Did the DNC pay Donald Trump to run for president and then faceplant at the finish line to ensure a win?

Uncle_Tony's Avatar
Liberals are a greater threat to this country than ISIS.

I've never met a liberal that I didn't find to be a sniveling, cowardly, wimpy, tree hugging, Kuumbaya humming, open bordered, detriment to the American way of life.

But then again, Trump is representing my party, so "What the fuck do I know?"

We are so doomed!!!
NatalieRaine's Avatar
TexTushHog's Avatar
Starting off with a million dollar loan from dad is a pretty good start.

As much as Trump is showing that he's a bigoted idiot, what he's really good at is being a showman, which is how he is able to keep marketing his brand and getting investors to buy in.

In this particular case, his investors are the white Republican voters who either hate Clinton or are happy to finally see an outlet for the things they were thinking, but couldn't publicly voice until now.

To be fair, there's also a portion of the US population who is in that demographic (lower-middle class, no college education) that are bleeding jobs that will never come back to the US. As other economies of the world have developed, we are simply no longer in the position where we can have middle income manufacturing jobs that require no education and still remain competitive in the world market. Either we'd have to pay our workers lower wages (which they won't want) to keep those jobs in the US, or we need to educate those workers and make them viable for jobs higher up the chain.

So, I can understand how those workers, who are seeing their job opportunities dwindling, but have no avenue to turn to (due to lack of education), would want to vote for Trump in hopes that burning the system down is better than the current system (which is what we would likely get more of under Clinton). Originally Posted by jbravo_123
The problem with burning the system down is that the low education crowd is even worse off than they were before. At least now, there is a slight bipartisan consensus that those displaced by free trade and globalization deserve a weak safety net to catch them. With Trump and the crazy train Republicans in ascendancy, there will be an shattering of what little safety net programs we have and an acceleration of jobs away from these people. Fools, all.
Liberals are a greater threat to this country than ISIS.

I've never met a liberal that I didn't find to be a sniveling, cowardly, wimpy, tree hugging, Kuumbaya humming, open bordered, detriment to the American way of life.

But then again, Trump is representing my party, so "What the fuck do I know?"

We are so doomed!!! Originally Posted by Uncle_Tony
I approve of this message.
I think he knows he's lost or losing as he is already starting to say "When this is over, I'm going back to a great life.." Etc
trump's "outsider" status just allowed him saying out loud what the grand ole party has been dog whistling for a while now. sounds like the reasonable faction of the party is just waking up to what their coded messages really sound like without the veneer of "political correctness", but it's too late imo - the dissonance coming from the party is the wheezing and death rattle of it's southern strategy from '60s. hopefully the party can reinvent itself with better leaders over the next 10 yrs.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The problem with burning the system down is that the low education crowd is even worse off than they were before. At least now, there is a slight bipartisan consensus that those displaced by free trade and globalization deserve a weak safety net to catch them. With Trump and the crazy train Republicans in ascendancy, there will be an shattering of what little safety net programs we have and an acceleration of jobs away from these people. Fools, all. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah - I don't agree with their reasoning or decision, but I am just saying I can understand it. Fear is a big motivator and the Republicans have been pretty good at tapping into that (fear of losing your jobs, fear of being religiously persecuted, fear of having your guns taken away, etc.).

IIRC, caucasians in the US are projected to no longer be the majority (compared to all the other races combined) by the end of this decade, so there's an element of fear of change there as well.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I think he knows he's lost or losing as he is already starting to say "When this is over, I'm going back to a great life.." Etc Originally Posted by Maggie_May
Yeah, honestly, losing isn't a big deal to him since he's already rich. It's like when Mitt Romney lost - he just goes back to his regular life. To be fair, if you made that much money, there's really little incentive to do something as stressful as being President except for ego / just to see if you can do it, etc.
  • grean
  • 08-15-2016, 01:46 PM
Liberals are a greater threat to this country than ISIS.

I've never met a liberal that I didn't find to be a sniveling, cowardly, wimpy, tree hugging, Kuumbaya humming, open bordered, detriment to the American way of life.

But then again, Trump is representing my party, so "What the fuck do I know?"

We are so doomed!!! Originally Posted by Uncle_Tony

I kinda want Trump to win....

Not really, because his Presidency will signal the beginning of the apocalypse and life as we know it will be over. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

But I just want to be able to say "Told you so...." to all the people who support that fucking asshole.
Funny, I know some liberals that love their country, stand 6'2" weigh 220 lbs, won MVP defensive player of the year on a state championship team, and won the Dallas Golden Gloves heavyweight title. You would not talk your broadbrush bullshit in his presence, I can promise you that.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yeah - I don't agree with their reasoning or decision, but I am just saying I can understand it. Fear is a big motivator and the Republicans have been pretty good at tapping into that (fear of losing your jobs, fear of being religiously persecuted, fear of having your guns taken away, etc.).

IIRC, caucasians in the US are projected to no longer be the majority (compared to all the other races combined) by the end of this decade, so there's an element of fear of change there as well. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
And I can't wait. I hope blacks and Hispanics treat them just a badly as white folks have treated them the last 400 years. It would serve their sorry ass right. Sad that I'd be lumped in with them, but it that's what it takes to get justice, so be it.
Sandsailor's Avatar
Reported today: Trump asked NBC if he could continue to do his reality show "Apprentice" while a candidate for POTUS, they replied "no, we'd have to provide equal time to the other candidates," but OK from the Oval Office it would be doable. Now with the polls showing an unlikely win, his new campaign manager is also reportedly setting up a 'channel' for a Fox like info feed for Trumpeters. Virtually assured another TV/Cable feature with Trump takes on the world, politics, etc., which would fit with his self interests and true focus on how to make money form the notoriety if nothing else is accrued from the campaign. I don't think he ever imagined he would get this far, but it does make the probability of his getting some kind of continuing and more frequent presence on TV.