Why Do People Who Say It Is Never OK To Lie Support Obama?

So, InZanybore, it's OK for the government to lie to us, is that right? How is it possible to maintain a representative government when we allow, tolerate, and even reward politicians who lie to us? I will even help you and AssupLiar with the answer: WE CAN'T! It is not possible. We are not a free country if we allow our leaders to lie to us. The Constitution cannot, and has not, withstand the assault of dishonest leaders. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Some lies have to and should be told due to National security. You cannot overplay your hand on a global scale. It's sad that you guys don't understand life in a more progressive manner. You're so steeped in this old traditionalist mindset and don't see the real or big picture. I see it I understand. Of course we don't want them lying to us for routine stuff and things pertaining to the economy but some things I'm perfectly ok with the lies. I would lie to in certain situations if I was president.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Some lies have to and should be told due to National security. You cannot overplay your hand on a global scale. It's sad that you guys don't understand life in a more progressive manner. You're so steeped in this old traditionalist mindset and don't see the real or big picture. I see it I understand. Of course we don't want them lying to us for routine stuff and things pertaining to the economy but some things I'm perfectly ok with the lies. I would lie to in certain situations if I was president. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
But your boy Odumbo "#Grubered" the likes of you, zany, and was elected on a platform of "Hope and CHANGE" with the promise of transparency. How's that CHANGE working for ya, zany?
But your boy Odumbo "#Grubered" the likes of you, zany, and was elected on a platform of "Hope and CHANGE" with the promise of transparency. How's that CHANGE working for ya, zany? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Working out well for me. In fact he saved us from Bushs fuck up. The stock market recovered, the auto industry is thriving, property values are on the rise, more people have healthcare, unemployment is lower than when he took office, crime is on the decline, immigration is being dealt with, and you are still free to waste time on a hooker site even with the black- dictator- emperor- communist- in chief in office. Whweew i said a lot. ;-)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Working out well for me. In fact he saved us from Bushs fuck up. The stock market recovered, the auto industry is thriving, property values are on the rise, more people have healthcare, unemployment is lower than when he took office, crime is on the decline, immigration is being dealt with, and you are still free to waste time on a hooker site even with the black- dictator- emperor- communist- in chief in office. Whweew i said a lot. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You've been "#Grubered" silly, zany, but this should disabuse you of some of your more ignorant notions:

• Under Odumbo .... unemployment for blacks aged 16 to 19 grew from 35.3 to 36.8 percent.

• Odumbo’s somewhat more sanguine unemployment numbers, such as they are, seem less about job growth and more about people simply abandoning the workforce — whereupon they conveniently exit the unemployment rate. The more revealing labor-force-participation rate thus fell from 65.7 percent in January 2009 to 62.8 percent last month, a portrait of disengagement last witnessed in March 1978. For black adults, that number slipped from 63.2 to 60.9 percent. While 29.6 percent of blacks aged 16 to 19 were working when Odumbo took power, only 27.9 percent were employed last month.

• Poverty has increased under Odumbo. Overall, 14.3 percent of Americans were below the poverty line in January 2009, versus 15.0 percent in 2012, according to the latest available data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. Similarly, the share of black Americans living in poverty expanded from 25.8 to 27.2 percent.

• Inflation-adjusted median household income fell across America, from $53,285 in 2009 to $51,017 in 2012, the most recent Census Bureau data indicate. Blacks slid, too, from $34,880 to $33,321 — and at a much lower income level.

• America’s population of food-stamp recipients soared overall from 32,889,000 in 2009 to 46,022,000 in 2012, the latest Agriculture Department statistics show. For blacks, the analogous numbers are 7,393,000 when Obama arrived to 10,955,000 in 2012.

• In spite of $275 billion in housing-market bailouts that Obama unveiled in his first month in office, home ownership actually has waned. In the first quarter of 2009, 67.3 percent of Americans owned homes. By 1Q 2014, that Census Bureau figure was 64.8 percent. Meanwhile, black home ownership during this interval sagged from 46.1 to 43.3 percent.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
So says the cut and paste of THE NATIONAL REVIEW!

What? No citations from Glenn Beck? Breitbart? Westboro Baptist Church?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Some lies have to and should be told due to National security. You cannot overplay your hand on a global scale. It's sad that you guys don't understand life in a more progressive manner. You're so steeped in this old traditionalist mindset and don't see the real or big picture. I see it I understand. Of course we don't want them lying to us for routine stuff and things pertaining to the economy but some things I'm perfectly ok with the lies. I would lie to in certain situations if I was president. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'm not talking about national security, InZanybore. You know that. I'm talking about the lies used to pass legislation, the lies used to manipulate the CBO, and similar lies. Quit deflecting, and tell us how we can have a government "of the people" when our leaders lie to us to get us to support people and policies we might not otherwise support if we knew the truth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not talking about national security, InZanybore. You know that. I'm talking about the lies used to pass legislation, the lies used to manipulate the CBO, and similar lies. Quit deflecting, and tell us how we can have a government "of the people" when our leaders lie to us to get us to support people and policies we might not otherwise support if we knew the truth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OK, what is your solution? Is the sky still falling, yes or no?

answer the question, you lying sack of shep dip.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
AssupLiar, please, let the adults hold a discussion.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Some lies have to and should be told due to National security. You cannot overplay your hand on a global scale. It's sad that you guys don't understand life in a more progressive manner. You're so steeped in this old traditionalist mindset and don't see the real or big picture. I see it I understand. Of course we don't want them lying to us for routine stuff and things pertaining to the economy but some things I'm perfectly ok with the lies. I would lie to in certain situations if I was president. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The contortions they will go through to defend this liar-in-chief.

The contortions they will go through to defend this liar-in-chief.

Amazing! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It's not about Obama it's about any President's right to exclude information or flat out lie in the name of National Security including George Bush.

I wished I could have supported Bush but he lied to get us into war and it cost the lives of thousands of soldiers for no real reason and destabilized the middle east. The Iraq war was a personal vendetta not a National Security issue and it made Iran stronger as they previously feared Saddam. The cherry on top was the crashing of the US economy and it's for these reasons Bush will go down as the worst president in history.
It's not about Obama it's about any President's right to exclude information or flat out lie in the name of National Security including George Bush.

I wished I could have supported Bush but he lied to get us into war and it cost the lives of thousands of soldiers for no real reason and destabilized the middle east. The Iraq war was a personal vendetta not a National Security issue and it made Iran stronger as they previously feared Saddam. The cherry on top was the crashing of the US economy and it's for these reasons Bush will go down as the worst president in history. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
in the pantheon of quotes of distinction, this is worthy of consideration when the topic of the top five Kool-Aid quotes of all time comes up
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why are you avoiding my question, InZanybore?