2024 presidential candidates

adav8s28's Avatar
Same cheating formula in the general election. Originally Posted by bambino
Same cheating formula? All the red states that voted for Trump in 2016 voted for him in 2020 except Georgia and Arizona. The republicans didn't have an answer to Stacy Abrams voter registration drive in Georgia. Even your boy Hannity on Fox said she did a good job with that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
hell, many refuse to refer to Jenner as a her
That’s because he’s a he. Not sure if he got his dick cut off, nor do I care, but it still doesn’t make him a her, just a guy with mental problems and no dick.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2021, 04:09 PM
That’s false. Trump did a rally for the Republican candidates. He drew more people than they could. The same thing happened. They led on election night but lost in the days after. Same cheating formula in the general election. Originally Posted by bambino
Maybe my memory is failing me, but sure think I remember a one liner by Trump back around November, asking why Georgia voters should turn out for the runoff. Yes he did get on board towards the end. But his rally in Georgia was all about him and he spent little time promoting Loeffler and Perdue.

Linn Wood was certainly pushing that though at pro-Trump rallies. I saw one of them in real time - what a nut case:

Lin Wood, an attorney and prominent Trump supporter in the state, falsely alleged that the election had been "rigged." In a free-wheeling, conspiracy-laden "Stop the Steal" rally speech, Wood also spoke against Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, and urged rally attendees not to vote for the two in the runoff election.

"Do not be fooled twice. This is Georgia, we ain't dumb. We're not going to go vote on January 5th on another machine made by China. You're not going to fool Georgians again," Wood said, pushing the unfounded conspiracy theory that voting machines had been compromised in the Nov. 3 election.

"Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election? For God's sake, fix it. You got to fix it before we'll do it again," he continued to resounding cheers from the audience.

A little off topic, but the Georgia Secretary of State speculated Trump would have won Georgia if he hadn't been discouraging Republicans from mail in voting:


Paranoia will destroy ya
bambino's Avatar
Maybe my memory is failing me, but sure think I remember a one liner by Trump back around November, asking why Georgia voters should turn out for the runoff. Yes he did get on board towards the end. But his rally in Georgia was all about him and he spent little time promoting Loeffler and Perdue.

Linn Wood was certainly pushing that at pro-Trump rallies. I saw one of them in real time - what a nut case:

Lin Wood, an attorney and prominent Trump supporter in the state, falsely alleged that the election had been "rigged." In a free-wheeling, conspiracy-laden "Stop the Steal" rally speech, Wood also spoke against Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, and urged rally attendees not to vote for the two in the runoff election.

"Do not be fooled twice. This is Georgia, we ain't dumb. We're not going to go vote on January 5th on another machine made by China. You're not going to fool Georgians again," Wood said, pushing the unfounded conspiracy theory that voting machines had been compromised in the Nov. 3 election.

"Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election? For God's sake, fix it. You got to fix it before we'll do it again," he continued to resounding cheers from the audience.

A little off topic, but the Georgia Secretary of State speculated Trump would have won Georgia if he hadn't been discouraging Republicans from mail in voting:


Paranoia will destroy ya Originally Posted by Tiny
No, Newsweek and the MSM has controlled you. Purdue didn’t show up for Trumps rally. Lin Wood doesn’t have pull. Trump does. Georgia/Atlanta corrupt.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Same cheating formula? All the red states that voted for Trump in 2016 voted for him in 2020 except Georgia and Arizona. The republicans didn't have an answer to Stacy Abrams voter registration drive in Georgia. Even your boy Hannity on Fox said she did a good job with that. Originally Posted by adav8s28
There were some problems with Trump states. In Idaho, some outfit lead by a statistics guy reported a 7% difference between the number of absentee votes and the number of envelopes. Trump won the state so no one cares.
bambino's Avatar
There were some problems with Trump states. In Idaho, some outfit lead by a statistics guy reported a 7% difference between the number of absentee votes and the number of envelopes. Trump won the state so no one cares. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
He won Florida, Texas and Ohio by bigger margins also. He lost NH but Republicans won down ballot races. But it was shown the machines cheated Republicans.
winn dixie's Avatar
I am surprised you don't call them Kenyan like you do Obama. They have just much African genes in their system as he does. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Thats a racist statement! Not surprising though!

obama is kenyan and was born there! Scott and Owens were born here! They're Americans!

My God the dim hypocrisy knows no limits.
HedonistForever's Avatar
One doesn't necessarily need an education.. but if they don't have an education, they need to have experience. She has neither. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

And there in lies my problem with "politicians". "Experience" can often be "I learned to get along, to get along". I want a fighter not a compromiser. People say "without compromise, nothing can get done". Then so be in, nothing gets done until the country has a majority of people that want something done.

And for God's sake, what better case for what "experience" brings than Joe Biden!!! Joe Biden's "experience" has led him to compromise on literally everything he spent his career arguing for and against. What experience has Joe Biden brought to the table that is now benefiting Americans? None that I can see but I do realize that others see it differently.

Joe Biden was beaten like a dog, figuratively ( mostly from Harris as it turned out ) in the primaries and it was only the fact that all the others were even worse choices that he was left standing at the end. Barack Obama never thought Joe Biden should be President. One of the smartest people in foreign policy ( IMHO ) said Joe Biden hadn't been right on any foreign policy argument in 40 years and now he is our President who as far as I can see, is fucking up royally in foreign affairs giving Putin the thing he wants most, a pipeline that will give him more money and power over Europe. Trying to get back in bed with Iran after witnessing what they are capable of unleashing in that part of the world. He should be piling on more sanctions not talking about lifting them. He has made an absolute mess at the border with no solution in sight and this is what "experience" has taught Joe Biden?

"Education"? As if that is one thing that means the same thing to everybody, it doesn't. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met have "formal" education which for the most part means liberal indoctrination more so now than it has ever been.

My support for Candace Owens is a bit tongue in cheek because it would be fun to watch what she would bring to the discussion because what ever her faults maybe, talking up a storm isn't one of them. Being an avid watcher of Fox News, which doesn't embarrass me in the least to admit, Candice is often a guest. In all the interviews I have seen and they are plenty, she has never said a single thing that I disagree with. That is what is important to me. Will you pledge to do what I want to see done. I know how that sounds, that I know better than anybody else. I'm not saying that but if a politician is capable of making me change my mind through a good argument, that is also what I'm looking for. I'm not saying my mind can't be changed but you better have a damn good argument before I will.

Now, do I know if she hasn't changed from what she use to say, I do not but then, that's the kind of thing that would come out in a primary like it did with Kamala Harris who put Black people in jail for possessing a drug she readily admitted she used and actually laughed about it. She has education and plenty of experience in government and she couldn't get past the first leg of her primary. She couldn't even get support from the people in her own state.

She was a horrible candidate with experience and education.

I rest my case on the necessity of experience and education.

Give me a person of any gender, any color, an religion or lack there of, that talks about the issues as I see them and make me believe you believe what you are saying and you get my vote. It's a very simple concept to me. I don't need you to know how "Congress works" because from my point of view Congress doesn't work worth a crap so why would I care if a person "understands" how Congress works?

What is "education" if not an understanding of the needs of a civilized society that understands that without law in order, you have nothing as we are seeing right now unfortunately. Whether she believes it in her heart, I don't know but when Candice Owens talks about law and order, it sounds like myself talking. And without that, no politician stands a chance of getting my vote no matter what else they believe.

Watching America being burned and looted sickens me. Watching our border being over run, sickens me. Watching us coddle up to our enemies sickens me. I couldn't care less whether one is a Democrat, Republican or Independent but if one can't agree with me on that............

I'll take a cue from Joe Biden and say "I think I have exceed my time limit, thank you"!

adav8s28's Avatar

obama is kenyan and was born there!
Originally Posted by winn dixie
That is the biggest lie you have ever posted. Would you like to explain how a poor white woman from Kansas paid for a vacation or trip to Kenya. Obama's mother has never been out the USA. Stop drinking the Trump kool aid.

It is not racist to say that African American people have ancestors from Africa.

Would it be racist to say that Irish American people have ancestors from Ireland?

I'll give you an example of a racist. Someone who puts the confederate flag in their avatar for three weeks and then follows it up with a picture Jefferson Davis. Johnny Reb, I am sure you know who Jefferson Davis was.

Johnny Reb, you voting for Scott and Owens would be just as hypocrital as staunch Segregationist Strom Thurman having a child with a black woman.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Same cheating formula? All the red states that voted for Trump in 2016 voted for him in 2020 except Georgia and Arizona. The republicans didn't have an answer to Stacy Abrams voter registration drive in Georgia. Even your boy Hannity on Fox said she did a good job with that. Originally Posted by adav8s28

i'd refrain from using Stacey Abrams as an example if i were you. bad optics. show me her conceding losing the GA Governor's race. we'll wait.

seems she has a conflict of interest with her voter movement .. butt u knew that, right?
you would if you really did watch Hannity.

Federal judge: Recusing self from voting case would be dereliction of duty


keeping dead voters on the rolls is a fav trick of the DNC and their corrupt operatives like fat Stacey.

That is the biggest lie you have ever posted. Would you like to explain how a poor white woman from Kansas paid for a vacation or trip to Kenya. Obama's mother has never been out the USA. Stop drinking the Trump kool aid.

It is not racist to say that African American people have ancestors from Africa.

Would it be racist to say that Irish American people have ancestors from Ireland?

I'll give you an example of a racist. Someone who puts the confederate flag in their avatar for three weeks and then follows it up with a picture Jefferson Davis. Johnny Reb, I am sure you know who Jefferson Davis was.

Johnny Reb, you voting for Scott and Owens would be just as hypocrital as staunch Segregationist Strom Thurman having a child with a black woman.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond Originally Posted by adav8s28

never left the US you say? so how much of Obama's own story is fake? all of it? some of it? recall that Obama himself claimed to be born in Kenya in his biography which he wrote for his book "Dreams from My Father" here's an image of that .. not that it matters anyway ..

are you forgetting that Obama's mother moved to Indonesia while Obama was a child and after his real father was killed in a car accident? Obama, btw never really knew his father due to his untimely death. so it was really his white paternal grandparents that radicalized him into the America hating socialist he is.Ann Dunham's parents are flaming commies. the kind that are friends with Bill Ayers. like Obama is. you know that name right? Bill Ayers .. Radical "Weather Underground"?

butt none of this really matters. Obama was born a US citizen no matter where he really was born, Kenya, Hawaii .. Uranus .. lol. and he additionally had the right to Kenyan citizenship thru his father. don't think he ever exercised that right but he could have. unless you can prove Obama's mother renounced her US citizenship prior to blooping out little Barry Soetoro then he's a US citizen. end of story.

butt let's cut to the chase and the real author of the Birther conspiracy, apart from Obama's own hand in creating it by saying he was born in Kenya. it wasn't Donald Trump. it was Hillary Clinton's minions .. er .. staffers that floated it based on the bio Obama HIMSELF wrote that almost certainly was done for Obama's own political capitol no matter where he really was born. in 2008 when Obama began to surge ahead of Clinton her operatives floated the rumor that by being born in Kenya he was ineligible for the presidency.

that Trump repeated this campaign rhetoric is just Trump recycling campaign rhetoric, a time honored political tactic.
winn dixie's Avatar
That is the biggest lie you have ever posted. Would you like to explain how a poor white woman from Kansas paid for a vacation or trip to Kenya. Obama's mother has never been out the USA. Stop drinking the Trump kool aid.

It is not racist to say that African American people have ancestors from Africa.

Would it be racist to say that Irish American people have ancestors from Ireland?

I'll give you an example of a racist. Someone who puts the confederate flag in their avatar for three weeks and then follows it up with a picture Jefferson Davis. Johnny Reb, I am sure you know who Jefferson Davis was.

Johnny Reb, you voting for Scott and Owens would be just as hypocrital as staunch Segregationist Strom Thurman having a child with a black woman.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond Originally Posted by adav8s28
You make a lotta assumptions and very poor examples. You cant stand it you cant label me a racist! I would vote for Scott and/or Owens in a heartbeat! Then revel in the prevailing hypocrisy that would come from the left.
I just keep exposing true racism here! lolling
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar

AHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHGH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Pretty much. It did help me get a job, but the return on investment was pretty low, if not negative. My job has nothing to do with my degree, but I needed a degree to get it.
matchingmole's Avatar
The election is rigged. T R U M P can't win. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
adav8s28's Avatar
You make a lotta assumptions and very poor examples.
I just keep exposing true racism here! lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie
You putting the confederate flag in your avatar and then following it up with Jefferson Davis is not an assumption, it's a fact.

No racism here. I am not in the KKK. I didn't put the confederate flag in my avatar either.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ada is asking to get spanked