What Makes People Vote Republican?

Some 0zombies are starting to wake up...

LexusLover's Avatar
Some 0zombies are starting to wake up... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Naaaahhhhh. It's etched!

One can see it on here ..... the same mentality.

They actually believed Obaminable was going to lead them to a clean sweep:

The White House
The Senate
The House .....

Anyone who thought Obamacare was the "cure all" would fall for any bullshit.

Gruberized!!!! Obaminable gets a nice home, retirement, and plenty of golf on them.

He's now one of the "entitlement crowd"!
gfejunkie's Avatar
What makes people vote Republican?

Rogue_Gent's Avatar
What makes people vote Republican?

Obamas refusal to admit Christendom is at risk from radical Islam.

Hillary's statement that "The era of mass incarceration is over".

The use of the Justice Department to advance the BLM agenda.

The Democrat agenda to legalize illegal immigrants.

The Democrat refusal to even consider limits on immigration.

Hillary's promise of Federal government funding of abortion.

Trump's opposition to free trade.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
To stay on topic. Why do people vote Republican. the answer is simple, COMMON SENSE.
LexusLover's Avatar
To stay on topic. Why do people vote Republican. the answer is simple, COMMON SENSE. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
SissyChaps gets voting for the POTUS confused with voting for a Party.

But she's so simple-minded she can't figure out how to split votes.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When the Democrats rig their own primaryh to establish a candidate, when the candidate is not wanted by half of the Democrats, when the candidate is so flawed she does not know right from wrong or knows and does not caare, when the candidate is causght lying on numerous counts, when the candidate has committed criminal acts, when the candiate cheats people out of the charity they should have recieved, I could go on but that is generally enough what do you expect.
Add in the fact that she sold her position in the government to her and her partner's benefit, why would anyone in their right mind vote for Hillary.

Are Democrats so accustomed to their politicians being liars and cheats that that is what they not only want but expect. I suppose when you expect your candidates to steal form half of the population in order to give, some of that which they do not keep for themselves, to them, they will always vote for the Democrat.
I hope PIZZAGATE becomes front and center and take all the GLOBALISTS 0zombies down the shit hole that they worship...

LexusLover's Avatar
Are Democrats so accustomed to their politicians being liars and cheats that that is what they not only want but expect. I suppose when you expect your candidates to steal form half of the population in order to give, some of that which they do not keep for themselves, to them, they will always vote for the Democrat. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

IMO the Presidential election of 2016 was not about "Party" affiliation.

Don't forget the Sanders followers wanted to flush the insiders out of the system.
This is clearly a very biased article. Most liberal minded people I know and/or have met, have this never failing attitude of arrogance and condescension. As though me, stupid, poor little me, couldn't possibly know anything, including what's good for me. Well!!! Rolling my eyes! How very closed minded of you liberals! How can you not possibly see that simply... People are different. For whatever reason, we don't all think the same. Gasp! And I have a great theory as to why some people are liberal and others conservative. Now, this isn't steadfast, as, like I said everyone is different. Remember the election polls? Remember when it was said that more college educated people were voting Democrat? I don't think that's because they're smarter. I think that's because they've been indoctrinated into that way of thinking. And if anyone says I'm knocking higher education, stfu, because that's not what I'm saying.

On another note, there's a part of the article where the author wrote weird stories and asked for people's reactions. Conservatives think weird things are morally wrong, liberals don't. Ok, so it's wrong for us to be moral??? Yea, how horrible is that? And, Mr. Genius author, are you too arrogant to see that there are things morally wrong and then legally wrong? In other words, does it hurt your feelings if you think you're being judged? That's what it seems like he's really talking about. So maybe it should be illegal to have morals (sarcasm).
LexusLover's Avatar
Most liberal minded people I know and/or have met, have this never failing attitude of arrogance and condescension. Originally Posted by Evie Doll
I "assume" you are talking about "liberal" politics rather than "liberal" social values. If the former, just remember ...

the folks who got "Gruberized" were the political Liberals who wanted a "National Health Insurance Program" and bought their BS "lock, stock, and barrel"! The political Conservatives knew it was BS from the beginning.

Gruber was actually making fun of the Liberals.

As an aside the urgency of implementing the ACA (although it was done incriminately to avoid the current backlash before the 2012 elections) was Nancy Pelosi's interest in bailing out the California public employee medical/health care plan by providing an alternative. The existing plan was a first step to socialized medicine with quasi-governmental clinics using "boards" to determine if certain "treatments" or Rx's were "acceptable" to the program.

It's not the first time the Californians have needed "bailing out"! And it won't be the last.
To make it simple, conservatism is all about maintaining the status quo and traditional institutions of government in the social framework of things for the benefit of individual freedoms, whereas liberalism is all about changing the status quo and utilizing traditional institutions of government to revamp society for the common good. One is a party for the individualist and the other is a party for the people.
LexusLover's Avatar
To make it simple, conservatism is all about maintaining the status quo and traditional institutions of government in the social framework of things for the benefit of individual freedoms, whereas liberalism is all about changing the status quo and utilizing traditional institutions of government to revamp society for the common good. One is a party for the individualist and the other is a party for the people. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

"the people" are individuals.

In the context of the purpose of government, conservatism is a restrictive perspective that strictly construes laws as they are applied to the citizens, whereas liberalism loosely interprets the law to expand the role of government on the basis that the limited few in government know what's better for "the people" under government control.

Using your word choices and definition: Liberalism is ...

... those in government decide what is "good" for those affected by government action...

... because those liberals in power believe they know better.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Liberalism is insulting to everyone and liberals are so much into themselves they do not even know it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Liberalism is insulting to everyone and liberals are so much into themselves they do not even know it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That's why they start calling themselves "Progressives"!

Instead of "whores" ... "escorts"!