Mad About Rates?!?

First off, we are not talking about a car. We are talking about a human being. We are also talking about a very intimate line of work, not just "some service" you are getting like at a "hamburger joint".

A review is to give feedback. I agree 100% There are all the activities in the review section where you can place what may or may not have happened on that review. You place the fee in the proper spot and so on, and in the ROS you go on with your graphic story telling. All good and well, however, if a lady does not do x,y,z and charges A,B,C for her time, regardless of your disappointment if she didn't do a BBJ or what ever else you were expecting, the only thing you should do is simply say "she did not provide x,y,z". Why does a man say things like "she does a cbj?! well I am crossing her off my list then!!" in a review forum? Because he is being extremely negative and is looking to put pressure on her to do something she is not willing to do. Or maybe this comment is designed to create drama, and scare others away, when maybe he was the only one she did a CBJ with! YMMV is a part of this biz. A statement like that is designed to be negative, not constructive, not informative, but negative. There is a right way and a wrong way to do a review or post comments to a review (imho).

In addition..I think when men post such things in such a manner on a ladies review it shows their immaturity, and also their insecurities.
Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
If woman rates are out of your range keep it to your self ,not everyone needs to know your budget.They may be YYMV are just not what are you are looking for just move on "being negative " looks like whining ((IMO))
i agree with you safire good job
i agree with you safire good job Originally Posted by Selena51
I agree with both of you.

I'm quite satisfied with the bevy of ladies in Oklahoma City that are at my comfortable price point. They excel at treating me like a king, and I have no reason to want more.

Would I like to dabble in the $$$$ and up providers? Sure, if money was no object. But it is, and I won't.
Wow. One of the reasons I got into the hobby is due to one of its supposed advantages, which is a no strings attached relationship without the associated heartburn. But at this point, I'm not convinced that is the case. As I read these threads, it's apparent that there is just as much drama as there is in a conventional relationship, except it manifests itself through boards such as this. The battle of the sexes is indeed alive. A pity.
Can't afford it he can go to Cherry street or somewhere more in his "budget". In other words: Screw him! Your rates are yours, don't let some douche bargain or dictate what you decide to put a number on.
I had a situation involving rates. I met a fella back when I was new. I gave him my introductory rate. I eventually raised my rates to reflect my experience, but this one client said he couldn't afford my new rates. For more than a year I continued seeing him at the introductory rate because he called me often. Finally he started getting weird and making more requests and expecting more from me, so I told him I needed to raise my rates for him. He again told me he couldn't afford any more then what he was paying me. So I told him to find someone else. He then agreed to pay the higher rate so he was full of shit all along. I think some of these guys who make a big deal over rates are playing games.
Wow. One of the reasons I got into the hobby is due to one of its supposed advantages, which is a no strings attached relationship without the associated heartburn. But at this point, I'm not convinced that is the case. As I read these threads, it's apparent that there is just as much drama as there is in a conventional relationship, except it manifests itself through boards such as this. The battle of the sexes is indeed alive. A pity. Originally Posted by Energy
Keep in mind there are certainly ladies who do not frequent the boards, or who avoid reviews in order to stay under the radar. There are pluses and minuses, but don't let the drama get you down. Just ignore it whenever possible, and focus on researching and finding the best provider(s) for YOU. Then when you have a bevy of proven beauties to call on, you can ignore the boards more and more

Also, I've found that smaller regional boards are much less...hmm, antagonistic to certain elements, but then again there's a cost there too, because there's somewhat less traffic.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
You handled it just right.... HE DIDN'T.

And i've had clients who used to be regs that hadn't seen me in 6 months or more who didn't want to pay my rate and they were basically told if it's been more than x months those are the new rates. And I've had a few get balls to get snotty with me and I tell them they can call when they decide they want to pay the new rates or they know they are free to see others. I don't budge for sh*it. For everyone one that won't pay there is one that will if not two.