Attn: Black People. NAACP Recommends Not Going To School In Florida

Clay Media's Avatar
Black people in school? Nah, they like prison better.
More racist idiocy. No doubt this is the ECCIE Political Forum. Home of rampant racism.
People get intelligence confused with smartness.

Being smart simply means you have learned. Heck, you can be “smart” and not have a clue how to apply what you have learned.

Intelligence is the ability to learn.

I think it has been proven that no particular race has any more intelligence than another. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No it's wisdom. Educated people aren't always wise. Education is really nothing more than a prerequisite to a job.
adav8s28's Avatar
Your excuse of racial oppression does not align with the scientific findings. The prevailing school of thought is that brain volume is the major contributing factor. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Really? Why don't you try "Sharecropping" and see how successful you are with that. It does not matter if you are Asian, Jewish, White, Latino or Black no one is going to do well in that system. I don't care how much volume your brain has.

You post that environmental factors are not a factor. The only group that had to put up with 100 plus years of "Jim Crow" was the black group. How is your conclusion valid since not all groups had to experience "Jim Crow"?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's just another race baiting thread. Many of the ignorant old racists are showing their asses as usual... the author of this thread enjoys this crap, and you folks are taking it exactly where he intended it to go.

I read about this story on the plane before this thread was started. My only thought was DeSantis is just doing his usual bullshit because he no longer has Disney and immigration to stand on to make headlines. Dude is an extreme right-wing nut and is so ridiculous to me that I would vote for Trump in two seconds before I'd vote for him. And I'm pretty clear about what I think about Trump the sorry ass chump.
adav8s28's Avatar
It's just another race baiting thread. Many of the ignorant old racists are showing their asses as usual... the author of this thread enjoys this crap, and you folks are taking it exactly where he intended it to go.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That may be true. I still believe it does not matter if your skin reflects sunlight or totally absorbs it, no one is going to be successful in a system like "Sharecropping". Your brain volume will not matter.
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
No one has been made to ever regret disrespecting ethnic backgrounds or making racial remarks. Further, the level of unacceptability of racist remarks in this forum is minimal at best. The quoted rule means nothing as has been shown since we’re on page three of racist tropes and the typical same offenders do this over and over. Nonetheless I’m sure I’ll get points for stating the obvious.

I guess racism is legitimate political discourse.
VitaMan's Avatar
After emancipation, there was no chance for the freed slaves to obtain a job, as they had little skill, and no chance for training to qualify for a job. Hence, the only real choice was share cropping. A very difficult problem that took decades to slowly solve.

Today we see black men overtaking other races in different sports. For example, for all the NFL wide receivers, defensive backs, and running backs in the last 10 years, what percentage are black ? There are other examples too.

You can't deny different races have different abilities. That is not racism. You just can't talk about it anymore.

Muhammad Ali provided a lot of interesting comments about this back in his day. Many are on video to watch and learn from.

This may seem like an odd thing to say, but if you take long airplane flights with people aboard from all over the world, it is not hard to see why Germany and Japan were the aggressors in WW2. Take the statement for what it is worth.
HoHound's Avatar
This thread was intended to expose the racism of DEI advocacy. DEI advocacy is racism. The narrative that blacks can't compete without DEI advantages, or affirmative action is racism. George W. Bush (who I'm no fan of) called it "The soft bigotry of low expectations." I maintain that blacks can compete fair and square in universities as well as the job market without "low expectation" policy implementations. Those who espouse otherwise are the true racists. They have exposed themselves above, and now we know who they all are.
adav8s28's Avatar
This thread was intended to expose the racism of DEI advocacy. DEI advocacy is racism. The narrative that blacks can't compete without DEI advantages, or affirmative action is racism. Originally Posted by HoHound
The Federal government would never had pushed the concept of affirmative action if you did not have 100 plus years of "Jim Crow". The playing field was not equal for everyone after the Civil War ended. It still was not equal even after President Truman intergrated the Military.
adav8s28's Avatar
George W. Bush (who I'm no fan of) called it "The soft bigotry of low expectations." Originally Posted by HoHound
So, when Bush43 was admitted into the Harvard MBA program with a 2.7 GPA in History at Yale University, this is okay. When someone from a minority group gets admitted into Harvard MBA or some other grad school program with the same GPA it's "The soft bigotry of low expectations" or it's affirmative action.

Bush43 is the last person who should be talking about low expectations. He was a "C" student at boarding school in Connecticut. The trend continued at Yale where he finished with a 2.7 in History. His senior year every single one of his classes was put on pass/fail.
HoHound's Avatar
The playing field was not equal for everyone after the Civil War ended. It still was not equal even after President Truman intergrated the Military. Originally Posted by adav8s28
And of course, it's not equal now or ever will be, correct? I already admitted to not being a Bush fan.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Currently, the field is slanted towards minorities (other than Asians) and sexual degenerates. Pretty hard to deny this with any legitimacy.
adav8s28's Avatar
Currently, the field is slanted towards minorities (other than Asians). Pretty hard to deny this with any legitimacy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So, anyone can be admitted into the Harvard MBA program with a 2.7
GPA. It isn't just Bush43? Is it slanted? Or is it just more level now?