I am surprised that you would try this. P
You need to remember the senate race in Kansas a couple of years ago. An unknown nearly took out a long term incumbent in the primary and another unknown almost did the same in the general as a fake third party candidate.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
'Try" what? Quoting Cruz back to himself? I heard Cruz popping off about how 70% of the voters in Texas didn't want Trump as President. I thought what he was saying is silly at best, and utter bullshit. Same applies to Kansas......even more since Cruz is from Texas where the only reason he won his Senate seat was a low turnout.
About 40 years a go an appellate judge I knew then was running for the Texas Supreme Court and a "Don Yarbrough" (a well known name in Texas politics) ran against him, and IMO most of the voters thought they were voting for the "real" Don Yarbrough and he won in the Dems primary! He was unseated, but it spoiled the election and foiled the judge's opportunity, who was an excellent appellate judge BTW).
The bottom line is for me: I don't give a shit who gets to beat Hillarious as long as the person beats her. None of them running look like two term material. The recent "food fight" and "slim sling" going on is disgusting and "disappointing" to say the least. Reminded me of this forum.