No wonder Dipshit of the Year wouldn't post a link or source to his phony claims about low turnout along the border..............
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Webb County Elections Administrator Oscar Villarreal touted a 95% Hispanic electorate’s increased voter turnout compared to 2010. Webb, a county with a 30.6 poverty rate, demonstrates a potential hole in the Holder Justice Department’s case that Texas’ voter ID law harms economically vulnerable voters. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Voter turnout on Election Day was abysmal in Webb County. Overall turnout was down in Webb. Early vote was down.

A 21% turnout in Webb IS astonishing for a primary. Astonishingly low. In fact, according to the Laredo Morning Times, voting was 1% lower in 2014 than 2010, in spite of a significant rise in registered voters. The TRUTH is, Whirlyturd that the turnout in Webb County was 26%, but still disappointing in a place where turnout routinely tops 30.

You're talking out your ass again.

where ARE you coming up with this bullshit? an obviously uneducated "right side" blogger? Breitbart? Your fantasy?
My link is provided; the Statesman.............where is your link Dipshit !

You claimed voter turn out along the border was low; it turns out it wasn't........

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dear Jack,

turnout was down for both parties.

Also, your Statesman tea party blogger was not nearly factual or accurate in his assessment of Webb County turnout. Obviously he/she/it has no point of reference for voting history along the border. Making matters worse, you cherry picked bullshit out if that inaccurate post.

Webb County was down this year. Here's another link to THAT story.

You're full of shit. and ignorant. AND STUPID. Period.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just as I thought. Crickets.
2010 was a record year for turnout; due to the Tea Party better pray that turnout for November 2014 is down.........but your original premise that the vote is down along the border counties due to weather and voter ID is baloney.

Your own link says otherwise...

Like my OP stated: Proof Voter ID Doesn't Suppress Voter Turnout !!!!!!!!!!!!

The numbers speak for themselves; early voting count in the largest texas counties (urban) in 2014 thru March 4 = 586,689; compared to 2010 mid term elections 491,116..........
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Early voting in the 2014 Texas primary is up.....The new Texas Voter ID law doesn't suppress voter rights - a false claim made by Democrats who don't want honest elections.....

"If they can't cheat, they can't win"........................ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
To remind you, idiot, THIS IS WHAT YOUR OP said. And the headline was some kinda serious drunken babble ... PROOF VOTER ID DOESNT "SUPPRESS" VOTER RIGHTS !

Turnout was down statewide in BOTH party primaries. it was significantly down in the Democratic primary. And, it was seriously off on the border, as borne out by final voting numbers.

Additionally, the "suppress voter rights" line was ignorant. You haven't acknowledged your obvious bullshit attempt at spinning the story there. Nobody's rights were ever "suppressed" by this law. You just run your mouth like you think your tone will convince people you know WTF you're saying.

Get your shit together, IB, er, Whirlyturd!
There is no proof that voting was suppressed because of voter ID; in fact, voter turnout was up in early voting (when I posted the thread)...........


Now where is your proof that voter ID suppresses the vote ????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How many legitimate voters are kept from voting by voter ID laws?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no proof that voting was suppressed because of voter ID; in fact, voter turnout was up in early voting (when I posted the thread)...........


Now where is your proof that voter ID suppresses the vote ???? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I said voter turnout was down. It was. I have provided links to local officials suggesting it was voter ID. also the weather (snick). You said voting rights...a misstep and ignorant thing to say.

Refute the facts.


That said, I did hear that a number of "doublers" we're prevented from voting in certain border areas were kept from voting. So it probably did keep the voting down by suppressing the "rights" of coyotes to stuff ballot boxes. But that's not the argument here.

I provided facts. You figured you'd made your point with early voting numbers. Premature Factulation, Whirlyturd.

I guess voters were trending STAY AT HOME.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many legitimate voters are kept from voting by voter ID laws? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know...why don't you tell us. Same logic as demanding to know who is voting illegally when there is not way of confirming. So step up COG.

Word of warning, thousands of Florida voters did not cast their ballots in 2000 because they were told the election was already over in the panhandle. That is a proven fact. Gore would have lost by many thousands in Florida if the media had kept their promises.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know...why don't you tell us. Same logic as demanding to know who is voting illegally when there is not way of confirming. So step up COG.

Word of warning, thousands of Florida voters did not cast their ballots in 2000 because they were told the election was already over in the panhandle. That is a proven fact. Gore would have lost by many thousands in Florida if the media had kept their promises. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now you're blaming the media for Bush's stolen victory not being more outrageous than it was. LINKS to your FACT, assgush?

Another brilliant comment by our reigning champ, here on SPAM THE BOARD.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-11-2014, 11:31 AM
and back at the ranch, the rightwing idiots continue to carp about bullshit that keeps them from winning national elections ..

and they're too fucking stupid to figure it out...

please continue showcasing your stupidity ..
All the hubbub about voter I.D. laws ignores the experience of foreign countries such as Canada, Sweden, Ireland, etc., all of which require some form of I.D., and are not exactly hot beds of minority suppression, some enjoying higher voter participation rates than the U.S. Ah, but in the U.S. we have a political party and interest groups that can exploit this issue for political gain, i.e. votes. Why else would an attorney general of the united states go on a quixotic quest to punish states when there is no statistical evidence of suppression, totally at odds with the Justice Department's doctrine of disparate outcome. Minorities vote at higher rates in Mississippi than Massachusetts, but Holder and his acolytes are not seen litigating against the Bay State for voter suppression. It does make for good TV for Holder to stand in front of the NAACP convention and rage against the assault on the Voting Rights Act. Pure propaganda, and it works! There is no other special interest group that votes so overwhelming for Democrats than blacks; not labor, nor Wall Street, nor gays. I believe that there are fat cat Democrats snickering to themselves, congratulating the propaganda ministers for pulling off this charade. In a perverse way it lends credence to some of the old racial intellectual inferiority theories.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know...why don't you tell us. Same logic as demanding to know who is voting illegally when there is not way of confirming. So step up COG.

Word of warning, thousands of Florida voters did not cast their ballots in 2000 because they were told the election was already over in the panhandle. That is a proven fact. Gore would have lost by many thousands in Florida if the media had kept their promises. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm beginning to think you are as big an idiot as others on here think you are. The point I am trying to make, which you so elegantly misconstrued from the persecution complex you are developing is that I don't think ANY legitimate voter is being kept from the polls because of voter ID laws. I don't think the anti-voter ID whiners can produce any evidence that more than a handful of citizens have been kept from the polls for lack of ID. And any that they show most likely have the ability to obtain an ID if they wanted one.

You are embarrassing yourself JD. Take a break.