What are your two biggest provider problems?

MrMarriott's Avatar
1) Sessions with porn star lighting in the room.
2) (I'll think of another one later...)
Brass Balls's Avatar
False advertising.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-03-2015, 04:38 PM
1. My lack of enough funds to see them all
2. They have all been so nice you wanna go back for seconds when there are "firsts" out there to see.
1. Professionalism - Communication, clarity, punctuality, and for fucks sake when it is time to suit up know where the condom is then running around for the lube and by the time you are ready I went limp with annoyance - get organized.

2. HYGIENE - Clean after every session or before our session, every orifice, your armpits, shave your legs.
Skout's Avatar
  • Skout
  • 01-03-2015, 05:15 PM
  1. The attitude that GFE is a list of activities rather than an atmosphere.
  2. The rush to accomplish those activities and forgo the illusion of intimate companionship.
Chung Tran's Avatar
1. her left breast

2. her right breast

depending on how you define "biggest" and "problems"..
1. A provider who decides we are done. MSOG or not nothing is worse than a provider who after the first shot of a hour appointment stops and gets dressed or gets in the shower. My favorite providers are the ones who stay engaged right up to when you head out the door. Love to get that last kiss and grab on way out the door. But very few do this.

2. Provider ads. No picture in the ad or the pics are old don't show their tits as or belly. Rate and menu missing. I know I could go to their showcase. But that is just one more mouse click.
Too much talk and a fundamental disregard for the primary mission.
  • fryec
  • 01-03-2015, 08:41 PM
1. Not responding to a request in a timely fashion.

2. Not available when I have time to hobby.
I think this is a great thread.

As a smoker, I do the paranoid "hair up" when I smoke, then brush teeth, mouth wash & gargle, then germex & wash then lotion my hands.

Once I didn't do it well enough and was horribly embarrassed. (Washing my hands)

I'm starting to switch to a vape, but I'm not quite there yet.
OldGrump's Avatar
1. Pricing themselves out of my range before I can get around to seeing them.

2. Not sitting around and waiting for me to call before they raise their prices.

Seriously, there are some great ladies here. I have had no disappointing sessions.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
1. Not delivering as promised, ripping off clients, wasting unnecessary time

2. Managing their own finances
  • EZ.
  • 01-03-2015, 10:20 PM
There are actually more than just two big problems, but the two that stand out to me are:

2). Personal hygiene - I have encountered so many providers who I have set an appointment with in plenty of time, sometimes days in advance, so they can be freshly showered, clean and fresh smelling, but when I arrive to their incall, it would appear as if the last guy they saw left 5 minutes prior to me walking up or they have been out running errands all day and got back 15 minutes before our session with their clothes and hair wreaking of smoke, and the smell of body odor (under arms and especially between legs). Originally Posted by davidfree986
The amount of time that it took me to get to her incall, is the length of time since I showered. I ran into that during the ASPD days and I did post a negative review.

One of the current flavors of the month, has two negative reviews concerning Hygiene (both out of town). She is pretty but I wouldn't see her if it was free.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Great thread, I must say.

While there is no one or two great issues I have, I believe almost all the ones mentioned have come into play at some point.

1. Illusion of Passion. Ladies, if you do this one right, half the work is literally already done. This starts with how you look when we arrive. If you're looking all delicious, wearing negligees and teddies like we're about to get in the bed, or even a shirt and panties or that short skirt that your mom WOULD NOT let you wear (the "I KNOW you don't think you wearing THAT!" skirt...yeah, that one ). Shorts are OK, too. Whatever you look hot in, use it, even some of the stuff you take pictures in.

Hygiene is part of the illusion, too. That 'smell good' stuff you be wearing. Please put it on (not too much, though), AFTER you shower. Wipes don't always do the trick. Don't forget to wash your tits, too. I don't want to taste the previous guy's breath on your boobs. Yes, that has happened before.

You don't have to totally undress yourself. I LOOOOOVE to pull panties down over a phat, round ass. Let me see if my bra unclipping skills are still up to par. Let me feel you up a bit, too. This gets me warmed up and going, admiring the body that you're showing off in your showcase. A little bit of groping and kissing and caressing goes a long way.

The Subtleties of Girly-ness goes a long way, too. It doesn't hurt to have an excuse to walk away from me for a second so I can watch your physical form in that lil bitty skirt. It's OK to be a damsel or to be a little flirty. Intimate contact. I love that shit.

That was a long #1.

2. NBA's. What's up with these new crop of NBA girls. Geez. Awhile back, NBA girls used to be like, well, if you catch me in a good mood, I may be inclined to let you come see me. It was all about keeping the REAL riffraff out. Now, these girls are NBA...FOR REAL! There's no catching them in a good mood, no 'sneaking you in just this one time'. You black? No can do. Can I jack off to your pics? NO! Mine!! Use other girl pics!! (OK, I just threw that in. I don't jack off to pics anymore...too much free porn for that). But wow. There's no give with the NBA's, which is a bit surprising. These girls are well trained. Come on, NBA's. Lighten up. It's only sex.

3. Newbie girl with high rates and rates in general. I get it that ladies can charge whatever they want. That said, if you don't even have a showcase yet, how can you justify rates north of $250? If you're not MSOG, why in the hell are your rates north of $250? If your pics are old, why the hell are your rates north of $250? For those that haven't noticed, $250 is about my point of cruciality, where I make a hobby decision on whether or not to see you. I can sneak up to $300, but you better be fucking hot as hell and fuck out of this world (at my age, I probably won't need you to fuck out of this world, but it should be optional). Before you call me cheap, please consider that we all have budgets.

Let's see Hot girl at $225, or hot girl at $300?? Hello, hot girl at $225!!

4. Do you work out? You don't have to be a fitness freak, but damn. I do like them a bit athletic. I like curviness. Being a little lean is OK (I said a LITTLE lean. 2% body fat on a woman is NOT cute). Exercise. Take care of your bodies. It's your money maker. It's like regular oil changes and tire rotations on your car. These 30 minute exercise DVDs can do the trick in your living room. Couple times a week. Minimal McDonald's (no more than a couple times a month) and more water. If your urine stinks, you probably eat too much junk.

It's worth it, ladies. I'm trying to lose weight myself. It's hard, but do it anyway. Try.

We like hot girls in this business. If we wanted women who let themselves go, we'd just go hang out at a bar near closing time.

This is all I can think of for now.
I have listed the TOP two problems with providers IMO in my earlier post in this thread, and as also said there are many more that are quite bad, so here is a list of a few others:

3. If you are going to advertise, be available, or at least contact your inquiries back in a timely manner to let them know something.

4. Bragging about how great she is and then provides a mediocre, if that good, of a session, aka being all talk and no action. Ladies, your session is only as good as the particular hobbyist that is paying for that session thinks it is. Sick your WKs on guys who give you bad reviews, but reviews are opinions not facts and if the opinion of the hobbyist paying is that he had a bad time, then he has every right to let others know w/o repercussion. Guys, if you depend HEAVILY upon reviews of providers, especially new WW girls, in order to make your mind to see her, you may want to rethink your screening process.

5. Saying how good looking your are, but you have no face/full body, scantily dressed pics to back it up. Other guys may say how pretty you are, but that is their opinion, I want to see for myself.

6. When a provider places an ad or preferably, its in her showcase, what HER full menu is, if she has this or that policy and to make it clear that she is MSOG or a one shot, one hour whichever cums first girl.

7. Providers with the attitude and service that getting a guy to cum is all that is required in a session, in other words, the get a guy in, on, off and out girls. It is not about the destination of numbers, but the journey of intimate companionship and making a guy feel glad he is a man to get there. If you are that jaded, guys are nothing but wallets and you do not know how to provide at least the IOP, then this business is not for you.

Yes, there are others, as posts on this thread have dictated, but the bottom line is be courteous, be friendly (not best friends), have a can/will do attitude to make sure the hobbyist is the one satisfied (within your comfortable limits of course) and be just as respectful (in all areas) as your client is to you. You never get a chance to make a first impression and so the providers who think they can do a non-chalant limited GFE session the first time they see a hobbyist and let them know that it gets better with repeat visits will not get a chance to prove that with me. It is one thing to get a first time client, anyone can make promises, but it is quite another to get the repeat visit(s) because she lived up to her word. How good a provider is and will be thought of in her skills is based not upon the number of clients she gets as a newbie or verified provider, but by how many multiple repeat visits she gets from the same clients on a continuous basis.