If Democrat Elections Aren't Rigged, Then Why Can Dem Superdelegates Vote However They Want?

May have a republican bent. Lol.

I have to give it to you, you’ve presented this several times about voter fraud and out of hundreds of millions of votes we’re talking 100s of cases over years. That’s what’s got republicans up in arms. Typical stupidity.

And your perspective that “I don’t think that’s what republicans do” is at least interesting. Republicans absolutely try to make voting more difficult and it’s always a claim of making voting secure, to solve a non-existent problem. Republicans closing polling places, provide fewer machines and continuously move to shorten voting periods. None of those things make voting more secure.

I’ll let you remain intentionally ill informed like Salty and the rest of the nutty right.
  • Tiny
  • 09-22-2023, 08:54 PM
May have a republican bent. Lol.

I have to give it to you, you’ve presented this several times about voter fraud and out of hundreds of millions of votes we’re talking 100s of cases over years. That’s what’s got republicans up in arms. Typical stupidity.

And your perspective that “I don’t think that’s what republicans do” is at least interesting. Republicans absolutely try to make voting more difficult and it’s always a claim of making voting secure, to solve a non-existent problem. Republicans closing polling places, provide fewer machines and continuously move to shorten voting periods. None of those things make voting more secure.

I’ll let you remain intentionally ill informed like Salty and the rest of the nutty right. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Well. You hurt me. My self esteem is suffering. I'm going to go back a page and "like" my post. That will make me feel better.

I really don't understand your problem with secure voting measures that may make it marginally more difficult to vote for some. Like I said, and as you should know, Democrats are a lot more fired up, and likelier than Republicans to go out of their way to vote.

Actually, I do understand why you would probably like to make mail in voting easier, now that Trump has convinced some of the party faithful that their votes won't count if they're mailed.

Edit: To whoever gave me the 2nd like, thanks! I'm feeling better already!
Approved by the secretary of those states as valid Sound about right?! Originally Posted by eyecu2
Nope Could not care less how states run their elections. The people who live in California have to suffer the consequences of voting for State and Local politicians but they only get 55 Electoral votes to influence a presidential elections
Democrats are immensely smarter than Republicans. Just look who the republicans put up in 2020.

After Doing Some Research, Democrat Superdelegates can and do override their voters. This is just to "make sure the most electable candidate gets nominated." The DNC does not trust it's voters to make the right decision, hence the existence of autonomous superdelegates. RFK junior has been complaining lately that he would have to win 80% of all the states to win against all the Biden voting superdelegates.

By contrast, the GOP superdelegates DO NOT have the freedom to vote however they please. In 2012 the RNC mandated that GOP superdelegates MUST reflect the will of the people in their states.



There is no doubt which party respects, honors, and reflects the will of their voters. Originally Posted by HoHound
... VOTER ID... ... It's the American way!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Ummmm . . .

In 2020, the Republicans nominated the guy who bet Hillery Clinton in 2016 then closed the southern border, and fostered conditions for a beneficial economic environment for just about every sector of our society.

That President Trump is not someone I'd like to see in charge of my Home Owner's Association is not the point.
He did neither of those things in actuality. The economy followed the same trend throughout the Obama administration, Trump benefited from Obama economic policies. And Obama deported more folks than Trump without terror tactics aimed at separating families and such. Republicans rewrite history to fit their narrative and ignore facts, as you’re doing right now.
He did neither of those things in actuality. The economy followed the same trend throughout the Obama administration, Trump benefited from Obama economic policies. And Obama deported more folks than Trump without terror tactics aimed at separating families and such. Republicans rewrite history to fit their narrative and ignore facts, as you’re doing right now. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Might be a bit of truth in what you claim.

As I agree that Trump is benefiting from Biden's
economic policy - as The Wash Post/ABC News poll
surely has TRUMP leading by TEN Points!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
He did neither of those things in actuality. The economy followed the same trend throughout the Obama administration, Trump benefited from Obama economic policies. And Obama deported more folks than Trump without terror tactics aimed at separating families and such. Republicans rewrite history to fit their narrative and ignore facts, as you’re doing right now. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
While we can quibble over some of this stuff, the facts are that under President Biden the economy is in the shitter. Prices have gone up faster than wages. Well yes you can quibble over this or that statistic, but gas is still at, near or over $4 a gallon and a trip you McDonalds for a family of four can be fifty bucks today. No one can afford the mortgage to buy a house.

None of those markers are going back down whatever statistic is cited.

The unflex of foreign-born folks, whatever you want to call them, is exceeding the Nation's ability to absorb them; just ask the mayors of New Yok Chicago and Eagle Pass. That did not happen tinder President Trump.

Violent crime and mob rule is through the roof. And it is not NRA members wantonly shooting each other every weekend in Chicago or any othe major city.

Are you better off today then you we4re . . .even during the hysteria of the pandemic?

For most of the 50% to 80% oof us, that answer is of course not. . . . .and he primary reason in my view is President Biden and those who pulling his strings.
ICU 812's Avatar
Full disclosure: Everyone in my family tree came to the USA at some time after 1900. They all had whatever paperwork was needed at the time of their entry and all were scresned through Ellis EIsland.

The adults I grew up with had non-midwestern accents, many had European accents. The food I grew up eating was not what you would call mainstream Iowa meat-and-pottos cuisine.

That someone is "not from here" is not the issue for me.