Now that Rocker Rick is back......

novacain's Avatar
Did anyone have 3 days??
I no sooner put him back on ignore again and he immediately gets himself banned for the umpteenth time.

So Bud how much are you willing to put down that yet another mysterious new handle pops up shortly with it's head planted firmly up the other two stooges asses?
Damn. I should have put money on that. I was gonna say three days.
budman33's Avatar
Well shit......
Does this mean the return of Pink Taco?
fun2come's Avatar
Does that mean things are back to "unnormal" again ?

Hard to tell the difference these days.

Yet the overall predictability has increased these days .... a little boring at times, but still a few good laughs once in a while, like this one in this thread.
Does this mean the return of Pink Taco? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
You read my mind.

Be careful what you say. "He" is keeping track.
Yeah, yeah, wind. Let's bet on when the handle will appear. We could all meet up somewhere (not a strip club) have a beer and ante up. I'm going to say ay Saturday around 10 pm or so.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Nope he's in the closet with you Originally Posted by rockerrick
Looks like you'll be missing him again. Sigh.

Some folks just never learn.
Whispers's Avatar
I no sooner put him back on ignore again and he immediately gets himself banned for the umpteenth time.

So Bud how much are you willing to put down that yet another mysterious new handle pops up shortly with it's head planted firmly up the other two stooges asses? Originally Posted by Windinhishair

You will probably see a lot of new handles as well as some new reviews shortly...... Maybe some honest No reviews for a change.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha managem'nt oughta cornsider puttin' a ree-volvin' door 'roundt ah-bout h'yar. Heck, make it coin-op'rated an' make a l'il moolah ta boot!
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 06-18-2015, 04:23 PM

This looks like the format RR used, but the join date is pretty old. Hmmmm...
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Nah, thet's anuther fella frum tha ASPD days whut changed his handle when he moved over.
budman33's Avatar
I don't really think Site admins/mods care about multiple handles. It's pretty trivial server administration to catch people. Everytime you visit any forum on the interwebs, your IP address, User Agent and OS is logged. Even if they posted from work or from home and had multiple IP addresses. It's pretty easy to catch people. Unless they only ever post from random wifi's around town. So either they know and don't care, simply don't care, or yea... my money's on they don't give a shit especially if your clicking on ads, and/or paying for premium access.

Maybe mods dont have that level of access but.... trivial exercise to find and punt multiple handle rule breakers... if they wanted to.
Precious_b's Avatar
All this talk of Bans. What of the OP of this thread? I guess this comment of his is mute.

Hopefully he will publicly tell us what he learned this time around.

Some would joke that he didn't pickup the tab at his latest luncheon with the site owners This is, of course, if he isn't pulling the fake message above the avatar again.