Provider Committment!

But, back to subject.......there seems to be a lot of NCNSing going on. I don't know the whole story, but from what I've seen on the board lately......the ladies (in general) need to step up their game and start running this as a business or else their clients will go elsewhere.

There's no reason for a NCNS on either sides with the exception of death, accident, hospital or family members who don't know about your life showing up unannounced. Originally Posted by MsElena

A simple text/email/call would be sufficent in my eyes if someone has had a change in mind/plans or if anyhting came up. Just going mute and not answering or responding isnt and shouldnt ever be the case. That would solve half of our discussions.
KenMonk's Avatar
The issues with lots of guys and providers is they are scared to be honest with the hobbyist, and its not entirely the ladies fault. Some guys get all butt hurt when a lady doesn't want to see them and they net stalk them and contact them wanting to know why etc.

Holdng grudges is unhealthy, plain and simple and if a provider says they don't want to see you, why get super angry about it? Just move on and see it as her loss. I may ask why, I may even say i hope we can still at least be civil and maybe even friends, but lots of guys take it right to the ego and whine about it.

I am not defending her actions because clearly being honest should be the way to go it just doesn't happen due to the few fucking it up for the many, which is the way it always works.
If a lady can't be honest when not wanting to see a client and she's going to NCNS him, that lady deserves the guys ragging on her on the boards or in reviews.

I tell guys all the time that I don't think we'd be a good fit. I've had guys get upset, but 95% of the time the guys are nice about it and move on. Now, I also tell the guy that I think maybe this provider or that provider might be a better fit for him too.

Its HOW you tell the guy, its all in the wording.
bp6570's Avatar
The issues with lots of guys and providers is they are scared to be honest with the hobbyist, and its not entirely the ladies fault. Some guys get all butt hurt when a lady doesn't want to see them and they net stalk them and contact them wanting to know why etc.

Holdng grudges is unhealthy, plain and simple and if a provider says they don't want to see you, why get super angry about it? Just move on and see it as her loss. I may ask why, I may even say i hope we can still at least be civil and maybe even friends, but lots of guys take it right to the ego and whine about it.

I am not defending her actions because clearly being honest should be the way to go it just doesn't happen due to the few fucking it up for the many, which is the way it always works. Originally Posted by KenMonk
it sounds like she doesn't say anything & that is where the problem lies. I think each of these instances would've been UTR if she had enough respect for them to call & say "sorry but...." & they would've moved on.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm going to massage the mod shortly, regarding this situation
Xoxo Originally Posted by Bristol
Fix it for ya. May work faster.
KenMonk's Avatar
it sounds like she doesn't say anything & that is where the problem lies. I think each of these instances would've been UTR if she had enough respect for them to call & say "sorry but...." & they would've moved on. Originally Posted by bp6570
I'm talking about why some ladies do a nc/ns. I have heard of ladies doing it in the past and that is the reason why they don't call guys. It may sound like i am defending the provider, i'm not, there is no excuse for it in my opinion, but that doesn't mean there isn't a reason for it. I was simply trying to convey the reason behind it.
But, that's just it.....there is no reason for it. I'm a provider and I'm saying that. Read my previous posts.
malwoody's Avatar
The issues with lots of guys and providers is they are scared to be honest with the hobbyist, and its not entirely the ladies fault. Some guys get all butt hurt when a lady doesn't want to see them and they net stalk them and contact them wanting to know why etc.

Holdng grudges is unhealthy, plain and simple and if a provider says they don't want to see you, why get super angry about it? Just move on and see it as her loss. I may ask why, I may even say i hope we can still at least be civil and maybe even friends, but lots of guys take it right to the ego and whine about it.

I am not defending her actions because clearly being honest should be the way to go it just doesn't happen due to the few fucking it up for the many, which is the way it always works. Originally Posted by KenMonk
KenMonk's Avatar
There is always a reason...

None of us may like it, but its always there.
pyramider's Avatar
If a lady can't be honest when not wanting to see a client and she's going to NCNS him, that lady deserves the guys ragging on her on the boards or in reviews.

I tell guys all the time that I don't think we'd be a good fit. I've had guys get upset, but 95% of the time the guys are nice about it and move on. Now, I also tell the guy that I think maybe this provider or that provider might be a better fit for him too.

Its HOW you tell the guy, its all in the wording. Originally Posted by MsElena

Yeah, we are sensitive souls.
Bristal's Avatar
Neither agreeing or disagreeing........ I think while on the topic of if I am a "reputable provider" maybe we should just include everyone. *Do you know the number of very well known and respected providers and hobbiest that message me at the first sign of my name being mentioned ANYWHERE on the Internet? What about hobbiest and providers that are well known that admit to me they have or would have BBFS? *The list can go on and the names could flow............ (and I'm not referring to my typical white night guys and BFF providers)

But that is not me! *I think my silence and "submissive" attitude to this board and the hobby in general is being takin as a weakness. *I stand behind every decision I have ever made, I just choose to not discuss my decisions online. *95% or more of my income and clientele do not come from the board. *This is the place I "play", I flirt, meet fun providers, and occasionally meet nice reliable hobbiest. *Why would I feel the need to defend myself against strangers I don't care about, just because some guy gets butt hurt. *I'm sorry, just because you have a wallet full of cash does not mean I'll see you. *I'm not an equal opportunity provider. *If you piss me off or annoy me, I'm not going to see you, I demand respect. *If you have an issue with my attitude, don't see me. You think my rates are too high? Don't call. *I make money, have fun, and do what I want with my body, my business,
and my life. *There has been a lot of "haters" lately towards a few providers and hobbiests. *Here's the deal, if you treat me well then I will treat you well. *Money is not the biggest issue with me, it is stress. *If you stress me out before our meeting, I'm not going to see you. *I have never once gotten mad at a client for canceling, being late, or rescheduling. *When I do this, I get a post dedicated to me.

I think it boils down to EGO. *You had an escort tell you she would not see you for any rate, and it pisses you off. *It's really easy to trash someone when your nameless and faceless on the Internet.

See me or don't see me. *Your not hurting me or my income by talking shit. 2 people know the truth in any situation and both of them have emotion to skew the facts.

CryptKicker's Avatar
Respect goes both ways. If a provider agrees to see a hobbyist and then decides not to, they at least owe the hobbyist the decency of a text or a call to advise that they choose not to see them. Allowing the hobbyist to get to the agreed upon place of meeting and then ignoring their texts is just rude.

Not saying that you have or have not done this but several hobbyist are of the opinion that you have. You have every rignt not to see one of us. But do us the favor of telling us up front or at least as soon as you know you will not make the appointment. You would expect no less from us.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 04-22-2012, 03:55 PM
No shit Crypt, exactly! Bristol, you demand respect but don't bother respecting some of the hobbyist time by a ncns. It doesn't work that way babe. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be. That is simple common sense and decency.
Bristal's Avatar
Respect goes both ways. If a provider agrees to see a hobbyist and then decides not to, they at least owe the hobbyist the decency of a text or a call to advise that they choose not to see them. Allowing the hobbyist to get to the agreed upon place of meeting and then ignoring their texts is just rude.

Not saying that you have or have not done this but several hobbyist are of the opinion that you have. You have every rignt not to see one of us. But do us the favor of telling us up front or at least as soon as you know you will not make the appointment. You would expect no less from us. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Sorry, I wasn't 100% clear. My phone typing isn't easy . My 2 sides to the story comment was in reference to the NC/NS.
Bristal's Avatar
This my understanding: I cannot post or share pm's, cannot cut/paste and post emails, and cannot post texts? Even if I remove real name and stuff.