Dealing with the Dreaded Cockblocker

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Kudos to you RM91 for having the courage to approach. You did everything correctly so don't overthink it.

What you may have not realized is that night game is dead. Today's entitled, delusional and narcissistic woman doesn't need/want you for anything anymore other than resource extraction. After all you're competing with her smartphone, tinder, instagram, and facebook where thirsty/desperate men send her dozens of texts every single day telling her how awesome she is for just having a pussy and breathing. So now a woman that's a 3/10 thinks she's a 8/10. Today women have big daddy government to fill in all of their manly needs and take away all of your money, assets, and family. All they have to say is that you touched her elbow inappropriately 65 years ago and off to jail you go, guilty until proven innocent.

Don't believe me? Just go spend a couple of hours in any family court in America and watch the divorce rape before your very own eyes and ears.

Simply put - The juice ain't worth the squeeze, Go Your Own Way!
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-16-2018, 11:57 AM
Solid response! Yeah, I'm pouring my eyes out. Quite the opposite: I made this thread to gain greater insight. Nothing wrong with getting feedback from women and men who have good experience in the game.

Don't like it, don't read it. You're the one who got butthurt and posted a response. Originally Posted by Ron_Mexico91
I assure you my butt is not hurt. I was trying to offer you some insight. You're doing it wrong. A little respect will take you a LOT further. Women like to fuck. They're into one night stands, too. You just have to not be a creepy perv and you'll find them everywhere.
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
I assure you my butt is not hurt. I was trying to offer you some insight. You're doing it wrong. A little respect will take you a LOT further. Women like to fuck. They're into one night stands, too. You just have to not be a creepy perv and you'll find them everywhere. Originally Posted by Crock
Yeah, I don't need insight on how to pull, thanks. The insight I was searching for was how to deal with the cockblocking friend.

Shit, if I had followed your beta ass advice I still would have had to deal with the cockblocking friend angry she didn't have a dude of her own. Of course one should be respectful to women. However, that doesn't mean that you need to immerse yourself into her world to get a quick lay. Some girls are hornier than we are and would also like to skip the bullshit. A little bit of dancing, a little bit of talking at the table after dancing, some making out and bam, you're out.

You've provided nothing to this thread other than making yourself like a white knight--which is great and all. They are the guys who put the pussy on a pedestal and make great platonic friends while I reap the rewards!
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
Kudos to you RM91 for having the courage to approach. You did everything correctly so don't overthink it.

What you may have not realized is that night game is dead. Today's entitled, delusional and narcissistic woman doesn't need/want you for anything anymore other than resource extraction. After all you're competing with her smartphone, tinder, instagram, and facebook where thirsty/desperate men send her dozens of texts every single day telling her how awesome she is for just having a pussy and breathing. So now a woman that's a 3/10 thinks she's a 8/10. Today women have big daddy government to fill in all of their manly needs and take away all of your money, assets, and family. All they have to say is that you touched her elbow inappropriately 65 years ago and off to jail you go, guilty until proven innocent.

Don't believe me? Just go spend a couple of hours in any family court in America and watch the divorce rape before your very own eyes and ears.

Simply put - The juice ain't worth the squeeze, Go Your Own Way! Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Quoted for truth. This behavior is rampant among women in the under age 28 demographic.

This is also why I got fixed at 20 and will never get married.

Kudos to you bro, great post!
COCKBLOCKING is often motivated by jealousy or competitiveness.
girlfriends just use the "i'm just watching your back" excuse to intervene.
This is common practice in chat, but they secretly PM the girl to intervene. lol

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
COCKBLOCKING is just one of many games women play.

Take a look below at my top 9 mind games women play on men!
The Waiting Game. One of the biggest mind games women play on men is all about waiting. ...

Sympathy ....
The Bait Game. ...
Hard to Get. ...
Dumb Game. ...
The Conversation Game. ...
Silent Treatment Game. ...
Reverse Psychology. ...
Using Sex to Get What She Wants.

Making guys jump through hoops.
Playing victim.
Crying in public.
Withholding sex.
Flirting with other guys.
Dressing up… to see other guys.
Delaying response to calls or texts.
Compliments other guys to piss you off.
Acting dumb and weak so that guys do things for her.

Are men forgetting where we are playing?
This is one of many "skeletons in the closet" places.
MANY married women are secretly here, making those dollars.
AND PLAYING GAMES, in and out of the marriage/relationship.

  • dgc92
  • 03-21-2018, 12:49 AM
Wow, some of you guys really have an axe to grind with women. I've dated a few bad ones, and you don't see me talking about an evil conspiracy involving all women everywhere. Everything they do is not a head game, and you should seriously chillax. Here's some topic-appropriate music to help.

As for the OP, if Non-Discriminating Friend isn't rolling with you that night, I'd have to say when you don't bring the right weapons, you lose the battle. But since you got her number, maybe you win the war. Unless that was a beer goggles night for her, in which case go fight another war.