Indeed, it has been fun!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of President Bush's "mission accomplished" moment onboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when Bush proclaimed that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

Repeating known lies does not help your case.
So is Hillary going to blame the economic conditions on her predecessor Barack Obama? Or is she going back 8 years to blame GWB?

Or will she try, "16 years ago, the first time I was President, the economy was booming!"
LexusLover's Avatar
So is Hillary going to blame the economic conditions on her predecessor Barack Obama? Or is she going back 8 years to blame GWB?

Or will she try, "16 years ago, the first time I was President, the economy was booming!" Originally Posted by gnadfly
We have already seen a "preview" of her posturing on the subject of blame.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
That's the wonderful thing about HISTORY ... !!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Soon likely to be "HerStory"!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
So is Hillary going to blame the economic conditions on her predecessor Barack Obama? Or is she going back 8 years to blame GWB?

Or will she try, "16 years ago, the first time I was President, the economy was booming!"
We have already seen a "preview" of her posturing on the subject of blame. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How hypocritical can you ConTards/TeaTards (sorry, but I just couldn't resist a little name calling back atcha) be? You "blame" Carter for all the economic woes of the 1970's and LBJ for fucking up a great nation so those "others" (whichever others you don't like are aren't like you or aren't Americans) got rights and seniors were lifted out of poverty and many more got medical care, yet Bush is not even partially responsible for what happened under his watch. At a minimum, two botched wars, an unfunded mandate and a terrible recession. Oh, and huge government spending not to mention a surveillance state that violates all citizens rights and freedoms and may be the foundation for a police state of the future. You can't have it both ways and what happened happened. It isn't "blame" it is realism.

Obama is far from perfect but the Republicans have blocked many common sense measures to recover from that recession and put Americans back to work that they would have and did take under any Republican president. That is hypocrisy of the highest order when you say big government and stimulus spending (and wars) are OK under a Republican president, but folly and treason under a Democrat. Hell ObamaCare was RomneyCare in MA and Nixon called for universal healthcare in front of Congress in 1973! Nixon, Eisenhower, Lincoln and Reagan would all be called RINOs in today's Republican party and their policies would be considered treasonous today. Can you deny it (with any facts please)?

Of course if you win the Presidency in 2016 and the leadership of both houses of Congress you can just rewrite history so none of that is true anymore and Dems can be jailed for propagandizing it just like Russians and visitors can be jailed for "propagandizing" homosexuality (which is BTW a Western "disease" that doesn't exist in true Russian culture before its contamination with the west LOL).
LexusLover's Avatar
How hypocritical ........ etc........contamination with the west LOL). Originally Posted by austxjr
Gnad ..... I think this means she is going to blame Bush. I think.

I only made it thru the first paragraph. Another libtard with a reading comprehension problem and anger issues.

But to answer my own question the answer is b), c) and a Republican controlled HOR.
LexusLover's Avatar
But to answer my own question the answer is b), c) and a Republican controlled HOR. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That is a "problematic" entry in your government maintained interagency medical record, if you start answering your own questions .... as tempting and practical as it may seem.

On a side note: It is a breakthrough to have liberals finally admitting there are ... "death panels" ...

... even though they are disguised as "IRO's" in the ACA ...

IRO = independent review organization .... and they determine disputes between carriers and insureds ...
BTW, I am still willing to bet LL $5 Benjis that Obama's average 2nd term job approval numbers will be higher than Dub's, aka "The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern American History.".

Hmmm, I can't help but wonder if LL is willing to take the plunge? Originally Posted by bigtex
That is a "problematic" entry in your government maintained interagency medical record, if you start answering your own questions .... as tempting and practical as it may seem.

On a side note: It is a breakthrough to have liberals finally admitting there are ... "death panels" ...

... even though they are disguised as "IRO's" in the ACA ...

IRO = independent review organization .... and they determine disputes between carriers and insureds ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, do we have a bet? Or you just another "mouthy" wing-nut who is all talk and no action?
Or you just another "mouthy" wing-nut who is all talk and no action? Originally Posted by bigtex
Another "mouthy" wing-nut bites the dust!