great provider habits

No it wasn't me! I don't know who it is but it is DEFINITELY NOT ME. I just hope it gets worked out with a make up session asap.

Its always better to *cum* than to go Originally Posted by thathottnurse
If my message was taken that it was saying it was you that messaged him that was NOT the intent - I'm saying I can see him writing about a great experience and make someone feel that has a connection with him feel offended.
Ohhhhh okay. Im sorry I just read ur post from earlier. It didn't go to my email for some reason so I just read it now and I don't know if I will make they the door to my bedroom tonight because my head just blew way the fcuk up! Lol. Wow thank you for all the compliments. Honestly, I fail to text more often than not after a session. I've been developing better habits as time goes on but everyone misses things. I'm terrible about the kiss as soon as a guy walks in and suck at making the first move then telling a guy what i want too but trying to get better at it. Life is a learning process. Babe Ruth didn't hit a home run every time he stepped up to the plate.

I hope it gets chalked up to a misunderstanding and they celebrate with a few shots of warm *milk* and a good laugh.
melannie_star's Avatar
Very much agree. After my post I felt bad because I was only bragging on ThatHotNurse (which she deserves) - I worried if I offended any others I ADORE and will see again like Melannie Star, Jules, Katy Taylor, and EBG. LOVE them - professionally and personally they're great providers and people (sorry ladies about seeing me again lol). Originally Posted by EasyLover214
No offense taken easylover.. you are wonderful with a big heart. Very respectful and any man who welcomes me with starbucks first thing in morning has a special place with me!

Didn't mean to interrupt conversation.. As for the OP, you have listed many qualities that are very realistic. Wish you all the best and is always great to have standards. There are many pretty faces in the profession and then there are gems. We are very few and far between

We are all wonderful in our own way..
If the offended lass should desire to make up, she's has my contact info and knows when our schedules align. I can only kiss ass if she sits on my face after all. And she would be able to see my nipples, chest, balls and taint are all freshly manscaped, since she should be willing to do some sucking up of her own. If she doesn't desire to make up, its her loss, and I shall miss her. This topic was never intended to offend but to let ladies know the finer points men appreciate. As for the sex itself, there isn't much I can teach you ladies, but I'm one hell of a student.
And yes nurse is right, miscommunication is a real bitch. And the offended woman and I have miscommunication down fucking pat! It's almost comical, except I don't like it when hot women are upset with me.

So another fine point. Miscommunication requires an apology. I know I've done my share.
I have seen providers with those qualities. Examples : AngelaS, erykadelacruz
Tony. Go fuck somebody. You got time to write hooker marketing manuals you have WAY too much free time. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing. It just wastes your time and makes the pig mad. Them as get it, get it. Them as don't never will.

Just sayin'. It's a good read, but don't expect to see it on the hooker top ten Kindle list or in the Community College Continuing Ed catalog.

Now that we know how let's ALL go fuck somebody!
Phildo, thanks for the support, but right now I'm plain fucking worn out. That said I might be up for some fun tomorrow or Friday . I'm just trying to figure out who to have fun with. Her wanting to have fun with me sure is a huge plus too.
bigclitluvr's Avatar
I had a lady read my previous post. I know everyone does not post a lot, but she knew everything about me! Was really cool! She took the time to know what I like and don't like! Really nice touch that she took the time to do that!
Bigclit, I recently had a similar experience with a lady researching me. Not only is it flattering, I will indeed see her again. Its taking a lot of willpower to not make it immediately. She literally did everything except 10, but I did not expect it based on what I know about her. She did tell me though when we parted, there was just no text, pm or e mail.
Cleatus's Avatar
I need a hug now, after reading that.
I need a hug now, after reading that. Originally Posted by Cleatus
I'll hug the fcuk out of you!
Cleatus's Avatar
I'll hug the fcuk out of you! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
That's an offer too hard to pass up...or too good to be true
doug_dfw's Avatar
Cleatus: OMG, let me know if you pass up.
That's an offer too hard to pass up...or too good to be true Originally Posted by Cleatus
Cleatus: OMG, let me know if you pass up. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
Guess I have some fcuking, er, hugging to do!