Best interview on FOX

Explain to us under what economic system the poor, uneducated and unskilled people would disappear?

Or government system, for that matter. Originally Posted by Doove
It's called the free market capitalism economic system. Where individuals work their ass off to make a better life for themselves and their families. Not sit around on their fat, lazy, illiterate asses waiting for the next handout.

Then there's the democratic republic government system, which this country was founded upon. This system gaurantees life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness, again based on individual effort. Contrary to popular belief, this system does not gaurantee equal outcome, only equal opportunity.
It's called the free market capitalism economic system. Where individuals work their ass off to make a better life for themselves and their families. Not sit around on their fat, lazy, illiterate asses waiting for the next handout.

Then there's the democratic republic government system, which this country was founded upon. This system gaurantees life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness, again based on individual effort. Contrary to popular belief, this system does not gaurantee equal outcome, only equal opportunity. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
You guys are a modern day comedy side show!
You guys are a modern day comedy side show! Originally Posted by bigtex
Why don't you post something that adds to the discourse, BT, instead of displaying your sophomoric ignorance...again??

What, exactly, would your answer be to Doove's inquiry??
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 11:31 AM
You guys are a modern day comedy side show! Originally Posted by bigtex
sans the comedy
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-01-2013, 11:53 AM
. Contrary to popular belief, this system does not gaurantee equal outcome, only equal opportunity. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Equal opportunity?

What fucking country are you talking about.
Equal opportunity?

What fucking country are you talking about. Originally Posted by WTF
What country do you live in?
BigLouie's Avatar
Captain. My statement is correct. Just Google it. Enough web pages have researched this and found it to be true. I am answering on cell phone and cannot provide a link but will tonight.
BigLouie's Avatar
Total wealth of 50% of us households = 1.61 trillion. Total wealth of richest 400 families according to Forbes magazine 1.53 trillion. This from Forbes magazine.
lostincypress's Avatar
We have a 30 year stagnation/decline in income for the vast majority of American families. Wealth is being accumulated by a rapidly decreasing number of households. The technology revolution increased productivity and eliminated jobs. The introduction of Asian low wage competition further accelerated the loss of what were once livable wage occupations. The export of jobs to Mexico and eventually Asia ...even Mexico couldn't match the low wages offered by Asia.....put enormous pressure on wages in the US. Executive pay increased from 50 x average employee wage to 300 x average employee wage. 400 families now control more wealth than 50% of the population combined. It's the nature of the game. Anyone ever play Monopoly. How many winners in a Monopoly game. It's been a few years...I think one. To accelerate the transfer of wealth the winners get to write the rules and when necessary rewrite the rules. The outcome is inevitable. For years Mexico was dismissed as a closed and undemocratic society due the concentration of wealth and the lack of jobs......welcome to Mexico North. Chinese wages average slightly below $3 per hour and as they approach $3 we now find mfgs moving production to even lower cost Asian nations. The textile industry in Pakistan, Vietnam, and Bangladesh...$38 per surprise we don't make underwear in the US. This is our competition and unless we see a rapid increase in Asian wages we won't see a reversal in the downward trend in US compensation. China losing jobs because of HIGH We benefited in the 50's and 60's from a world that was recovering from WWII. Europe had been bombed into rubble....when I visited East Germany in 1970 there was still damage from WWII. Japan had been bombed into an ash heap.....and China was still a reclusive nation. Vietnam was engaged in a decades long war that did not end until 1975 and India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were only emerging from Colonial rule. Good luck.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 02:27 PM
We have a 30 year stagnation/decline in income for the vast majority of American families. Wealth is being accumulated by a rapidly decreasing number of households. The technology revolution increased productivity and eliminated jobs. The introduction of Asian low wage competition further accelerated the loss of what were once livable wage occupations. The export of jobs to Mexico and eventually Asia ...even Mexico couldn't match the low wages offered by Asia.....put enormous pressure on wages in the US. Executive pay increased as from 50 x average employee wage to 300 x average employee wage. 400 families now control more wealth than 50% of the population combined. It's the nature of the game. Anyone ever play Monopoly. How many winners in a Monopoly game. It's been a few years...I think one. To accelerate the transfer of wealth the winners get to write the rules and when necessary rewrite the rules. The outcome is inevitable. For years Mexico was dismissed as a closed and undemocratic society due the concentration of wealth and the lack of jobs......welcome to Mexico North. Chinese wages average slightly below $3 per hour and as they approach $3 we now find mfgs moving production to even lower cost Asian nations. The textile industry in Pakistan, Vietnam, and Bangladesh...$38 per surprise we don't make underwear in the US. This is our competition and unless we see a rapid increase in Asian wages we won't see a reversal in the downward trend in US compensation. China losing jobs because of HIGH We benefited in the 50's and 60's from a world that was recovering from WWII. Europe had been bombed into rubble....when I visited East Germany in 1970 there was still damage from WWII. Japan had been bombed into an ash heap.....and China was still a reclusive nation. Vietnam was engaged in a decades long war that did not end until 1975 and India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were only emerging from Colonial rule. Good luck. Originally Posted by lostincypress
outsourcing 101

American workers bite the dust, corporations reap record profits, and pay their execs huge bonus money ... it'll take more than luck to reverse that.
Captain. My statement is correct. Just Google it. Enough web pages have researched this and found it to be true. I am answering on cell phone and cannot provide a link but will tonight. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Total wealth of 50% of us households = 1.61 trillion. Total wealth of richest 400 families according to Forbes magazine 1.53 trillion. This from Forbes magazine. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Your earlier statement, to which you referred above:

Under Bush the richest 400 families owned 25% of all wealth. By the time he left off they owned 50% of all wealth. Originally Posted by BigLouie completely wrong.

For a brief explanation, see post #23:

If you still wish to express disagreement, please try reading each post again, and try pausing for just a moment to think about each statement this time. Then the erroneousness of your first post will become clear to you.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-01-2013, 04:15 PM
It's called the free market capitalism economic system. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Wrong answer.

But thanks for trying.

Here's a hint. If nobody was poorer than you, then you'd be one of the poor. That's pretty much how your free market capitalist economic system works.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We have a 30 year stagnation/decline in income for the vast majority of American families. Wealth is being accumulated by a rapidly decreasing number of households. The technology revolution increased productivity and eliminated jobs. The introduction of Asian low wage competition further accelerated the loss of what were once livable wage occupations. The export of jobs to Mexico and eventually Asia ...even Mexico couldn't match the low wages offered by Asia.....put enormous pressure on wages in the US. Executive pay increased from 50 x average employee wage to 300 x average employee wage. 400 families now control more wealth than 50% of the population combined. It's the nature of the game. Anyone ever play Monopoly. How many winners in a Monopoly game. It's been a few years...I think one. To accelerate the transfer of wealth the winners get to write the rules and when necessary rewrite the rules. The outcome is inevitable. For years Mexico was dismissed as a closed and undemocratic society due the concentration of wealth and the lack of jobs......welcome to Mexico North. Chinese wages average slightly below $3 per hour and as they approach $3 we now find mfgs moving production to even lower cost Asian nations. The textile industry in Pakistan, Vietnam, and Bangladesh...$38 per surprise we don't make underwear in the US. This is our competition and unless we see a rapid increase in Asian wages we won't see a reversal in the downward trend in US compensation. China losing jobs because of HIGH We benefited in the 50's and 60's from a world that was recovering from WWII. Europe had been bombed into rubble....when I visited East Germany in 1970 there was still damage from WWII. Japan had been bombed into an ash heap.....and China was still a reclusive nation. Vietnam was engaged in a decades long war that did not end until 1975 and India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were only emerging from Colonial rule. Good luck. Originally Posted by lostincypress
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what is happening.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 04:48 PM
and the mass exodus of outsourcing jobs took place on a Republican presidents watch ... after three sets of tax cuts that were supposed to create jobs was signed into legislation ..

and that ladies and gents IS what happened ..

in alphabetical order .. (drum roll please)

thank you President Bush.
lostincypress's Avatar
To demonstrate the competitive nature of the global economy and the rapidly changing environment corporations operate in one only has to harken back to the Solyndra bankruptcy. Solyndra had experienced executives from some of the largest technology companies in the world. Solyndra had large investors including a government backed loan and the Waltons...Walmart....a very conservative family. Well, it was a great idea based on past pricing on solar panels....but, along comes the Chinese dumping panels on the market driving the prices down.....guess who the newest casualty of the price decline in panels.............why yes,one of the largest Chinese solar panel mfg declared bk this year. What goes around comes around.