Did you whine and complain as much about the travelling "Piss Christ" exhibit being "hate speech"??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505Because a "Piss Christ exhibit" isn't what it was, you bumbling cunt-nugget.
It was an event to combat the negative perception of Islam that is being created by the terrorists and Jihadi's who disrespect their religion.
Here's an excerpt from one of their speakers:
"It is extremely important for the Muslim community to connect with our message. We cannot allow terrorists to run away with the merciful personality of Prophet Muhammad, that they are standing on his name. No. We Muslims in the world, 1.7 billion people, we don’t agree with that. ... At the same time, we’re wondering whether there are good neighbors in America who will stand up with people of other faiths for their right to practice their faith."
What they did was a noble thing. We need more muslims who stand up and advocate the peaceful face of their religion instead of the hateful ignorant one promoted by you and your half-wit brethren.
You've consistently proving yourself to be the biggest equivocating jack-ass on this entire forum. You make up bullshit and hope no one calls you out on it. It would work, except that everyone can see right through to the fucking idiot that you really are.