What is the definition of the word 'may'?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
What I like is how some of the members think mods are on the boards just waiting for somebody to make a post so we can jump to action immediately thereafter.
So who is the lazy assed mod that was not watching during their assigned time for threADs?
You know they will cut your pay and take away all of the free pussy for that.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
If Eccie was like Survivor, DJ would have been voted off the first week. Damn, I wish Eccie was like Survivor. Originally Posted by rwksl
Feel free to put me on ignore.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Your analogy relies on the fact that I break the same rule that I invoked when BL's thread got locked...

So DJ...when was the last time I posted a party announcement that didn't get locked? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Damn, do I have to dumb it down some more? I thought you guys in the rear echelon could at least read and comprehend.

Figure it out yourself, since you're supposedly so smart..

Sorry if it's over your head.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
We should all be grateful DJ is available to dumb things down.

Would referring to members as 'trained monkeys' be a violation of one or more of Guidelines #1 through #4?
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Question of the day?

If wakeup were walking down the road and came to a complete stop, how many places would your nose be broken?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Second, why are you on Eccie..?? Originally Posted by notanewbie
Well, I have as many actual reviews as wakeup, 2 dogs, chicagoboy, dearhunter, and a couple of others.

I guess I'm still here to see how long eccie administration sits on their asses while assholes run roughshod over other members with their bullying tactics.

Something as simple as not being allowed to use the word 'whore' in a demeaning way would be a great start.
Wakeup's Avatar
Still waiting on an answer there buddy...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
So who is the lazy assed mod that was not watching during their assigned time for threADs?
You know they will cut your pay and take away all of the free pussy for that. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
NOOOO!!! Not the free Mod pussy. That's cruel & unusual punishment.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
"May" ... I think it's the 5th month of the year.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Still waiting on an answer there buddy... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Buddy???................... thanks but no thanks.

You've told us many times how dumb you think members and 'whores' are, yet you can't figure this one out.

Apparently some of your lemming buddies don't have much faith in you either. The amount of help you're getting is admirable, yet they don't have faith that the great wakeup can hold his own. I guess they like you without respecting you. It happens.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
No DJ, that's not it AT ALL. You're just caught-up in a serious state of being angry as well as completely and entirely WRONG that you can't see straight, muchless be reasoned with. Which is something that brings more than a few chuckles to more than a few here, I assure you.



Wakeup's Avatar
That's what I thought...you're going to avoid it because you realize you're completely wrong...

Better luck next time there big guy...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
DJ are you a parasite as BP stated not too long ago?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
DJ are you a parasite as BP stated not too long ago? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
You know dude, you've made several smart ass replies to stuff I've posted over the years, and I've usually ignored you. Every now and then you tend to pile on and follow me on several threads. I still ignore you and this is one of the few times I even taken the time to acknowledge you. I've just really thought you weren't that important and I still don't.

If BP is blowpop, then I highly doubt he called me a parasite.

Hey wakeup, here's another 'man' who thinks you can't hold your own, so he crawls out of his hole and takes another cheap shot. You need to keep your lemmings in line.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
That's what I thought...you're going to avoid it because you realize you're completely wrong...

Better luck next time there big guy... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Nope, figure it out yourself, or have one of your lemmings figure it out for you and send you a PM. Saves face.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
How many eccie moderators have posted in this thread that are not Houston mods?


Pissed that I'm critical of the rules?

It's really very simple, but it's the board admin I'm critical of, not per se the Houston area moderators.

I felt that locking Big Louies thread didn't have to happen. It's something a lot of members look forward to and it causes good discussion.

I was upset that the biggest and most hateful bully on this site brought it into the open and it was locked right after his post.

Even though I realize this isn't religion.com, I sick and tired of wakeup getting away with almost anything he wants to get away with.

It's really very simple.

wakeup, your answer is somewhere in this post.