climbed the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico; I have seen the Real Madrid playing live; been to world cup games and formula one races; I had visited Alhambra and the Vatican. I had paid my respects in Julius Caesar's grave in Rome; I had crossed rivers in bombed out bridges in Central America; etc.
So many adventures and so many places, but I still feel like I have seen nothing. The world is a giant oyster!!!
I will see the wonders of the world with my own eyes and experience life to the fullest, even if I die trying!